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Solving a ‘Word Wheel’ with Deno

How many different words can you make with a ‘Word Wheel’?


Each word must always include the centre letter, and each letter can only be used as many times as it is on the wheel (in the example below - ‘a’ is on the wheel twice, so it can be used twice in the same word).

Example of "Word Wheel" - the letter 'L' in the center, and 'N', 'C', 'M'. 'U', 'A', 'B', 'E', 'A' surrounding it

Valid words
  • Calm
  • Ale
  • Bale
Invalid words
  • Hello (Invalid Letters)
  • Cane (Middle letter not used)
  • Mama (‘M’ used twice, despite only appearing in the wheel once)

How to use

import { wordWheel } from "word-wheel";
import { EXAMPLE_WORD_LIST } from "./example-word-list"; // use your own list of words

const OPTIONAL_LETTERS = ["A", "N", "C", "M", "U", "A", "B", "E"];

const result = wordWheel({
  requiredLetters: REQUIRED_LETTERS,
  optionalLetters: OPTIONAL_LETTERS,

// result = [ "ambulance", "albumen", "alumnae", "balance", "calumba", "canulae", ... ]