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Build tool to use Rust code in Deno and the browser.
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { colors, ensureDir } from "../deps.ts";import { versions } from "../versions.ts";import { pathExists } from "../helpers.ts";
export async function runNewCommand() { await checkIfRequiredToolsExist();
if (await pathExists("./rs_lib")) { console.log( `${ colors.bold("Error")) } cannot scaffold new project because the rs_lib folder already exists.`, ); Deno.exit(1); }
console.log( `${colors.bold("Creating"))} rs_lib...`, );
if (!await pathExists("./Cargo.toml")) { await Deno.writeTextFile( "./Cargo.toml", `[workspace]resolver = "2"members = [ "rs_lib",]
[profile.release]codegen-units = 1incremental = truelto = trueopt-level = "z"`, ); } if (!await pathExists("./.rustfmt.toml")) { await Deno.writeTextFile( "./.rustfmt.toml", `max_width = 80tab_spaces = 2edition = "2021"`, ); }
let gitIgnoreText = await getFileTextIfExists("./.gitignore") ?? ""; if (!/^\/target$/m.test(gitIgnoreText)) { gitIgnoreText = gitIgnoreText.trim(); if (gitIgnoreText.length > 0) { gitIgnoreText = gitIgnoreText + "\n"; } gitIgnoreText += "/target\n"; await Deno.writeTextFile("./.gitignore", gitIgnoreText); }
await ensureDir("./rs_lib/src"); await Deno.writeTextFile( "./rs_lib/Cargo.toml", `[package]name = "rs_lib"version = "0.0.0"edition = "2021"
[lib]crate_type = ["cdylib"]
[dependencies]wasm-bindgen = "=${versions.wasmBindgen}"`, ); await Deno.writeTextFile( "./rs_lib/src/", `use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
#[wasm_bindgen]pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b}
#[wasm_bindgen]pub struct Greeter { name: String,}
#[wasm_bindgen]impl Greeter { #[wasm_bindgen(constructor)] pub fn new(name: String) -> Self { Self { name } }
pub fn greet(&self) -> String { format!("Hello {}!", }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::*;
#[test] fn it_adds() { let result = add(1, 2); assert_eq!(result, 3); }
#[test] fn it_greets() { let greeter = Greeter::new("world".into()); assert_eq!(greeter.greet(), "Hello world!"); }}`, ); if (!await pathExists("./mod.js")) { // use a .js file for the most compatibility out of the box (ex. browsers) await Deno.writeTextFile( "./mod.js", `import { instantiate } from "./lib/rs_lib.generated.js";
const { Greeter, add } = await instantiate();
// addsconsole.log(add(1, 1));
// greetsconst greeter = new Greeter("world");console.log(greeter.greet());`, ); } console.log("%cTo get started run:", "color:yellow"); console.log("deno task wasmbuild"); console.log("deno run mod.js");}
async function getFileTextIfExists(path: string) { try { return await Deno.readTextFile(path); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return undefined; } else { throw err; } }}
async function checkIfRequiredToolsExist() { const requiredTools = ["deno", "cargo", "rustup"]; const notInstalled: string[] = [];
for (const tool of requiredTools) { try { await new Deno.Command(tool, { args: ["--version"], // the current needed tools all have this arg stdout: "null", stderr: "null", }) .spawn() .status; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { notInstalled.push(tool); } } }
if (notInstalled.length > 0) { throw new Error( "Some required tools are missing: " + notInstalled.join(", "), ); }}