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X-Element an agnostic non framework that enhances custom elements with functionality and data binding that mimics native custom element standards
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import XElement from './x-element.js';import Highlight from './highlight.js';
export default class XRoot extends XElement {
example = ` import XElement from '/x-element.js';
MyElement extends XElement {
greeting: '', greet () { this.greeting = 'Greeting'; }
constructor () { super(); this.greeting = 'Hello World'; this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = \` <h1>{{title}}</h1 > <button onclick="{{greet()}}">Greet</button>; \`; }
MyElement.define(); `;
#html = /*html*/` <section> <h2>Vision</h2> <h4>X-Element's vision is to provide an agnostic non framework that enhances custom elements with functionality and data binding that mimics native custom element standards.</h4>
<h2>Features</h2> <div class="tiles"> <div class="tile"> <h4>&#128118; Simple</h4> <span>Simple to learning if you know custom elements you know XElement.</span> </div> <div class="tile"> <h4>&#128230; Shareable</h4> <span>A single class to build a single component or an entire app.</span> </div> <div class="tile"> <h4>&#9889; Fast</h4> <span>Tiny footprint ~15KB (minified and compressed).</span> </div> <div class="tile"> <h4>&#127959; Framework Agnostic</h4> <span>Use XElement with any framework - React, Vue, Angular...</span> </div> </div>
<h2>Example</h2> <pre><code class="language-js">{{example}}</code></pre> </section> `;
// constructor () { // super(); // this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<slot></slot>'; // }
connectedCallback () { console.log('root connected'); if (this.innerHTML) return; this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<slot></slot>'; this.innerHTML = this.#html; requestAnimationFrame(() => { Highlight(); // = 1; }); }
// XRoot.define();