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旺店通Deno SDK


import { WdtUltimateClient, WdtUltimatePager } from "";

const client = new WdtUltimateClient({
    sid: "your_wdt_sid",
    appKey: "your_wdt_app_key",
    appSecret: "your_wdt_app_secret",
    apiUrl: "", // 不传默认为正式环境

await"sales.RawTrade.pushSelf", [{}, {}]);
await client.pageCall("setting.Shop.queryShop", new WdtUltimatePager(0, 10), {})
import { WdtQimenClient, WdtQimenPager } from "";

const client = new WdtQimenClient({
    customerId: "your_wdt_customer_id",
    appKey: "your_wdt_app_key",
    appSecret: "your_wdt_app_secret",
    qimenAppKey: "your_wdt_qimen_app_key",
    qimenAppSecret: "your_wdt_qimen_app_secret",
    qimenTargetAppKey: "your_wdt_qimen_target_app_key",
    url: "",

const request = new WdtQimenRequest("");
request.setPager(1, 10);
const { response: { status, data } } = await client.execute(request);
console.log(status, data);