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web_bson is a fork from mongodb/js-bson
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import { Long } from "./long.ts";
export type TimestampOverrides = | "toExtendedJSON" | "fromExtendedJSON" | "inspect" | "_bsontype";export type LongWithoutOverrides = new ( low: unknown, high?: number, unsigned?: boolean,) => { [P in Exclude<keyof Long, TimestampOverrides>]: Long[P];};/** @public */export const LongWithoutOverridesClass: LongWithoutOverrides = Long as unknown as LongWithoutOverrides;
export interface TimestampExtended { $timestamp: { t: number; i: number; };}
/** @public */export class Timestamp extends LongWithoutOverridesClass { _bsontype = "Timestamp"; static readonly MAX_VALUE = Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE;
constructor(); /** * @param value - A 64-bit Long representing the Timestamp. */ constructor(value: Long | Timestamp); /** * @param value - A pair of two values indicating timestamp and increment. */ constructor(value: { t: number; i: number }); constructor( value: Timestamp | Long | { t: number; i: number } = new Long(), ) { const isLong = Long.isLong(value); const isTimestamp = value instanceof Timestamp; const low = isLong ? value.low : isTimestamp ? value.low : value.i; const high = isLong ? value.high : isTimestamp ? value.high : value.t; super(low, high, true); }
toJSON(): { $timestamp: string } { return { $timestamp: this.toString(), }; }
/** Returns a Timestamp represented by the given (32-bit) integer value. */ static fromInt(value: number): Timestamp { return new Timestamp(Long.fromInt(value, true)); }
/** Returns a Timestamp representing the given number value, provided that it is a finite number. Otherwise, zero is returned. */ static fromNumber(value: number): Timestamp { return new Timestamp(Long.fromNumber(value, true)); }
/** * Returns a Timestamp for the given high and low bits. Each is assumed to use 32 bits. * * @param lowBits - the low 32-bits. * @param highBits - the high 32-bits. */ static fromBits(lowBits: number, highBits: number): Timestamp { return new Timestamp(new Long(lowBits, highBits)); }
/** * Returns a Timestamp from the given string, optionally using the given radix. * * @param str - the textual representation of the Timestamp. * @param optRadix - the radix in which the text is written. */ static fromString(str: string, optRadix: number): Timestamp { return new Timestamp(Long.fromString(str, true, optRadix)); }
/** @internal */ toExtendedJSON(): TimestampExtended { return { $timestamp: { t: this.high >>> 0, i: this.low >>> 0 } }; }
/** @internal */ static fromExtendedJSON(doc: TimestampExtended): Timestamp { return new Timestamp(doc.$timestamp); }
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")](): string { return `new Timestamp({ t: ${this.getHighBits()}, i: ${this.getLowBits()} })`; }}