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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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class ScriptService
import { ScriptService } from "";

Static Methods

archiveScriptByHash(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; hash: string; }): CancelablePromise<Script>

archive script by hash

archiveScriptByPath(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<string>

archive script by path

createScript(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; requestBody: NewScript; }): CancelablePromise<string>

create script

deleteScriptByHash(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; hash: string; }): CancelablePromise<Script>

delete script by hash (erase content but keep hash, require admin)

deleteScriptByPath(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<string>

delete all scripts at a given path (require admin)

existsScriptByPath(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<boolean>

exists script by path

getHubScriptByPath(unnamed 0: { path: string; }): CancelablePromise<{ content: string; lockfile?: string; schema?: any; language: string; summary?: string; }>

get full hub script by path

getHubScriptContentByPath(unnamed 0: { path: string; }): CancelablePromise<string>

get hub script content by path

getScriptByHash(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; hash: string; }): CancelablePromise<Script>

get script by hash

getScriptByPath(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<Script>

get script by path

getScriptByPathWithDraft(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<NewScriptWithDraft>

get script by path with draft

getScriptDeploymentStatus(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; hash: string; }): CancelablePromise<{ lock?: string; lock_error_logs?: string; }>

get script deployment status

listHubScripts(): CancelablePromise<{ asks?: Array<{ id: number; ask_id: number; summary: string; app: string; approved: boolean; kind:
| "script"
| "failure"
| "trigger"
| "command"
| "approval"
; votes: number; views: number; }>; }>

list all available hub scripts

listScriptPaths(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; }): CancelablePromise<Array<string>>

list all available scripts paths

listScripts(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; page?: number; perPage?: number; orderDesc?: boolean; createdBy?: string; pathStart?: string; pathExact?: string; firstParentHash?: string; lastParentHash?: string; parentHash?: string; showArchived?: boolean; isTemplate?: boolean; kind?: string; starredOnly?: boolean; }): CancelablePromise<Array<Script>>

list all available scripts

rawScriptByHash(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<string>

raw script by hash

rawScriptByPath(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<string>

raw script by path

rawScriptByPathTokened(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; token: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<string>

raw script by path with a token (mostly used by lsp to be used with import maps to resolve scripts)