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Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer
use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use http::HeaderValue;use once_cell::sync::Lazy;use virtual_net::VirtualNetworking;use wasmer_wasix::{ http::{HttpClient, WebHttpClient}, os::{TtyBridge, TtyOptions}, runtime::{ module_cache::ThreadLocalCache, package_loader::PackageLoader, resolver::{PackageSpecifier, PackageSummary, QueryError, Source, WapmSource}, }, VirtualTaskManager, WasiTtyState,};
use crate::{tasks::ThreadPool, utils::Error};
/// A weak reference to the global [`Runtime`].static GLOBAL_RUNTIME: Lazy<Mutex<Weak<Runtime>>> = Lazy::new(Mutex::default);
/// Runtime components used when running WebAssembly programs.#[derive(Clone, derivative::Derivative)]#[derivative(Debug)]pub struct Runtime { pool: ThreadPool, task_manager: Arc<dyn VirtualTaskManager>, networking: Arc<dyn VirtualNetworking>, source: Option<Arc<WapmSource>>, http_client: Arc<dyn HttpClient + Send + Sync>, package_loader: Arc<crate::package_loader::PackageLoader>, module_cache: Arc<ThreadLocalCache>, tty: TtyOptions, connected_to_tty: Arc<AtomicBool>,}
impl Runtime { /// Get a reference to the global runtime, if it has already been /// initialized. pub(crate) fn global() -> Option<Arc<Runtime>> { GLOBAL_RUNTIME.lock().ok()?.upgrade() }
/// Get a reference to the global runtime, initializing it if it hasn't /// already been. pub(crate) fn lazily_initialized() -> Result<Arc<Self>, Error> { match GLOBAL_RUNTIME.lock() { Ok(mut guard) => match guard.upgrade() { Some(rt) => Ok(rt), None => { tracing::debug!("Initializing the global runtime"); let rt = Arc::new(Runtime::with_defaults()?); *guard = Arc::downgrade(&rt);
Ok(rt) } }, Err(mut e) => { tracing::warn!("The global runtime lock was poisoned. Reinitializing.");
let rt = Arc::new(Runtime::with_defaults()?); **e.get_mut() = Arc::downgrade(&rt);
// FIXME: Use this when it becomes stable // GLOBAL_RUNTIME.clear_poison();
Ok(rt) } } }
pub(crate) fn with_defaults() -> Result<Self, Error> { let pool = ThreadPool::new(); let mut rt = Runtime::new(pool);
rt.set_registry(crate::DEFAULT_REGISTRY, None)?;
Ok(rt) }
pub(crate) fn new(pool: ThreadPool) -> Self { let task_manager = Arc::new(pool.clone());
let mut http_client = WebHttpClient::default(); http_client .with_default_header( http::header::USER_AGENT, HeaderValue::from_static(crate::USER_AGENT), ) .with_task_manager(task_manager.clone()); let http_client = Arc::new(http_client);
let module_cache = ThreadLocalCache::default(); let package_loader = crate::package_loader::PackageLoader::new(http_client.clone());
Runtime { pool, task_manager: Arc::new(task_manager), networking: Arc::new(virtual_net::UnsupportedVirtualNetworking::default()), source: None, http_client: Arc::new(http_client), package_loader: Arc::new(package_loader), module_cache: Arc::new(module_cache), tty: TtyOptions::default(), connected_to_tty: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)), } }
/// Set the registry that packages will be fetched from. pub fn set_registry(&mut self, url: &str, token: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), Error> { let url = url.parse().map_err(Error::from)?;
let mut source = WapmSource::new(url, self.http_client.clone()); if let Some(token) = token { source = source.with_auth_token(token); } self.source = Some(Arc::new(source));
Ok(()) }
/// Enable networking (i.e. TCP and UDP) via a gateway server. pub fn set_network_gateway(&mut self, gateway_url: String) { let networking = crate::net::connect_networking(gateway_url); self.networking = Arc::new(networking); }}
impl Runtime { pub(crate) fn tty_options(&self) -> &TtyOptions { &self.tty }
pub(crate) fn set_connected_to_tty(&self, state: bool) { self.connected_to_tty .store(state, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); }}
impl wasmer_wasix::runtime::Runtime for Runtime { fn networking(&self) -> &Arc<dyn VirtualNetworking> { &self.networking }
fn task_manager(&self) -> &Arc<dyn VirtualTaskManager> { &self.task_manager }
fn source(&self) -> Arc<dyn wasmer_wasix::runtime::resolver::Source + Send + Sync> { match &self.source { Some(wapm) => Arc::clone(wapm) as _, None => Arc::new(UnsupportedSource), } }
fn http_client(&self) -> Option<&wasmer_wasix::http::DynHttpClient> { Some(&self.http_client) }
fn package_loader(&self) -> Arc<dyn PackageLoader + Send + Sync> { self.package_loader.clone() }
fn module_cache( &self, ) -> Arc<dyn wasmer_wasix::runtime::module_cache::ModuleCache + Send + Sync> { self.module_cache.clone() }
fn load_module_sync(&self, wasm: &[u8]) -> Result<wasmer::Module, anyhow::Error> { let wasm = unsafe { js_sys::Uint8Array::view(wasm) }; let module = js_sys::WebAssembly::Module::new(&wasm).map_err(crate::utils::js_error)?; // Note: We need to use this From impl because it will use the // wasm-types-polyfill to parse the *.wasm file's import section. // // The browser doesn't give you any way to inspect the imports at the // moment, so without the polyfill we'll always assume the module wants // a minimum of 1 page of memory. This causes modules that want more // memory by default (e.g. sharrattj/bash) to fail with an instantiation // error. // // Ok(wasmer::Module::from((module, wasm.to_vec()))) }
fn tty(&self) -> Option<&(dyn wasmer_wasix::os::TtyBridge + Send + Sync)> { Some(self) }}
impl TtyBridge for Runtime { #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)] fn reset(&self) { self.tty.set_echo(true); self.tty.set_line_buffering(true); self.tty.set_line_feeds(true); self.set_connected_to_tty(false); }
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), ret)] fn tty_get(&self) -> WasiTtyState { let connected_to_tty = self .connected_to_tty .load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
WasiTtyState { cols: self.tty.cols(), rows: self.tty.rows(), width: 800, height: 600, stdin_tty: connected_to_tty, stdout_tty: connected_to_tty, stderr_tty: connected_to_tty, echo: self.tty.echo(), line_buffered: self.tty.line_buffering(), line_feeds: self.tty.line_feeds(), } }
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] fn tty_set(&self, tty_state: WasiTtyState) { self.tty.set_cols(tty_state.cols); self.tty.set_rows(tty_state.rows); self.tty.set_echo(tty_state.echo); self.tty.set_line_buffering(tty_state.line_buffered); self.tty.set_line_feeds(tty_state.line_feeds); self.set_connected_to_tty( tty_state.stdin_tty || tty_state.stdout_tty || tty_state.stderr_tty, ); }}
/// A [`Source`] that will always error out with [`QueryError::Unsupported`].#[derive(Debug, Clone)]struct UnsupportedSource;
#[async_trait::async_trait]impl Source for UnsupportedSource { async fn query(&self, _package: &PackageSpecifier) -> Result<Vec<PackageSummary>, QueryError> { Err(QueryError::Unsupported) }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test; use wasmer_wasix::{Runtime as _, WasiEnvBuilder};
use super::*;
pub(crate) const TRIVIAL_WAT: &[u8] = br#"( module (memory $memory 0) (export "memory" (memory $memory)) (func (export "_start") nop) )"#;
#[wasm_bindgen_test] async fn execute_a_trivial_module() { let runtime = Runtime::with_defaults().unwrap(); let module = runtime.load_module(TRIVIAL_WAT).await.unwrap();
WasiEnvBuilder::new("trivial") .runtime(Arc::new(runtime)) .run(module) .unwrap(); }}