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Placeholder for Worker-based middleware solution
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read --allow-write=./,/Users/qwtel/Library/Caches/deno --allow-net --allow-env=HOME,DENO_AUTH_TOKENS,DENO_DIR --allow-run=git,pnpm
// ex. scripts/build_npm.tsimport { basename, extname } from "";import { build, emptyDir } from "";
import { copyMdFiles, mkPackage,} from ''
await emptyDir("./npm");
const name = basename(Deno.cwd())
await build({ entryPoints: ["./index.ts", { name: './basics', path: 'basics.ts' }, { name: './body-parser', path: 'body-parser.ts' }, { name: './caching', path: 'caching.ts' }, { name: './content-negotiation', path: 'content-negotiation.ts' }, { name: './context', path: 'context.ts' }, { name: './cookies', path: 'cookies.ts' }, { name: './cors', path: 'cors.ts' }, { name: './session', path: 'session.ts' }], outDir: "./npm", shims: {}, test: false, typeCheck: false, package: await mkPackage(name), declaration: true, packageManager: 'pnpm', compilerOptions: { sourceMap: true, target: 'ES2019', }, mappings: { // "": { // name: "urlpattern-polyfill", // version: "^4.0.3", // subPath: 'dist/index.d.ts' // }, '': { name: "kv-storage-interface", version: "^0.2.0", }, "": { name: "uuid-class", version: "latest", }, "": { name: "base64-encoding", version: "latest", }, '': { name: "ts-functional-pipe", version: "^3.1.2", }, '': { name: "negotiated", version: "^1.0.2", }, "": { name: "msgpackr", version: "^1.5.5", }, "": { name: "@worker-tools/request-cookie-store", version: "latest" }, "": { name: "@worker-tools/signed-cookie-store", version: "latest" }, "": { name: "@worker-tools/encrypted-cookie-store", version: "latest" }, '': { name: "@worker-tools/resolvable-promise", version: "latest" }, '': { name: "@worker-tools/extendable-promise", version: "latest" }, "": { name: "@worker-tools/response-creators", version: "latest" } },});
// post build stepsawait copyMdFiles()