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🌐 Deno bindings for webview, a tiny library for creating web-based desktop GUIs
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import { WebViewNew, WebViewNewParams, WebViewRun, WebViewLoop, WebViewExit, WebViewEval, WebViewSetColor, WebViewSetTitle, WebViewSetFullscreen,} from "./plugin.ts";
const DEFAULT_PARAMS: WebViewNewParams = { title: "webview_deno", url: "about:blank", width: 800, height: 600, resizable: true, debug: true, frameless: false,};
/** * The constructor parameters */export type WebViewParams = Partial<WebViewNewParams>;
/** * A rgb(a) color */export interface WebViewColor { r: number; g: number; b: number; a?: number;}
/** * A WebView instance */export class WebView { readonly #id: number = 0;
constructor(params: WebViewParams) { this.#id = WebViewNew({ ...DEFAULT_PARAMS, ...params }).id; }
/** * Runs the event loop to completion */ public async run() { await WebViewRun({ id: this.#id }); }
/** * Iterates the event loop and returns `false` if the the `WebView` has been closed */ public step(): boolean { return WebViewLoop({ id: this.#id, blocking: 1 }).code === 0; }
/** * Exits the `WebView` */ public exit() { WebViewExit({ id: this.#id }); }
/** * Evaluates the provided js code in the `WebView` */ public eval(js: string) { WebViewEval({ id: this.#id, js: js, }); }
/** * Sets the color of the title bar */ public setColor(color: WebViewColor) { WebViewSetColor({ id: this.#id, r: color.r, g: color.g, b: color.b, a: color.a ?? 1, }); }
/** * Sets the window title */ public setTitle(title: string) { WebViewSetTitle({ id: this.#id, title: title, }); }
/** * Enables or disables fullscreen */ public setFullscreen(fullscreen: boolean) { WebViewSetFullscreen({ id: this.#id, fullscreen: fullscreen, }); }}