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vue3_reactivity is forck by @vue/reactivity for deno.
enum PatchFlags
import { PatchFlags } from "";

Patch flags are optimization hints generated by the compiler. when a block with dynamicChildren is encountered during diff, the algorithm enters "optimized mode". In this mode, we know that the vdom is produced by a render function generated by the compiler, so the algorithm only needs to handle updates explicitly marked by these patch flags.

Patch flags can be combined using the | bitwise operator and can be checked using the & operator, e.g.

const flag = TEXT | CLASS
if (flag & TEXT) { ... }

Check the patchElement function in '../../runtime-core/src/renderer.ts' to see how the flags are handled during diff.



A special flag that indicates that the diffing algorithm should bail out of optimized mode. For example, on block fragments created by renderSlot() when encountering non-compiler generated slots (i.e. manually written render functions, which should always be fully diffed) OR manually cloneVNodes


Indicates an element with dynamic class binding.


Indicates a fragment that was created only because the user has placed comments at the root level of a template. This is a dev-only flag since comments are stripped in production.


Indicates a component with dynamic slots (e.g. slot that references a v-for iterated value, or dynamic slot names). Components with this flag are always force updated.


Indicates an element with props with dynamic keys. When keys change, a full diff is always needed to remove the old key. This flag is mutually exclusive with CLASS, STYLE and PROPS.


Indicates a hoisted static vnode. This is a hint for hydration to skip the entire sub tree since static content never needs to be updated.


Indicates an element with event listeners (which need to be attached during hydration)


Indicates a fragment with keyed or partially keyed children


Indicates an element that only needs non-props patching, e.g. ref or directives (onVnodeXXX hooks). since every patched vnode checks for refs and onVnodeXXX hooks, it simply marks the vnode so that a parent block will track it.


Indicates an element that has non-class/style dynamic props. Can also be on a component that has any dynamic props (includes class/style). when this flag is present, the vnode also has a dynamicProps array that contains the keys of the props that may change so the runtime can diff them faster (without having to worry about removed props)


Indicates a fragment whose children order doesn't change.


Indicates an element with dynamic style The compiler pre-compiles static string styles into static objects

  • detects and hoists inline static objects e.g. style="color: red" and :style="{ color: 'red' }" both get hoisted as:
const style = { color: 'red' }
render() { return e('div', { style }) }
TEXT = 1

Indicates an element with dynamic textContent (children fast path)


Indicates a fragment with unkeyed children.