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Language server protocol implementation for VSCode. This allows implementing language services in JS/TS running on Deno.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */"use strict";
/** * A tagging type for string properties that are actually URIs. */export type DocumentUri = string;
/** * Position in a text document expressed as zero-based line and character offset. * The offsets are based on a UTF-16 string representation. So a string of the form * `a𐐀b` the character offset of the character `a` is 0, the character offset of `𐐀` * is 1 and the character offset of b is 3 since `𐐀` is represented using two code * units in UTF-16. * * Positions are line end character agnostic. So you can not specify a position that * denotes `\r|\n` or `\n|` where `|` represents the character offset. */export interface Position { /** * Line position in a document (zero-based). * If a line number is greater than the number of lines in a document, it defaults back to the number of lines in the document. * If a line number is negative, it defaults to 0. */ line: number;
/** * Character offset on a line in a document (zero-based). Assuming that the line is * represented as a string, the `character` value represents the gap between the * `character` and `character + 1`. * * If the character value is greater than the line length it defaults back to the * line length. * If a line number is negative, it defaults to 0. */ character: number;}
/** * A range in a text document expressed as (zero-based) start and end positions. * * If you want to specify a range that contains a line including the line ending * character(s) then use an end position denoting the start of the next line. * For example: * ```ts * { * start: { line: 5, character: 23 } * end : { line 6, character : 0 } * } * ``` */export interface Range { /** * The range's start position */ start: Position;
/** * The range's end position. */ end: Position;}
/** * A text edit applicable to a text document. */export interface TextEdit { /** * The range of the text document to be manipulated. To insert * text into a document create a range where start === end. */ range: Range;
/** * The string to be inserted. For delete operations use an * empty string. */ newText: string;}
/** * An event describing a change to a text document. If range and rangeLength are omitted * the new text is considered to be the full content of the document. */export type TextDocumentContentChangeEvent = { /** * The range of the document that changed. */ range: Range;
/** * The optional length of the range that got replaced. * * @deprecated use range instead. */ rangeLength?: number;
/** * The new text for the provided range. */ text: string;} | { /** * The new text of the whole document. */ text: string;};
/** * A simple text document. Not to be implemented. The document keeps the content * as string. */export interface TextDocument { /** * The associated URI for this document. Most documents have the __file__-scheme, indicating that they * represent files on disk. However, some documents may have other schemes indicating that they are not * available on disk. * * @readonly */ readonly uri: DocumentUri;
/** * The identifier of the language associated with this document. * * @readonly */ readonly languageId: string;
/** * The version number of this document (it will increase after each * change, including undo/redo). * * @readonly */ readonly version: number;
/** * Get the text of this document. A substring can be retrieved by * providing a range. * * @param range (optional) An range within the document to return. * If no range is passed, the full content is returned. * Invalid range positions are adjusted as described in [Position.line](#Position.line) * and [Position.character](#Position.character). * If the start range position is greater than the end range position, * then the effect of getText is as if the two positions were swapped. * @return The text of this document or a substring of the text if a * range is provided. */ getText(range?: Range): string;
/** * Converts a zero-based offset to a position. * * @param offset A zero-based offset. * @return A valid [position](#Position). */ positionAt(offset: number): Position;
/** * Converts the position to a zero-based offset. * Invalid positions are adjusted as described in [Position.line](#Position.line) * and [Position.character](#Position.character). * * @param position A position. * @return A valid zero-based offset. */ offsetAt(position: Position): number;
/** * The number of lines in this document. * * @readonly */ readonly lineCount: number;}
class FullTextDocument implements TextDocument { private _uri: DocumentUri; private _languageId: string; private _version: number; private _content: string; private _lineOffsets: number[] | undefined;
public constructor( uri: DocumentUri, languageId: string, version: number, content: string, ) { this._uri = uri; this._languageId = languageId; this._version = version; this._content = content; this._lineOffsets = undefined; }
public get uri(): string { return this._uri; }
public get languageId(): string { return this._languageId; }
public get version(): number { return this._version; }
public getText(range?: Range): string { if (range) { const start = this.offsetAt(range.start); const end = this.offsetAt(range.end); return this._content.substring(start, end); } return this._content; }
public update( changes: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent[], version: number, ): void { for (let change of changes) { if (FullTextDocument.isIncremental(change)) { // makes sure start is before end const range = getWellformedRange(change.range);
// update content const startOffset = this.offsetAt(range.start); const endOffset = this.offsetAt(range.end); this._content = this._content.substring(0, startOffset) + change.text + this._content.substring(endOffset, this._content.length);
// update the offsets const startLine = Math.max(range.start.line, 0); const endLine = Math.max(range.end.line, 0); let lineOffsets = this._lineOffsets!; const addedLineOffsets = computeLineOffsets( change.text, false, startOffset, ); if (endLine - startLine === addedLineOffsets.length) { for (let i = 0, len = addedLineOffsets.length; i < len; i++) { lineOffsets[i + startLine + 1] = addedLineOffsets[i]; } } else { if (addedLineOffsets.length < 10000) { lineOffsets.splice( startLine + 1, endLine - startLine, ...addedLineOffsets, ); } else { // avoid too many arguments for splice this._lineOffsets = lineOffsets = lineOffsets.slice( 0, startLine + 1, ).concat(addedLineOffsets, lineOffsets.slice(endLine + 1)); } } const diff = change.text.length - (endOffset - startOffset); if (diff !== 0) { for ( let i = startLine + 1 + addedLineOffsets.length, len = lineOffsets.length; i < len; i++ ) { lineOffsets[i] = lineOffsets[i] + diff; } } } else if (FullTextDocument.isFull(change)) { this._content = change.text; this._lineOffsets = undefined; } else { throw new Error("Unknown change event received"); } } this._version = version; }
private getLineOffsets(): number[] { if (this._lineOffsets === undefined) { this._lineOffsets = computeLineOffsets(this._content, true); } return this._lineOffsets; }
public positionAt(offset: number): Position { offset = Math.max(Math.min(offset, this._content.length), 0);
let lineOffsets = this.getLineOffsets(); let low = 0, high = lineOffsets.length; if (high === 0) { return { line: 0, character: offset }; } while (low < high) { let mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2); if (lineOffsets[mid] > offset) { high = mid; } else { low = mid + 1; } } // low is the least x for which the line offset is larger than the current offset // or array.length if no line offset is larger than the current offset let line = low - 1; return { line, character: offset - lineOffsets[line] }; }
public offsetAt(position: Position) { let lineOffsets = this.getLineOffsets(); if (position.line >= lineOffsets.length) { return this._content.length; } else if (position.line < 0) { return 0; } let lineOffset = lineOffsets[position.line]; let nextLineOffset = (position.line + 1 < lineOffsets.length) ? lineOffsets[position.line + 1] : this._content.length; return Math.max( Math.min(lineOffset + position.character, nextLineOffset), lineOffset, ); }
public get lineCount() { return this.getLineOffsets().length; }
private static isIncremental( event: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent, ): event is { range: Range; rangeLength?: number; text: string } { let candidate: { range: Range; rangeLength?: number; text: string } = event as any; return candidate !== undefined && candidate !== null && typeof candidate.text === "string" && candidate.range !== undefined && (candidate.rangeLength === undefined || typeof candidate.rangeLength === "number"); }
private static isFull( event: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent, ): event is { text: string } { let candidate: { range?: Range; rangeLength?: number; text: string } = event as any; return candidate !== undefined && candidate !== null && typeof candidate.text === "string" && candidate.range === undefined && candidate.rangeLength === undefined; }}
export namespace TextDocument { /** * Creates a new text document. * * @param uri The document's uri. * @param languageId The document's language Id. * @param version The document's initial version number. * @param content The document's content. */ export function create( uri: DocumentUri, languageId: string, version: number, content: string, ): TextDocument { return new FullTextDocument(uri, languageId, version, content); }
/** * Updates a TextDocument by modifing its content. * * @param document the document to update. Only documents created by TextDocument.create are valid inputs. * @param changes the changes to apply to the document. * @returns The updated TextDocument. Note: That's the same document instance passed in as first parameter. * */ export function update( document: TextDocument, changes: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent[], version: number, ): TextDocument { if (document instanceof FullTextDocument) { document.update(changes, version); return document; } else { throw new Error( "TextDocument.update: document must be created by TextDocument.create", ); } }
export function applyEdits( document: TextDocument, edits: TextEdit[], ): string { let text = document.getText(); let sortedEdits = mergeSort(, (a, b) => { let diff = a.range.start.line - b.range.start.line; if (diff === 0) { return a.range.start.character - b.range.start.character; } return diff; }); let lastModifiedOffset = 0; const spans = []; for (const e of sortedEdits) { let startOffset = document.offsetAt(e.range.start); if (startOffset < lastModifiedOffset) { throw new Error("Overlapping edit"); } else if (startOffset > lastModifiedOffset) { spans.push(text.substring(lastModifiedOffset, startOffset)); } if (e.newText.length) { spans.push(e.newText); } lastModifiedOffset = document.offsetAt(e.range.end); } spans.push(text.substr(lastModifiedOffset)); return spans.join(""); }}
function mergeSort<T>(data: T[], compare: (a: T, b: T) => number): T[] { if (data.length <= 1) { // sorted return data; } const p = (data.length / 2) | 0; const left = data.slice(0, p); const right = data.slice(p);
mergeSort(left, compare); mergeSort(right, compare);
let leftIdx = 0; let rightIdx = 0; let i = 0; while (leftIdx < left.length && rightIdx < right.length) { let ret = compare(left[leftIdx], right[rightIdx]); if (ret <= 0) { // smaller_equal -> take left to preserve order data[i++] = left[leftIdx++]; } else { // greater -> take right data[i++] = right[rightIdx++]; } } while (leftIdx < left.length) { data[i++] = left[leftIdx++]; } while (rightIdx < right.length) { data[i++] = right[rightIdx++]; } return data;}
const enum CharCode { /** * The `\n` character. */ LineFeed = 10, /** * The `\r` character. */ CarriageReturn = 13,}
function computeLineOffsets( text: string, isAtLineStart: boolean, textOffset = 0,): number[] { const result: number[] = isAtLineStart ? [textOffset] : []; for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { let ch = text.charCodeAt(i); if (ch === CharCode.CarriageReturn || ch === CharCode.LineFeed) { if ( ch === CharCode.CarriageReturn && i + 1 < text.length && text.charCodeAt(i + 1) === CharCode.LineFeed ) { i++; } result.push(textOffset + i + 1); } } return result;}
function getWellformedRange(range: Range): Range { const start = range.start; const end = range.end; if ( start.line > end.line || (start.line === end.line && start.character > end.character) ) { return { start: end, end: start }; } return range;}
function getWellformedEdit(textEdit: TextEdit): TextEdit { const range = getWellformedRange(textEdit.range); if (range !== textEdit.range) { return { newText: textEdit.newText, range }; } return textEdit;}