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Windmill deno client (separated from the main repo because most of the code is auto-generated from the openapi and not worth committing)
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interface AudioTrackList
implements EventTarget
import { type AudioTrackList } from "";

Used to represent a list of the audio tracks contained within a given HTML media element, with each track represented by a separate AudioTrack object in the list.


length: number
onaddtrack: ((this: AudioTrackList, ev: TrackEvent) => any) | null
onchange: ((this: AudioTrackList, ev: Event) => any) | null
onremovetrack: ((this: AudioTrackList, ev: TrackEvent) => any) | null


getTrackById(id: string): AudioTrack | null
item(index: number): AudioTrack
addEventListener<K extends keyof AudioTrackListEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: AudioTrackList, ev: AudioTrackListEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
): void
type: string,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
): void
removeEventListener<K extends keyof AudioTrackListEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: AudioTrackList, ev: AudioTrackListEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions,
): void
type: string,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions,
): void