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Placeholder for Worker-based middleware solution
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//xxxx/ <reference path="./typings/Temporal.d.ts" />
import type { Awaitable } from "./utils/common-types.ts";import type { Context } from "./index.ts";

export type CacheControl = 'no-cache' | 'no-store' | 'public' | 'private' | string;
export interface CacheOptions { cacheControl?: CacheControl, maxAge?: number, mustRevalidate?: boolean, immutable?: boolean,}
// const SECONDS = { unit: 'second', relativeTo: '1970-01-01' } as Temporal.DurationTotalOf;
/** * TODO: Implement request-response */export const caching = (opt: CacheOptions = {}) => async <X extends Context>(ax: Awaitable<X>) => { const x = await ax; // const req = x.request; x.effects.push(res => { res.headers.set('cache-control', opt.cacheControl ?? '')
if (typeof opt.maxAge === 'number') { // FIXME: check for global DEBUG var? Check process.env ?? if (opt.maxAge > 31536000) console.warn(`Provided maxAge appears to be too large. Perhaps you meant ${opt.maxAge / 1000}? maxAge is defined in seconds!`) res.headers.append('cache-control', `max-age=${opt.maxAge}`) // } else if (opt.maxAge) { // res.headers.append('cache-control', `max-age=${}`) }
if (opt.mustRevalidate) { res.headers.append('cache-control', 'must-revalidate') }
if (opt.immutable) { res.headers.append('cache-control', 'immutable') }
return res; })
return x;}