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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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interface HTMLScriptElement
implements HTMLElement
import { type HTMLScriptElement } from "";

HTML elements expose the HTMLScriptElement interface, which provides special properties and methods for manipulating the behavior and execution of elements (beyond the inherited HTMLElement interface).


async: boolean
charset: string
crossOrigin: string | null
defer: boolean

Sets or retrieves the status of the script.

event: string
htmlFor: string
integrity: string
noModule: boolean
referrerPolicy: string
src: string

Retrieves the URL to an external file that contains the source code or data.

text: string

Retrieves or sets the text of the object as a string.

type: string

Sets or retrieves the MIME type for the associated scripting engine.


addEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: HTMLScriptElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
): void
type: string,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
): void
removeEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: HTMLScriptElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions,
): void
type: string,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions,
): void