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vue3_reactivity is forck by @vue/reactivity for deno.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any ban-typesimport { isObject, toRawType, def } from '../shared/index.ts'import { mutableHandlers, readonlyHandlers, shallowReactiveHandlers, shallowReadonlyHandlers} from './baseHandlers.ts'import { mutableCollectionHandlers, readonlyCollectionHandlers, shallowCollectionHandlers, shallowReadonlyCollectionHandlers} from './collectionHandlers.ts'import type { UnwrapRefSimple, Ref, RawSymbol } from './ref.ts'import { __DEV__ } from "../dev.ts";
export const enum ReactiveFlags { SKIP = '__v_skip', IS_REACTIVE = '__v_isReactive', IS_READONLY = '__v_isReadonly', IS_SHALLOW = '__v_isShallow', RAW = '__v_raw'}
export interface Target { [ReactiveFlags.SKIP]?: boolean [ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE]?: boolean [ReactiveFlags.IS_READONLY]?: boolean [ReactiveFlags.IS_SHALLOW]?: boolean [ReactiveFlags.RAW]?: any}
export const reactiveMap = new WeakMap<Target, any>()export const shallowReactiveMap = new WeakMap<Target, any>()export const readonlyMap = new WeakMap<Target, any>()export const shallowReadonlyMap = new WeakMap<Target, any>()
const enum TargetType { INVALID = 0, COMMON = 1, COLLECTION = 2}
function targetTypeMap(rawType: string) { switch (rawType) { case 'Object': case 'Array': return TargetType.COMMON case 'Map': case 'Set': case 'WeakMap': case 'WeakSet': return TargetType.COLLECTION default: return TargetType.INVALID }}
function getTargetType(value: Target) { return value[ReactiveFlags.SKIP] || !Object.isExtensible(value) ? TargetType.INVALID : targetTypeMap(toRawType(value))}
// only unwrap nested refexport type UnwrapNestedRefs<T> = T extends Ref ? T : UnwrapRefSimple<T>
/** * Creates a reactive copy of the original object. * * The reactive conversion is "deep"—it affects all nested properties. In the * ES2015 Proxy based implementation, the returned proxy is **not** equal to the * original object. It is recommended to work exclusively with the reactive * proxy and avoid relying on the original object. * * A reactive object also automatically unwraps refs contained in it, so you * don't need to use `.value` when accessing and mutating their value: * * ```js * const count = ref(0) * const obj = reactive({ * count * }) * * obj.count++ * obj.count // -> 1 * count.value // -> 1 * ``` */export function reactive<T extends object>(target: T): UnwrapNestedRefs<T>export function reactive(target: object) { // if trying to observe a readonly proxy, return the readonly version. if (isReadonly(target)) { return target } return createReactiveObject( target, false, mutableHandlers, mutableCollectionHandlers, reactiveMap )}
export declare const ShallowReactiveMarker: unique symbol
export type ShallowReactive<T> = T & { [ShallowReactiveMarker]?: true }
/** * Return a shallowly-reactive copy of the original object, where only the root * level properties are reactive. It also does not auto-unwrap refs (even at the * root level). */export function shallowReactive<T extends object>( target: T): ShallowReactive<T> { return createReactiveObject( target, false, shallowReactiveHandlers, shallowCollectionHandlers, shallowReactiveMap )}
type Primitive = string | number | boolean | bigint | symbol | undefined | nulltype Builtin = Primitive | Function | Date | Error | RegExpexport type DeepReadonly<T> = T extends Builtin ? T : T extends Map<infer K, infer V> ? ReadonlyMap<DeepReadonly<K>, DeepReadonly<V>> : T extends ReadonlyMap<infer K, infer V> ? ReadonlyMap<DeepReadonly<K>, DeepReadonly<V>> : T extends WeakMap<infer K, infer V> ? WeakMap<DeepReadonly<K>, DeepReadonly<V>> : T extends Set<infer U> ? ReadonlySet<DeepReadonly<U>> : T extends ReadonlySet<infer U> ? ReadonlySet<DeepReadonly<U>> : T extends WeakSet<infer U> ? WeakSet<DeepReadonly<U>> : T extends Promise<infer U> ? Promise<DeepReadonly<U>> : T extends Ref<infer U> ? Readonly<Ref<DeepReadonly<U>>> : T extends {} ? { readonly [K in keyof T]: DeepReadonly<T[K]> } : Readonly<T>
/** * Creates a readonly copy of the original object. Note the returned copy is not * made reactive, but `readonly` can be called on an already reactive object. */export function readonly<T extends object>( target: T): DeepReadonly<UnwrapNestedRefs<T>> { return createReactiveObject( target, true, readonlyHandlers, readonlyCollectionHandlers, readonlyMap )}
/** * Returns a reactive-copy of the original object, where only the root level * properties are readonly, and does NOT unwrap refs nor recursively convert * returned properties. * This is used for creating the props proxy object for stateful components. */export function shallowReadonly<T extends object>(target: T): Readonly<T> { return createReactiveObject( target, true, shallowReadonlyHandlers, shallowReadonlyCollectionHandlers, shallowReadonlyMap )}
function createReactiveObject( target: Target, isReadonly: boolean, baseHandlers: ProxyHandler<any>, collectionHandlers: ProxyHandler<any>, proxyMap: WeakMap<Target, any>) { if (!isObject(target)) { if (__DEV__) { console.warn(`value cannot be made reactive: ${String(target)}`) } return target } // target is already a Proxy, return it. // exception: calling readonly() on a reactive object if ( target[ReactiveFlags.RAW] && !(isReadonly && target[ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE]) ) { return target } // target already has corresponding Proxy const existingProxy = proxyMap.get(target) if (existingProxy) { return existingProxy } // only specific value types can be observed. const targetType = getTargetType(target) if (targetType === TargetType.INVALID) { return target } const proxy = new Proxy( target, targetType === TargetType.COLLECTION ? collectionHandlers : baseHandlers ) proxyMap.set(target, proxy) return proxy}
export function isReactive(value: unknown): boolean { if (isReadonly(value)) { return isReactive((value as Target)[ReactiveFlags.RAW]) } return !!(value && (value as Target)[ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE])}
export function isReadonly(value: unknown): boolean { return !!(value && (value as Target)[ReactiveFlags.IS_READONLY])}
export function isShallow(value: unknown): boolean { return !!(value && (value as Target)[ReactiveFlags.IS_SHALLOW])}
export function isProxy(value: unknown): boolean { return isReactive(value) || isReadonly(value)}
export function toRaw<T>(observed: T): T { const raw = observed && (observed as Target)[ReactiveFlags.RAW] return raw ? toRaw(raw) : observed}
export function markRaw<T extends object>( value: T): T & { [RawSymbol]?: true } { def(value, ReactiveFlags.SKIP, true) return value}
export const toReactive = <T extends unknown>(value: T): T => (isObject(value) ? reactive(value as any) : value) as unknown as T
export const toReadonly = <T extends unknown>(value: T): T => isObject(value) ? readonly(value as Record<any, any>) : value