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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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interface CanvasRenderingContext2D
implements CanvasCompositing, CanvasDrawImage, CanvasDrawPath, CanvasFillStrokeStyles, CanvasFilters, CanvasImageData, CanvasImageSmoothing, CanvasPath, CanvasPathDrawingStyles, CanvasRect, CanvasShadowStyles, CanvasState, CanvasText, CanvasTextDrawingStyles, CanvasTransform, CanvasUserInterface
import { type CanvasRenderingContext2D } from "";

The CanvasRenderingContext2D interface, part of the Canvas API, provides the 2D rendering context for the drawing surface of a element. It is used for drawing shapes, text, images, and other objects.


canvas: HTMLCanvasElement