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a build tool for compiling and bundling Vue single-file components
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import { Cmpt, Util } from "../dts/factory.d.ts";
const memoize = function () { const cache = {} as Cmpt.Container;
const memo: Util.MEMO = (label, current, storage) => { if (!storage) { throw new Error("storage input is required"); }
if (cache[label]) { scrubSearch(label, cache[label]); } else { scrubSearch(label, storage.root); }
cache[label] = current; };
return memo;}
const scrubSearch: Util.MEMO = function (label, component) { if (component.dependants) { component.dependants.scrub(label);
if (component.dependants.head) { scrubSearch(label, component.dependants.head); } } if (component.sibling) { scrubSearch(label, component.sibling); }};
export const preorderScrub = memoize();