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CLI tool for Website Carbon's API
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import { Args } from '../deps.ts';
/** Calculate the size of a @param number to a human-readable format. */export function calculateSize(number: number) { // Sizes in bytes const kB = 1024; const MB = kB * kB; const GB = MB * kB;
if (number > GB) { return `${getSizeString(number, GB)} GB`; } else if (number > MB) { return `${getSizeString(number, MB)} MB`; }
return `${getSizeString(number, kB)} kB`;}
function getSizeString(number: number, unit: number): string { return `${Number((number / unit).toFixed(1))}`;}
/** Calculate the energy of an @param amount to a human-readable format. */export function calculateEnergy(amount: number) { if (amount > 1) { return `${amount.toFixed(1)} kW /g`; }
return `${(amount * 1000).toFixed(1)} W /g`;}
/** Returns true if no argmuments are provided. */export function noArgs(flags: Args) { return Object.values(flags).every( (flag) => flag === false || flag === undefined || flag.length === 0, );}
/** Checks if an URL is valid, also checks URL is provided with HTTP(S). */export function isValidUrl(url: string) { // Checks if there is a period in case there is no TLD provided. if (!/\./.test(url)) { console.error( '%cDid you forget to provide a TLD?', 'color: white; background-color: red; font-weight: bold', ); return false; } try { if (!containsHttpString(url)) { url = `https://${url}`; } new URL(url); return true; } catch (_err) { console.error( '%cInvalid URL', 'color: white; background-color: red; font-weight: bold', ); return false; }}
/** Checks if string contains HTTP(S). */function containsHttpString(url: string) { return /(http|https)?:\/\/(\S+)/.test(url) ?? false;}
export function stripHttpString(url: string) { return containsHttpString(url) ? url.split('://')[1] : url;}
/** Slugify a string. Ex. `` becomes `example-org` */export function slugify(text: string) { return text .toString() // Cast to string (optional) .normalize('NFKD') // The normalize() using NFKD method returns the Unicode Normalization Form of a given string. .toLowerCase() // Convert the string to lowercase letters .trim() // Remove whitespace from both sides of a string (optional) .replace(/\./g, '-') // Replace spaces with - .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with - .replace(/\-\-+/g, '-'); // Replace multiple - with single -}
/** Get's URL for Website Carbon to see results based on provided @param url */export function getWebsiteCarbonUrl(url: string) { const shortUrl = stripHttpString(url); return `${slugify(shortUrl)}`;}