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🌐 Deno bindings for webview, a tiny library for creating web-based desktop GUIs
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import { ensureDir } from "";
const decoder = new TextDecoder();const architectures = [["x86_64", "x86_64"], ["aarch64", "arm64"]] as const;
const ExitType = { Exit: "exit", Fail: "fail", Never: "never",} as const;type ExitType = typeof ExitType[keyof typeof ExitType];
const LogType = { Success: "success", Always: "always", Fail: "fail", Never: "never",} as const;type LogType = typeof LogType[keyof typeof LogType];
function indent(source: string, spaces = 2): string { return source.split("\n").map((line) => `${" ".repeat(spaces)}${line}\n`) .join("");}
async function spawn<T extends Deno.SpawnOptions>( cmd: string, { opts, exit, log }: { opts?: T; exit?: ExitType; log?: LogType } = {},): Promise<{ status: Deno.ChildStatus; stdout: string; stderr: string;}> { if (opts !== undefined) { opts.stdout = "piped"; opts.stderr = "piped"; }
exit ??= ExitType.Never; log ??= LogType.Always;
const result = await Deno.spawn(cmd, opts);
const stdout = decoder.decode(result.stdout!); const stderr = decoder.decode(result.stderr!);
if (result.success) { if (log !== "never") { console.log(`Successfully ran "${cmd} ${(opts?.args ?? []).join(" ")}"`); }
if (log === "success" || log === "always") { if (stdout.length !== 0) { console.log(`stdout:\n${indent(stdout)}`); } if (stderr.length !== 0) { console.log(`stderr:\n${indent(stderr)}`); } } } else { if (log !== "never") { console.log(`Failed run "${cmd}"`); }
if (log === "fail" || log === "always") { if (stdout.length !== 0) { console.log(`stdout:\n${indent(stdout)}`); } if (stderr.length !== 0) { console.log(`stderr:\n${indent(stderr)}`); } console.log(`status: ${result.code}`); }
if (exit === ExitType.Fail) { Deno.exit(result.code); } }
if (exit === ExitType.Exit) { Deno.exit(result.code); }
return { status: result, stdout, stderr, };}
await ensureDir("build");
switch ( { case "windows": { await spawn("script/build.bat", { exit: ExitType.Exit, }); break; }
case "darwin": { for (const [denoArch, gccArch] of architectures) { await spawn("c++", { opts: { exit: ExitType.Fail, args: [ "webview/", "-dynamiclib", "-fpic", "-DWEBVIEW_COCOA", "-std=c++11", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-pedantic", "-framework", "WebKit", "-arch", gccArch, "-o", `build/libwebview.${denoArch}.dylib`, ], }, }); } Deno.exit(0); break; }
case "linux": { const { stdout } = await spawn("pkg-config", { opts: { args: [ "--cflags", "--libs", "gtk+-3.0", "webkit2gtk-4.0", ], }, }); await spawn("c++", { opts: { exit: ExitType.Fail, args: [ "webview/", "-DWEBVIEW_GTK", "-shared", "-std=c++11", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-pedantic", "-fpic", ...stdout.trim().split(" "), "-o", "build/", ], }, }); Deno.exit(0); break; }}