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Deno-compatible types for service workers and Cloudflare workers
import './service-worker-types.ts';
declare global { interface FetchEvent { passThroughOnException: () => void; }
interface ScheduledEvent { /** * The type of event. This will always return `"scheduled"`. */ type: string; /** * The time the `ScheduledEvent` was scheduled to be executed in * milliseconds since January 1, 1970, UTC. * It can be parsed as `new Date(event.scheduledTime)` */ scheduledTime: number; /** * Use this method to notify the runtime to wait for asynchronous tasks * (e.g. logging, analytics to third-party services, streaming and caching). * The first `event.waitUntil` to fail will be observed and recorded as the * status in the Cron Trigger Past Events table. Otherwise, it will be * reported as a Success. */ waitUntil(promise: Promise<any>): void; }
interface BasicImageTransformations { /** * Maximum width in image pixels. The value must be an integer. */ width?: number; /** * Maximum height in image pixels. The value must be an integer. */ height?: number; /** * Resizing mode as a string. It affects interpretation of width and height * options: * - scale-down: Similar to contain, but the image is never enlarged. If * the image is larger than given width or height, it will be resized. * Otherwise its original size will be kept. * - contain: Resizes to maximum size that fits within the given width and * height. If only a single dimension is given (e.g. only width), the * image will be shrunk or enlarged to exactly match that dimension. * Aspect ratio is always preserved. * - cover: Resizes (shrinks or enlarges) to fill the entire area of width * and height. If the image has an aspect ratio different from the ratio * of width and height, it will be cropped to fit. * - crop: The image will shrunk and cropped to fit within the area * specified by width and height. The image won’t be enlarged. For images * smaller than the given dimensions it’s the same as scale-down. For * images larger than the given dimensions, it’s the same as cover. * - pad: Resizes to the maximum size that fits within the given width and * height, and then fills the remaining area with a background color * (white by default). Use of this mode is not recommended, as the same * effect can be more efficiently achieved with the contain mode and the * CSS object-fit: contain property. */ fit?: "scale-down" | "contain" | "cover" | "crop" | "pad"; /** * When cropping with fit: "cover", this defines the side or point that should * be left uncropped. The value is either a string * "left", "right", "top", "bottom" or "center" (the default), * or an object {x, y} containing focal point coordinates in the original * image expressed as fractions ranging from 0.0 (top or left) to 1.0 * (bottom or right), 0.5 being the center. {fit: "cover", gravity: "top"} will * crop bottom or left and right sides as necessary, but won’t crop anything * from the top. {fit: "cover", gravity: {x:0.5, y:0.2}} will crop each side to * preserve as much as possible around a point at 20% of the height of the * source image. */ gravity?: "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" | "center" | { x: number; y: number; }; /** * Background color to add underneath the image. Applies only to images with * transparency (such as PNG). Accepts any CSS color (#RRGGBB, rgba(…), * hsl(…), etc.) */ background?: string; /** * Number of degrees (90, 180, 270) to rotate the image by. width and height * options refer to axes after rotation. */ rotate?: 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | 360; }
interface RequestInitCfProperties { /** * In addition to the properties you can set in the RequestInit dict * that you pass as an argument to the Request constructor, you can * set certain properties of a `cf` object to control how Cloudflare * features are applied to that new Request. * * Note: Currently, these properties cannot be tested in the * playground. */ cacheEverything?: boolean; /** * A request's cache key is what determines if two requests are * "the same" for caching purposes. If a request has the same cache key * as some previous request, then we can serve the same cached response for * both. (e.g. 'some-key') * * Only available for Enterprise customers. */ cacheKey?: string; /** * Force response to be cached for a given number of seconds. (e.g. 300) */ cacheTtl?: number; /** * Force response to be cached for a given number of seconds based on the Origin status code. * (e.g. { '200-299': 86400, '404': 1, '500-599': 0 }) */ cacheTtlByStatus?: { [key: string]: number }; scrapeShield?: boolean; apps?: boolean; image?: BasicImageTransformations & { /** * Device Pixel Ratio. Default 1. Multiplier for width/height that makes it * easier to specify higher-DPI sizes in <img srcset>. */ dpr?: number; /** * Quality setting from 1-100 (useful values are in 60-90 range). Lower values * make images look worse, but load faster. The default is 85. It applies only * to JPEG and WebP images. It doesn’t have any effect on PNG. */ quality?: number; /** * Output format to generate. It can be: * - avif: generate images in AVIF format. * - webp: generate images in Google WebP format. Set quality to 100 to get * the WebP-lossless format. * - json: instead of generating an image, outputs information about the * image, in JSON format. The JSON object will contain image size * (before and after resizing), source image’s MIME type, file size, etc. */ format?: "avif" | "webp" | "json"; /** * What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image. Note that EXIF * rotation and embedded color profiles are always applied ("baked in" into * the image), and aren't affected by this option. Note that if the Polish * feature is enabled, all metadata may have been removed already and this * option may have no effect. * - keep: Preserve most of EXIF metadata, including GPS location if there's * any. * - copyright: Only keep the copyright tag, and discard everything else. * This is the default behavior for JPEG files. * - none: Discard all invisible EXIF metadata. Currently WebP and PNG * output formats always discard metadata. */ metadata?: "keep" | "copyright" | "none"; /** * Overlays are drawn in the order they appear in the array (last array * entry is the topmost layer). */ draw?: (BasicImageTransformations & { /** * Absolute URL of the image file to use for the drawing. It can be any of * the supported file formats. For drawing of watermarks or non-rectangular * overlays we recommend using PNG or WebP images. */ url: string; /** * Floating-point number between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque). * For example, opacity: 0.5 makes overlay semitransparent. */ opacity?: number; /** * - If set to true, the overlay image will be tiled to cover the entire * area. This is useful for stock-photo-like watermarks. * - If set to "x", the overlay image will be tiled horizontally only * (form a line). * - If set to "y", the overlay image will be tiled vertically only * (form a line). */ repeat?: true | "x" | "y"; /** * Position of the overlay image relative to a given edge. Each property is * an offset in pixels. 0 aligns exactly to the edge. For example, left: 10 * positions left side of the overlay 10 pixels from the left edge of the * image it's drawn over. bottom: 0 aligns bottom of the overlay with bottom * of the background image. * * Setting both left & right, or both top & bottom is an error. * * If no position is specified, the image will be centered. */ top?: number; left?: number; bottom?: number; right?: number; })[]; }; minify?: { javascript?: boolean; css?: boolean; html?: boolean; }; mirage?: boolean; /** * Redirects the request to an alternate origin server. You can use this, * for example, to implement load balancing across several origins. * ( * * Note - For security reasons, the hostname set in resolveOverride must * be proxied on the same Cloudflare zone of the incoming request. * Otherwise, the setting is ignored. CNAME hosts are allowed, so to * resolve to a host under a different domain or a DNS only domain first * declare a CNAME record within your own zone’s DNS mapping to the * external hostname, set proxy on Cloudflare, then set resolveOverride * to point to that CNAME record. */ resolveOverride?: string; }
interface IncomingRequestCfProperties { /** * In addition to the properties on the standard Request object, * the cf object contains extra information about the request provided * by Cloudflare's edge. * * Note: Currently, settings in the cf object cannot be accessed in the * playground. */ /** * (e.g. 395747) */ asn: number; botManagement?: { score: number; staticResource: boolean; verifiedBot: boolean; }; city?: string; clientTcpRtt: number; clientTrustScore?: number; /** * The three-letter airport code of the data center that the request * hit. (e.g. "DFW") */ colo: string; continent?: string; /** * The two-letter country code in the request. This is the same value * as that provided in the CF-IPCountry header. (e.g. "US") */ country: string; httpProtocol: string; latitude?: string; longitude?: string; /** * DMA metro code from which the request was issued, e.g. "635" */ metroCode?: number; postalCode?: string; /** * e.g. "Texas" */ region?: string; /** * e.g. "TX" */ regionCode?: string; /** * e.g. "weight=256;exclusive=1" */ requestPriority: string; /** * e.g. "America/Chicago" */ timezone?: string; tlsVersion: string; tlsCipher: string; tlsClientAuth: { certIssuerDNLegacy: string; certIssuerDN: string; certPresented: "0" | "1"; certSubjectDNLegacy: string; certSubjectDN: string; certNotBefore: string; // In format "Dec 22 19:39:00 2018 GMT" certNotAfter: string; // In format "Dec 22 19:39:00 2018 GMT" certSerial: string; certFingerprintSHA1: string; certVerified: string; // “SUCCESS”, “FAILED:reason”, “NONE” }; }
interface CfRequestInit extends Omit<RequestInit, "cf"> { cf?: RequestInitCfProperties; }
interface RequestInit { /** * cf is a union of these two types because there are multiple * scenarios in which it might be one or the other. If you need * a type that only contains RequestInitCfProperties, use the * CfRequestInit type. * * IncomingRequestCfProperties is required to allow * new Request(someUrl, event.request) * * RequestInitCfProperties is required to allow * new Request(event.request, {cf: { ... } }) * fetch(someUrl, {cf: { ... } }) */ cf?: IncomingRequestCfProperties | RequestInitCfProperties; }
function addEventListener( type: "fetch", handler: (event: FetchEvent) => void, ): void; function addEventListener( type: "scheduled", handler: (event: ScheduledEvent) => void, ): void;
interface Request { cf: IncomingRequestCfProperties; }
interface FormData { [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>; /** * Returns an array of key, value pairs for every entry in the list. */ entries(): IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>; /** * Returns a list of keys in the list. */ keys(): IterableIterator<string>; /** * Returns a list of values in the list. */ values(): IterableIterator<FormDataEntryValue>; }
interface Headers { [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>; /** * Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object. */ entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>; /** * Returns an iterator allowing to go through all keys of the key/value pairs contained in this object. */ keys(): IterableIterator<string>; /** * Returns an iterator allowing to go through all values of the key/value pairs contained in this object. */ values(): IterableIterator<string>; }
interface URLSearchParams { [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>; /** * Returns an array of key, value pairs for every entry in the search params. */ entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>; /** * Returns a list of keys in the search params. */ keys(): IterableIterator<string>; /** * Returns a list of values in the search params. */ values(): IterableIterator<string>; }
interface ContentOptions { /** * Controls the way the HTMLRewriter treats inserted content. * * - true: Raw HTML * - false: (Default) Text and any HTML will be escaped */ html: boolean; }
interface Element { /** * The namespace URI of the element according to Infra Spec * ( */ namespaceURI: string; /** * e.g. "div" */ tagName: string; /** * Read-Only - key/value pairs of attributes. */ readonly attributes: IterableIterator<[string, string]>; /** * Indicates whether the element was removed/replaced in a previous handler */ removed: boolean;
/** * Returns the value for a given attribute name on the element, or null if it isn’t found. */ getAttribute(name: string): string | null; /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an attribute exists on the element. */ hasAttribute(name: string): boolean; /** * Sets an attribute to a provided value, creating the attribute if it doesn’t exist. */ setAttribute(name: string, value: string): Element; /** * Removes the attribute. */ removeAttribute(name: string): Element; /** * Inserts content before the element. */ before(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Inserts content right after the element. */ after(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Inserts content right after the start tag of the element. */ prepend(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Inserts content right before the end tag of the element. */ append(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Removes the element and inserts content in place of it. */ replace(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Replaces content of the element. */ setInnerContent(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Removes the element with all its content. */ remove(): Element; /** * Removes the start tag and end tag of the element, but keeps its inner content intact. */ removeAndKeepContent(): Element; }
interface Text { /** * Indicates whether the element was removed/replaced in a previous handler. */ removed: boolean; /** * Read-Only - The text contents of the chunk. Could be empty if the chunk * is the last chunk of the text node. */ readonly text: string; /** * Read-Only - indicates whether the chunk is the last chunk of the text node. */ readonly lastInTextNode: boolean;
/** * Inserts content before the element. */ before(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Inserts content right after the element. */ after(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Removes the element and inserts content in place of it. */ replace(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Removes the element with all its content. */ remove(): Element; }
interface Comment { /** * Indicates whether the element was removed/replaced in a previous handler. */ removed: boolean; /** * This property can be assigned different values, to modify comment’s text. */ text: string;
/** * Inserts content before the element. */ before(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Inserts content right after the element. */ after(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Removes the element and inserts content in place of it. */ replace(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): Element; /** * Removes the element with all its content. */ remove(): Element; }
interface Doctype { readonly name: string | null; /** * Read-Only, The quoted string in the doctype after the PUBLIC atom. */ readonly publicId: string | null; /** * Read-Only, The quoted string in the doctype after the SYSTEM atom or immediately after the publicId. */ readonly systemId: string | null; }
interface DocumentEnd { /** * Inserts content right after the end of the document. */ append(content: string, options?: ContentOptions): DocumentEnd; }
interface ElementHandlerOptionals { /** * An incoming element, such as `div` */ element?(element: Element): void | Promise<void>; /** * An incoming comment */ comments?(comment: Comment): void | Promise<void>; /** * An incoming piece of text */ text?(text: Text): void | Promise<void>; }
// See type RequireAtLeastOne<T, Keys extends keyof T = keyof T> = & Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Keys>> & { [K in Keys]-?: Required<Pick<T, K>> & Partial<Pick<T, Exclude<Keys, K>>>; }[Keys];
type ElementHandler = RequireAtLeastOne< ElementHandlerOptionals, "element" | "comments" | "text" >;
interface DocumentHandler { /** * An incoming doctype, such as <!DOCTYPE html> */ doctype(doctype: Doctype): void | Promise<void>; /** * An incoming comment */ comments(comment: Comment): void | Promise<void>; /** * An incoming piece of text */ text(text: Text): void | Promise<void>; /** * The ending of the document */ end(end: DocumentEnd): void | Promise<void>; }
class HTMLRewriter { constructor(); public on(selector: string, handlers: ElementHandler): HTMLRewriter; public onDocument(handlers: DocumentHandler): HTMLRewriter; public transform(response: Response): Response; } // Add type here to be able to declare in scripts type IHTMLRewriter = typeof HTMLRewriter;
// declare interface CacheStorage { // default: Cache; // }
type KVValue<Value> = Promise<Value | null>; type KVValueWithMetadata<Value, Metadata> = Promise<{ value: Value | null; metadata: Metadata | null; }>;
interface KVNamespace { get(key: string): KVValue<string>; get(key: string, type: "text"): KVValue<string>; get<ExpectedValue = unknown>( key: string, type: "json", ): KVValue<ExpectedValue>; get(key: string, type: "arrayBuffer"): KVValue<ArrayBuffer>; get(key: string, type: "stream"): KVValue<ReadableStream>;
getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: string, ): KVValueWithMetadata<string, Metadata>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: string, type: "text", ): KVValueWithMetadata<string, Metadata>; getWithMetadata<ExpectedValue = unknown, Metadata = unknown>( key: string, type: "json", ): KVValueWithMetadata<ExpectedValue, Metadata>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: string, type: "arrayBuffer", ): KVValueWithMetadata<ArrayBuffer, Metadata>; getWithMetadata<Metadata = unknown>( key: string, type: "stream", ): KVValueWithMetadata<ReadableStream, Metadata>;
put( key: string, value: string | ReadableStream | ArrayBuffer | FormData, options?: { expiration?: string | number; expirationTtl?: string | number; metadata?: any; }, ): Promise<void>;
delete(key: string): Promise<void>;
list(options?: { prefix?: string; limit?: number; cursor?: string; }): Promise<{ keys: { name: string; expiration?: number; metadata?: unknown }[]; list_complete: boolean; cursor?: string; }>; }
interface DurableObjectEntries<T> { [key: string]: T; }
interface DurableObjectListOptions { start?: string; end?: string; reverse?: boolean; limit?: number; prefix?: string; }
interface DurableObjectOperator { get<T = unknown>(key: string): Promise<T>; get<T = unknown>(keys: Array<string>): Promise<Map<string, T>>; put<T = unknown>(key: string, value: T): Promise<void>; put<T = unknown>(entries: DurableObjectEntries<T>): Promise<void>; delete(key: string): Promise<boolean>; delete(keys: Array<string>): Promise<number>; list<T = unknown>( options?: DurableObjectListOptions, ): Promise<Map<string, T>>; }
interface DurableObjectTransaction extends DurableObjectOperator { rollback(): void; }
interface DurableObjectStorage extends DurableObjectOperator { transaction( closure: (txn: DurableObjectStorage) => Promise<void>, ): Promise<void>; }
interface DurableObjectState { storage: DurableObjectStorage; /** * Use this method to notify the runtime to wait for asynchronous tasks * (e.g. logging, analytics to third-party services, streaming and caching). */ waitUntil(promise: Promise<any>): void; }
/** * DurableObject is a class that defines a template for creating Durable Objects */ interface DurableObject { fetch: (request: Request, init?: RequestInfo) => Promise<Response>; }
/** * DurableObjectStub is a client object used to send requests to a remote Durable Object */ interface DurableObjectStub { name?: string; id: DurableObjectId; fetch: (request: Request, init?: RequestInfo) => Promise<Response>; }
interface DurableObjectId { name?: string; toString: () => string; }
interface DurableObjectNamespace { newUniqueId: () => DurableObjectId; idFromName: (name: string) => DurableObjectId; idFromString: (hexId: string) => DurableObjectId;
get: (id: DurableObjectId) => DurableObjectStub; }}
export {};