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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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class Collection
extends NodeBase
import { Collection } from "";


Collection(type: symbol, schema?: Schema)


anchor: string

An optional anchor on this node. Used by alias nodes.

flow: boolean

If true, stringify this and all child nodes using flow rather than block styles.

items: unknown[]
schema: Schema | undefined
[NODE_TYPE]: symbol


add(value: unknown): void

Adds a value to the collection.

addIn(path: Iterable<unknown>, value: unknown): void

Adds a value to the collection. For !!map and !!omap the value must be a Pair instance or a { key, value } object, which may not have a key that already exists in the map.

Create a copy of this collection.

delete(key: unknown): boolean

Removes a value from the collection.

deleteIn(path: Iterable<unknown>): boolean

Removes a value from the collection.

get(key: unknown, keepScalar?: boolean): unknown

Returns item at key, or undefined if not found. By default unwraps scalar values from their surrounding node; to disable set keepScalar to true (collections are always returned intact).

getIn(path: Iterable<unknown>, keepScalar?: boolean): unknown

Returns item at key, or undefined if not found. By default unwraps scalar values from their surrounding node; to disable set keepScalar to true (collections are always returned intact).

has(key: unknown): boolean

Checks if the collection includes a value with the key key.

hasAllNullValues(allowScalar?: boolean): boolean
hasIn(path: Iterable<unknown>): boolean

Checks if the collection includes a value with the key key.

set(key: unknown, value: unknown): void

Sets a value in this collection. For !!set, value needs to be a boolean to add/remove the item from the set.

setIn(path: Iterable<unknown>, value: unknown): void

Sets a value in this collection. For !!set, value needs to be a boolean to add/remove the item from the set.

Static Properties

maxFlowStringSingleLineLength: number