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A pure deno file watcher.
import { writeFile, remove, mkdir, writeFileSync, platform } from "deno";import watch from "../mod.ts";import { test, assertEqual } from "";import { inTmpDir, genFile, genDir, genLink, tree, inTmpDirs} from "random-files.ts";
function delay(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));}function assertChanges(changes, a, m, d) { try { assertEqual(changes.added.length, a); assertEqual(changes.modified.length, m); assertEqual(changes.deleted.length, d); } catch (e) { console.log("expected:", `${a} ${m} ${d}`); console.log("actual:", changes); throw e; }}test(async function Watch() { await inTmpDir(async tmpDir => { let changes = { added: [], modified: [], deleted: [] }; const end = watch(tmpDir).start(changes_ => { changes = changes_; }); try { const f = genFile(tmpDir); await delay(100); assertChanges(changes, 0, 0, 0); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 1, 0, 0); f.modify(); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 1, 0); f.remove(); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 0, 1); await remove(tmpDir); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 0, 1); await mkdir(tmpDir); genFile(tmpDir); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 1, 0, 0); } finally { await end(); } });});test(async function singleFile() { await inTmpDir(async tmpDir => { const f = genFile(tmpDir); let changes = { added: [], modified: [], deleted: [] }; const end = watch(f.path).start(changes_ => { changes = changes_; }); try { await delay(1000); f.modify(); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 1, 0); f.remove(); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 0, 1); writeFileSync(f.path, new Uint8Array()); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 1, 0, 0); } finally { await end(); } });});
if (platform.os !== "win") { test(async function Symlink() { await inTmpDirs(2, async ([tmpDir, anotherDir]) => { let changes = { added: [], modified: [], deleted: [] }; const end = watch(tmpDir, { followSymlink: true }).start(changes_ => { changes = changes_; }); try { { const f = genFile(anotherDir); const link = genLink(tmpDir, f.path); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 1, 0, 0); f.modify(); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 1, 0); } { const f = genFile(anotherDir); const link1 = genLink(anotherDir, f.path); const link2 = genLink(tmpDir, link1.path); const link3 = genLink(tmpDir, link2.path); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 1, 0, 0); f.modify(); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 1, 0); } { const dir = genDir(anotherDir); const f = genFile(dir.path); const link = genLink(tmpDir, f.path); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 1, 0, 0); f.modify(); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 1, 0); } } catch (e) { await tree(tmpDir); await tree(anotherDir); throw e; } finally { await end(); } }); });}
test(async function dotFiles() { await inTmpDir(async tmpDir => { let changes = { added: [], modified: [], deleted: [] }; const end = watch(tmpDir).start(changes_ => { changes = changes_; }); try { const f = genFile(tmpDir, { prefix: "." }); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 0, 0); if (platform.os !== "win") { const link = genLink(tmpDir, f.path); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 0, 0); } const dir = genDir(tmpDir, { prefix: "." }); genFile(dir.path); await delay(1200); assertChanges(changes, 0, 0, 0); f.remove(); dir.remove(); assertChanges(changes, 0, 0, 0); } finally { await end(); } });});
test(async function filter() { await inTmpDir(async tmpDir => { let result1 = []; const end1 = watch(tmpDir).start(changes => { result1 = result1.concat(changes.added); }); let result2 = []; const end2 = watch(tmpDir, { test: ".ts$" }).start(changes => { result2 = result2.concat(changes.added); }); let result3 = []; const end3 = watch(tmpDir, { ignore: ".ts$" }).start(changes => { result3 = result3.concat(changes.added); }); let result4 = []; const end4 = watch(tmpDir, { test: ".(ts|css)$", ignore: ".css$" }).start( changes => { result4 = result4.concat(changes.added); } ); try { genFile(tmpDir, { postfix: ".ts" }); genFile(tmpDir, { postfix: ".js" }); genFile(tmpDir, { postfix: ".css" }); await delay(1200); assertEqual(result1.length, 3); assertEqual(result2.length, 1); assertEqual(result3.length, 2); assertEqual(result4.length, 1); } finally { end1(); end2(); end3(); end4(); } });});
test(async function WatchByGenerator() { await inTmpDir(async tmpDir => { setTimeout(async () => { const f = genFile(tmpDir); }, 100); for await (const changes of watch(tmpDir)) { assertChanges(changes, 1, 0, 0); break; } });});
if (platform.os !== "win") { test(async function Benchmark() { await inTmpDir(async tmpDir => { const files = []; generateManyFiles(tmpDir, files); console.log(`generated ${files.length} files.`); const end = watch(tmpDir).start(result => { console.log( `took ${result.time}ms to traverse ${result.fileCount} files` ); }); try { console.log("[Add]"); for (let i = 0; i < 4000; i++) { await delay(1); let fileName = files[Math.floor(Math.random() * files.length)]; fileName = fileName + "-" + i; await writeFile(fileName, new Uint8Array(0)); files.push(fileName); } console.log("[Modify]"); for (let i = 0; i < 4000; i++) { await delay(1); await writeFile( files[Math.floor(Math.random() * files.length)], new Uint8Array(0) ); } console.log("[Delete]"); for (let i = 0; i < 4000; i++) { await delay(1); const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * files.length); const fileName = files[index]; if (fileName) { await remove(fileName); } files[index] = null; } } finally { await end(); } }); });}
const DEPTH = 7;const FILE_PER_DIR = 10;const DIR_PER_DIR = 3;function generateManyFiles(dir, files, depth = DEPTH) { if (depth <= 0) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < FILE_PER_DIR; i++) { try { const f = genFile(dir, { prefix: "f" }); files.push(f.path); } catch (e) { console.error("dir:", dir); console.error(e.message); } } for (let i = 0; i < DIR_PER_DIR; i++) { const d = genDir(dir, { prefix: "d" }); generateManyFiles(d.path, files, depth - 1); }}