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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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import { createConnection } from "";import { type Resource } from "./mod.ts";
/** * Establish MySQL connection using MySQL client for Deno: * * * IMPORTANT: make sure to close the connection with `.end()` * * @param db the MySQL resource to establish the connection for * * @returns MySQL database connection * * @example * ```ts * const conn = await mysqlClient(db); * await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pets (name varchar(255), kind varchar(255))'); * await conn.execute('INSERT INTO pets VALUES (?, ?)', ['behemot','cat']); * const [rows] = await conn.execute('SELECT * from pets'); * conn.end(); * console.log(rows); * ``` */export async function mysqlClient( db: Resource<"mysql">) { const conn = await createConnection(db); return conn;}
/** * Execute SQL query. For more info check: * * * @param db the MySQL resource to run sql query for * * @returns array with two items: rows and fields * * @example * ```ts * const kind = 'cat'; * const { rows } = await mySql(db)`SELECT * from pets WHERE kind = ${kind}`; * console.log(rows); * ``` */export function mySql( db: Resource<"mysql">, asObjects = false) { return async function execute( query: TemplateStringsArray, ...args: unknown[], ) { const conn = await mysqlClient(db); const adapter = getQueryAdapter(query, args); const [rows, fields] = await conn.execute(...adapter); conn.end(); return { rows: asObjects ? rows : getRowsAdapter(rows), fields }; }}
function getQueryAdapter(template: TemplateStringsArray, args: unknown[]) { const text = template.reduce((curr, next) => { return `${curr}?${next}`; }); return [text, args];}
function getRowsAdapter(rows: object[] | object) { if (!Array.isArray(rows)) { return rows; } return => Object.values(r))}