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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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class ScheduleService
import { ScheduleService } from "";

Static Methods

createSchedule(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; requestBody: NewSchedule; }): CancelablePromise<string>

create schedule

deleteSchedule(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<string>

delete schedule

existsSchedule(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<boolean>

does schedule exists

getSchedule(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; }): CancelablePromise<Schedule>

get schedule

listSchedules(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; page?: number; perPage?: number; args?: string; path?: string; isFlow?: boolean; pathStart?: string; }): CancelablePromise<Array<Schedule>>

list schedules

listSchedulesWithJobs(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; page?: number; perPage?: number; }): CancelablePromise<Array<ScheduleWJobs>>

list schedules with last 20 jobs

previewSchedule(unnamed 0: { requestBody: { schedule: string; timezone: string; }; }): CancelablePromise<Array<string>>

preview schedule

setDefaultErrorOrRecoveryHandler(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; requestBody: { handler_type: "error" | "recovery"; override_existing: boolean; path?: string; extra_args?: any; number_of_occurence?: number; number_of_occurence_exact?: boolean; workspace_handler_muted?: boolean; }; }): CancelablePromise<any>

Set default error or recoevery handler

setScheduleEnabled(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; requestBody: { enabled: boolean; }; }): CancelablePromise<string>

set enabled schedule

updateSchedule(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; requestBody: EditSchedule; }): CancelablePromise<string>

update schedule