import * as wmill from "";
accept invite to workspace | |
Acknowledge all unacknowledged critical alerts | |
Acknowledge a critical alert | |
add granular acls | |
add owner to folder | |
add user to workspace | |
add user to group | |
add user to instance group | |
archive flow by path | |
archive script by hash | |
archive script by path | |
archive workspace | |
is backend up to date | |
get backend version | |
cancel all queued jobs for persistent script | |
cancel queued or running job | |
cancel jobs based on the given uuids | |
cancel a job for a suspended flow | |
cancel a job for a suspended flow | |
change workspace id | |
change workspace name | |
connect callback | |
connect slack callback | |
connect slack callback instance | |
count number of completed jobs with filter | |
Count jobs by tag | |
Search and count the log line hits on every provided host | |
create OAuth account | |
create app | |
create flow preview capture | |
create customer portal session | |
create draft | |
create flow | |
create folder | |
create group | |
create http trigger | |
Create an Input for future use in a script or flow | |
create instance group | |
create an HMac signature given a job id and a resume id | |
create raw app | |
create resource | |
create resource_type | |
create schedule | |
create script | |
create token | |
create token to impersonate a user (require superadmin) | |
create user | |
create variable | |
create websocket trigger | |
create workspace | |
Test connection to the workspace object storage | |
decline invite to workspace | |
delete app | |
delete completed job (erase content but keep run id) | |
Delete concurrency group | |
Delete Config | |
delete draft | |
delete flow by path | |
delete folder | |
delete group | |
delete http trigger | |
Delete a Saved Input | |
delete instance group | |
delete user invite | |
delete raw app | |
delete resource | |
delete resource_type | |
Permanently delete file from S3 | |
delete schedule | |
delete script by hash (erase content but keep hash, require admin) | |
delete all scripts at a given path (require admin) | |
delete token | |
delete user (require admin privilege) | |
delete variable | |
delete websocket trigger | |
delete workspace (require super admin) | |
disconnect account | |
disconnect slack | |
Converts an S3 resource to the set of instructions necessary to connect DuckDB to an S3 bucket | |
Converts an S3 resource to the set of instructions necessary to connect DuckDB to an S3 bucket | |
edit auto invite | |
edit copilot config | |
edit default scripts for workspace | |
edit deploy to | |
edit error handler | |
edit large file storage settings | |
edit slack command | |
edit webhook | |
edit default app for workspace | |
edit workspace deploy ui settings | |
edit workspace git sync settings | |
encrypt value | |
executeComponent | |
does an app exisst at path | |
exists email | |
exists flow by path | |
does http trigger exists | |
does an app exisst at path | |
does resource exists | |
does resource_type exists | |
does route exists | |
does schedule exists | |
exists script by path | |
exists username | |
does variable exists at path | |
does websocket trigger exists | |
exists worker with tag | |
exists workspace | |
export instance groups | |
Download file to S3 bucket | |
Download file to S3 bucket | |
get map from resource type to format extension | |
Upload file to S3 bucket | |
force cancel queued job | |
get all instance default tags | |
get app by path | |
get app by path with draft | |
get app by version | |
get app history by path | |
get apps's latest version | |
Get args from history or saved input | |
get audit log (requires admin privilege) | |
get flow preview capture | |
get completed count | |
get completed job | |
get completed job result | |
get completed job result if job is completed | |
Get the concurrency key for a job that has concurrency limits enabled | |
get config | |
get copilot info | |
get counts of jobs waiting for an executor per tag | |
Get all critical alerts | |
get current user email (if logged in) | |
get all instance custom tags (tags are used to dispatch jobs to different worker groups) | |
get db clock | |
get default scripts for workspace | |
get deploy to | |
get flow by path | |
get flow by path with draft | |
get flow debug info | |
get flow history by path | |
get flow's latest version | |
get flow user state at a given key | |
get flow version | |
get folder | |
get folder usage | |
get global settings | |
get granular acls | |
get group | |
get http trigger | |
get hub app by id | |
get hub flow by id | |
get full hub script by path | |
get hub script content by path | |
List Inputs used in previously completed jobs | |
get instance group | |
get if workspace is premium | |
get job | |
get job args | |
get job logs | |
get job metrics | |
get job progress | |
get job updates | |
get large file storage config | |
get latest key renewal attempt | |
get license id | |
get local settings | |
get log file by path | |
get log file from object store | |
get oauth connect | |
get OIDC token (ee only) | |
get openapi yaml spec | |
get premium info | |
get public app by secret | |
get public resource | |
get public secret of app | |
get queue count | |
get queue metrics | |
get app by path | |
get resource | |
get resource_type | |
get resource value | |
get resource interpolated (variables and resources are fully unrolled) | |
get resume urls given a job_id, resume_id and a nonce to resume a flow | |
get root job id | |
get all runnables in every workspace | |
get schedule | |
get script by hash | |
get script by path | |
get script by path with draft | |
get script deployment status | |
get history of a script by path | |
get scripts's latest version (hash) | |
get settings | |
get parent flow job of suspended job | |
get top hub scripts | |
get triggers count of flow | |
get triggers count of script | |
get tutorial progress | |
get current usage outside of premium workspaces | |
get used triggers | |
get user (require admin privilege) | |
get variable | |
get variable value | |
get websocket trigger | |
get default app for workspace | |
retrieves the encryption key for this workspace | |
get workspace name | |
get usage | |
global delete user (require super admin) | |
global username info (require super admin) | |
global rename user (require super admin) | |
global export users (require super admin and EE) | |
global overwrite users (require super admin and EE) | |
global update user (require super admin) | |
get current global whoami (if logged in) | |
invite user to workspace | |
is default tags per workspace | |
is domain allowed for auto invi | |
is owner of path | |
leave instance | |
leave workspace | |
list all apps | |
list audit logs (requires admin privilege) | |
List autoscaling events | |
list all completed jobs | |
List all concurrency groups | |
list configs | |
list contextual variables | |
Get intervals of job runtime concurrency | |
get the ids of all jobs matching the given filters | |
list all flow paths | |
list all flows | |
list folder names | |
list folders | |
list global settings | |
list group names | |
list groups | |
list http triggers | |
list all hub apps | |
list all hub flows | |
list hub integrations | |
List saved Inputs for a Runnable | |
list instance groups | |
list all jobs | |
list log files ordered by timestamp | |
list oauth connects | |
list oauth logins | |
list pending invites for a workspace | |
list all queued jobs | |
list all raw apps | |
list resources | |
list resource names | |
list resource_types | |
list resource_types names | |
list schedules | |
list schedules with last 20 jobs | |
list all scripts paths | |
list all scripts | |
list apps for search | |
list flows for search | |
list resources for search | |
list scripts for search | |
List the file keys available in a workspace object storage | |
list token | |
get tokens with flow scope | |
get tokens with script scope | |
list usernames | |
list users | |
list all users as super admin (require to be super amdin) | |
list users usage | |
list all workspaces visible to me with user info | |
list variables | |
list websocket triggers | |
list worker groups | |
list workers | |
list all workspace invites | |
list all workspaces visible to me | |
list all workspaces as super admin (require to be super admin) | |
Load a preview of a csv file | |
Load metadata of the file | |
Load a preview of the file | |
Load a preview of a parquet file | |
Load the table row count | |
login with password | |
login with oauth authorization flow | |
logout | |
Move a S3 file from one path to the other within the same bucket | |
run flow by path and wait until completion in openai format | |
run script by path in openai format | |
overwrite instance groups | |
Converts an S3 resource to the set of arguments necessary to connect Polars to an S3 bucket | |
Converts an S3 resource to the set of arguments necessary to connect Polars to an S3 bucket | |
preview schedule | |
query hub scripts by similarity | |
query resource types by similarity | |
raw script by hash | |
raw script by path | |
raw script by path with a token (mostly used by lsp to be used with import maps to resolve scripts) | |
refresh token | |
refresh the current token | |
remove granular acls | |
remove owner to folder | |
remove user from instance group | |
remove user to group | |
renew license key | |
restart a completed flow at a given step | |
get job result by id | |
resume a job for a suspended flow as an owner | |
resume a job for a suspended flow | |
resume a job for a suspended flow | |
run code-workflow task | |
run flow by path | |
run flow preview | |
run a one-off dependencies job | |
run script by hash | |
run script by path | |
run script preview | |
run a job that sends a message to Slack | |
run flow by path and wait until completion | |
run script by path | |
run script by path with get | |
Returns the s3 resource associated to the provided path, or the workspace default S3 resource | |
Search through jobs with a string query | |
Search through service logs with a string query | |
send stats | |
set automatic billing | |
Set default error or recoevery handler | |
set environment variable | |
set flow user state at a given key | |
post global settings | |
set job metrics | |
set login type for a specific user (require super admin) | |
set password | |
set password for a specific user (require super admin) | |
set enabled schedule | |
set enabled websocket trigger | |
update the encryption key for this workspace | |
v star | star item |
test critical channels | |
test license key | |
test metadata | |
test object storage config | |
test smtp | |
Toggle ON and OFF the workspace error handler for a given flow | |
Toggle ON and OFF the workspace error handler for a given script | |
unarchive workspace | |
unstar item | |
update app | |
update app history | |
update flow preview capture | |
Update config | |
update flow | |
update flow history | |
update folder | |
update group | |
update http trigger | |
Update an Input | |
update instance group | |
update app | |
update resource | |
update resource_type | |
update resource value | |
update schedule | |
update history of a script | |
update tutorial progress | |
update user (require admin privilege) | |
update variable | |
update websocket trigger | |
get email from username | |
whoami | |
whois | |
Acknowledge all unacknowledged critical alerts for this workspace | |
Acknowledge a critical alert for this workspace | |
Get all critical alerts for this workspace | |
Mute critical alert UI for this workspace |