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Language server protocol implementation for VSCode. This allows implementing language services in JS/TS running on Deno.
namespace TextDocument
import { TextDocument } from "";


Creates a new text document.

Updates a TextDocument by modifing its content.

interface TextDocument
import { type TextDocument } from "";

A simple text document. Not to be implemented. The document keeps the content as string.


uri: DocumentUri

The associated URI for this document. Most documents have the file-scheme, indicating that they represent files on disk. However, some documents may have other schemes indicating that they are not available on disk.

languageId: string

The identifier of the language associated with this document.

version: number

The version number of this document (it will increase after each change, including undo/redo).

lineCount: number

The number of lines in this document.


getText(range?: Range): string

Get the text of this document. A substring can be retrieved by providing a range.

positionAt(offset: number): Position

Converts a zero-based offset to a position.

offsetAt(position: Position): number

Converts the position to a zero-based offset. Invalid positions are adjusted as described in Position.line and Position.character.