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πŸŒ€ Minimal terminal spinner
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import { colors, tty } from "./deps.ts";
import spinners from "./spinners.ts";
import { symbols } from "./log_symbols.ts";
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
type ColorFunction = (message: string) => string;const colormap: { [key: string]: ColorFunction } = { black:, red:, green:, yellow: colors.yellow, blue:, magenta: colors.magenta, cyan: colors.cyan, white: colors.white, gray: colors.gray,};
export interface SpinnerAnimation { interval: number; frames: string[];}
export interface SpinnerOptions { text: string; prefix?: string; spinner?: string | SpinnerAnimation; color?: string | ColorFunction; hideCursor?: boolean; indent?: number; interval?: number; stream?: Deno.WriterSync & { rid: number }; enabled?: boolean; discardStdin?: boolean;}
export interface PersistOptions { prefix?: string; symbol?: string; text?: string;}
export function wait(opts: string | SpinnerOptions) { if (typeof opts === "string") { opts = { text: opts }; } return new Spinner({ text: opts.text, prefix: opts.prefix ?? "", color: opts.color ?? colors.cyan, spinner: opts.spinner ?? "dots", hideCursor: opts.hideCursor ?? true, indent: opts.indent ?? 0, interval: opts.interval ?? 100, stream: ?? Deno.stdout, enabled: true, discardStdin: true, });}
export class Spinner { #opts: Required<SpinnerOptions>;
isSpinning: boolean;
#stream: Deno.WriterSync & { rid: number }; indent: number; interval: number;
#id = 0;
#enabled: boolean; #frameIndex: number; #linesToClear: number; #linesCount: number;
constructor(opts: Required<SpinnerOptions>) { this.#opts = opts;
this.#stream =;
this.text = this.#opts.text; this.prefix = this.#opts.prefix;
this.color = this.#opts.color; this.spinner = this.#opts.spinner; this.indent = this.#opts.indent; this.interval = this.#opts.interval;
this.isSpinning = false; this.#frameIndex = 0; this.#linesToClear = 0; this.#linesCount = 1;
this.#enabled = typeof opts.enabled === "boolean" ? opts.enabled : tty.isInteractive(this.#stream);
if (opts.hideCursor) { addEventListener("unload", () => { tty.showCursorSync(this.#stream); }); } }
#spinner: SpinnerAnimation = spinners.dots; #color: ColorFunction = colors.cyan; #text = ""; #prefix = "";
set spinner(spin: string | SpinnerAnimation) { this.#frameIndex = 0; if (typeof spin === "string") this.#spinner = spinners[spin]; else this.#spinner = spin; }
get spinner() { return this.#spinner; }
set color(color: string | ColorFunction) { if (typeof color === "string") this.#color = colormap[color]; else this.#color = color; }
get color() { return this.#color; }
set text(value: string) { this.#text = value; this.updateLines(); }
get text() { return this.#text; } set prefix(value: string) { this.#prefix = value; this.updateLines(); }
get prefix() { return this.#prefix; }
private write(data: string) { this.#stream.writeSync(encoder.encode(data)); }
start(): Spinner { if (!this.#enabled) { if (this.text) { this.write(`- ${this.text}\n`); } return this; }
if (this.isSpinning) return this;
if (this.#opts.hideCursor) { tty.hideCursorSync(this.#stream); }
this.render(); this.#id = setInterval(this.render.bind(this), this.interval); return this; }
render(): void { this.clear(); this.write(`${this.frame()}\n`); this.updateLines(); this.#linesToClear = this.#linesCount; }
frame(): string { const { frames } = this.#spinner; let frame = frames[this.#frameIndex];
frame = this.#color(frame);
this.#frameIndex = ++this.#frameIndex % frames.length; const fullPrefixText = typeof this.prefix === "string" && this.prefix !== "" ? this.prefix + " " : ""; const fullText = typeof this.text === "string" ? " " + this.text : "";
return fullPrefixText + frame + fullText; }
clear(): void { if (!this.#enabled) return;
for (let i = 0; i < this.#linesToClear; i++) { tty.goUpSync(1, this.#stream); tty.clearLineSync(this.#stream); tty.goRightSync(this.indent - 1, this.#stream); }
this.#linesToClear = 0; }
updateLines(): void { let columns = 80;
try { //@ts-ignore TS2339 columns = Deno.consoleSize(this.#stream.rid)?.columns ?? columns; } catch { // Unstable APIs is not enabled, fallback to default }
const fullPrefixText = typeof this.prefix === "string" ? this.prefix + "-" : ""; this.#linesCount = tty .stripAnsi(fullPrefixText + "--" + this.text) .split("\n") .reduce((count, line) => { return count + Math.max(1, Math.ceil(tty.wcswidth(line) / columns)); }, 0); }
stop() { if (!this.#enabled) return; clearInterval(this.#id); this.#id = -1; this.#frameIndex = 0; this.clear(); if (this.#opts.hideCursor) { tty.showCursorSync(this.#stream); } }
stopAndPersist(options: PersistOptions = {}) { const prefix = options.prefix || this.prefix; const fullPrefix = typeof prefix === "string" && prefix !== "" ? prefix + " " : ""; const text = options.text || this.text; const fullText = typeof text === "string" ? " " + text : "";
this.stop(); // console.log(`${fullPrefix}${options.symbol || " "}${fullText}`); }
succeed(text?: string) { return this.stopAndPersist({ symbol: symbols.success, text }); }
fail(text?: string) { return this.stopAndPersist({ symbol: symbols.error, text }); }
warn(text?: string) { return this.stopAndPersist({ symbol: symbols.warning, text }); }
info(text?: string) { return this.stopAndPersist({ symbol:, text }); }}