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X-Element an agnostic non framework that enhances custom elements with functionality and data binding that mimics native custom element standards
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import XElement from './x-element.js';import Highlight from './highlight.js';import Color from './modules/color.js';
export default class XGuide extends XElement {
title = 'Guide'; text = 'Hello World';
checked = true;
radioOne = undefined; radioTwo = undefined;
color = Color(); colorChange () { this.color = Color(); }
active = true; lightblue = active => active ? 'lightblue' : ''; classToggle () { = !; }
value = { text: 'hello world' };
fruit = 'Orange'; fruits = [ 'Apple', 'Orange', 'Tomato' ];
plant = undefined; cars = [];
form = ''; agree = true; disabled = false; lastName = 'bond'; firstName = 'james'; favoriteNumber = undefined; submit (form) { this.form = JSON.stringify(form, null, '\t'); console.log(form); console.log(this); }
highlight (query) { return Highlight(this.querySelector(query).innerHTML, 'html') .replace(/{{/g, '{‌{').replace(/}}/g, '}‌}').replace(/^(\t{4}|\s{16})/mg, '').slice(1); }
constructor () { super(); this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<slot></slot>'; }
connectedCallback () { if (this.innerHTML) return; this.innerHTML = this.#html; // = 1; }
#html = /*html*/` <style> .default { border: solid 5px transparent; } .class-color { border-color: var(--accent); } </style>
<section id="text"> <h3>Text Binder</h3> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#text-demo')}}"></code> <div id="text-demo"> <span>{{text}}</span> </div> </pre> </section>
<section id="checked"> <h3>Checked Binder</h3> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#checked-demo')}}"></code> <div id="checked-demo"> <input type="checkbox" value="{{checked}}" checked="{{checked = $checked}}"> Checkbox {{checked ? 'checked' : ''}} </div> </pre> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#radio-demo')}}"></code> <div id="radio-demo"> <input type="radio" name="radio" value="one" checked="{{radioOne = $checked}}"> Radio One {{radioOne ? 'checked' : ''}} <input type="radio" name="radio" value="two" checked="{{radioTwo = $checked}}"> Radio Two {{radioTwo ? 'checked' : ''}} </div> </pre> </section>
<section id="style"> <h3>Style Binder</h3> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#style-demo')}}"></code> <div id="style-demo"> <span style="color: {{color}}">Look at my style</span> <button onclick="{{colorChange()}}">Change Color</button> </div> </pre> </section>
<section id="class"> <h3>Class Binder</h3> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#class-demo')}}"></code> <div id="class-demo"> <span class="default {{active ? 'class-color' : ''}}">Look at my class</span> <button onclick="{{classToggle()}}">Toggle Active</button> </div> </pre> </section>
<section id="value"> <h3>Value Binder</h3> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#value-demo')}}"></code> <div id="value-demo"> <input value="{{value.text = $value.toUpperCase()}}"> <input value="{{value.text = $value.toLowerCase()}}"> <span>{{value.text}}</span> </div> </pre> </section>
<section id="each"> <h3>Each Binder</h3> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#each-demo')}}"></code> <div id="each-demo"> <div each="{{[ fruits, 'ff', 'key', 'index' ]}}"> <div id="{{ff}}"> <strong>Key: </strong>{{key}}, <strong>Index: </strong>{{index}}, <strong>Value: </strong>{{ff}} </div> </div> </div> </pre> </section>
<section id="select"> <h3>Select Binder</h3> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#plant-demo')}}"></code> <div id="plant-demo"> <select value="{{plant = $value}}"> <option value="tree">Tree</option> <option value="cactus">Cactus</option> </select> <span>{{plant}}</span> </div> </pre> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#fruit-demo')}}"></code> <div id="fruit-demo"> <select value="{{fruit = $value}}" each="{{[fruits, 'f']}}"> <option value="{{f}}">{{f}}</option> </select> <span>{{fruit}}</span> </div> </pre> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#cars-demo')}}"></code> <div id="cars-demo"> <select value="{{cars = $value}}" multiple> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="saab">Saab</option> <option value="opel">Opel</option> <option value="audi">Audi</option> </select> <span>{{cars}}</span> </div> </pre> </section>
<section id="html"> <h3>HTML Binder</h3> <pre> <code html="{{highlight('#html-demo')}}"></code> <div id="html-demo"> <div html="{{'<strong>Hyper Text Markup Language</strong>'}}"></div> </div> </pre> </section>
<section id="submit"> <h3>Submit Binder</h3> <br> <form onsubmit="{{submit($form)}}" reset> <div>{{firstName}}</div> <input disabled="{{disabled}}" name="name.first" value="{{firstName = $value}}" placeholder="first name"> <div>{{lastName}}</div> <input name="name.last" value="{{$value ?? lastName}}" placeholder="last name"> <br> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="{{agree ? 'yes' : 'no'}}" checked="{{agree = $checked}}">Agree? {{agree ? 'yes': 'no'}} <br> <br> <strong>Animal:</strong> <input type="radio" name="animal" value="{{'dogs'}}" checked="{{$checked}}">Dogs <input type="radio" name="animal" value="cats" checked="{{$checked}}">Cats <br> <br> <div>{{favoriteNumber}}</div> <input name="favoriteNumber" type="number" value="{{favoriteNumber = $value ?? NaN}}"> <br> <br> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </form> <br> <pre>{{form}}</pre> </section>