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A typesafe deno/npm package to facilitate a game of wordle using nanostores


I plan on building a minimal adless version of wordle and wanted to open source the logic.

Getting started

This module exports a single wordle() function which exports nanostores and an attempt() function to test words.

  • word: a nanostore which holds the current game’s word
  • attempts: a nanostore which holds the current game’s guesses
  • attempt(): a function which takes in a single string and returns an object with a error?: WordleError property.


The attempt() function will return an object with an error?: WordleError property if the attempt failed for any reason. Common errors are (for an exhaustive list see mod.ts):

  • "max_attempts_reached": the game is already over since the number of attempts has reached options?.maxAttempts (6 by default)
  • "too_few_characters": the attempted word has less characters then the current word
  • "too_many_characters": the attempted word has more characters then the current word
  • "invalid_attempt": the attempt did not pass the options?.validateAttempt() function


Task Description
test run all tests once
dev run all tests in watch mode
npm compile npm package using dnt