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X-Element an agnostic non framework that enhances custom elements with functionality and data binding that mimics native custom element standards
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/************************************************************************Name: XElementVersion: 7.3.7License: MPL-2.0Author: Alexander EliasEmail: alex.steven.elis@gmail.comThis Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla PublicLicense, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with thisfile, You can obtain one at************************************************************************/const promise = Promise.resolve();function tick(method) { return promise.then(method);}
const dataHas = function (target, key) { if (typeof key === 'string' && key.startsWith('$')) return false; return Reflect.has(target, key);};const dataGet = function (event, reference, target, key, receiver) { if (typeof key === 'symbol') return Reflect.get(target, key, receiver); if (!reference && key.startsWith('$')) return undefined; const value = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver); if (value && typeof value === 'object') { reference = reference ? `${reference}.${key}` : `${key}`; return new Proxy(value, { get: dataGet.bind(null, event, reference), set: dataSet.bind(null, event, reference), deleteProperty: dataDelete.bind(null, event, reference) }); } return value;};const dataDelete = function (event, reference, target, key) { if (typeof key === 'symbol') return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key); if (!reference && key.startsWith('$')) return true; Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key); tick(event.bind(null, reference ? `${reference}.${key}` : `${key}`, 'reset')); return true;};const dataSet = function (event, reference, target, key, to, receiver) { if (typeof key === 'symbol') return Reflect.set(target, key, receiver); if (!reference && key.startsWith('$')) return true; const from = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver); if (key === 'length') { tick(event.bind(null, reference, 'render')); tick(event.bind(null, reference ? `${reference}.${key}` : `${key}`, 'render')); return Reflect.set(target, key, to, receiver); } else if (from === to || isNaN(from) && to === isNaN(to)) { return Reflect.set(target, key, to, receiver); } Reflect.set(target, key, to, receiver); tick(event.bind(null, reference ? `${reference}.${key}` : `${key}`, 'render')); return true;};const dataEvent = function (data, reference, type) { for (const [key, binders] of data) { if (typeof key === 'string' && (key === reference || key.startsWith(`${reference}.`))) { if (binders) { for (const binder of binders) { binder[type](); } } } }};
function dash(data) { return data.replace(/([a-zA-Z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase();}
const navigators = new Map();const transition = async (options) => { if (options.cache && options.instance) return; if (options.navigating) return; else options.navigating = true; options.construct = options.construct ?? (await import(options.file)).default; if (!options.construct?.prototype) throw new Error('XElement - navigation construct not valid'); = ?? dash(; if (!/^\w+-\w+/.test( = `x-${}`; if (!customElements.get( customElements.define(, options.construct); options.instance = document.createElement(;; options.navigating = false;};const navigate = (event) => { if (event && (!event?.canTransition || !event?.canIntercept)) return; const destination = new URL(event?.destination.url ?? location.href); const base = new URL(document.querySelector('base')?.href ?? location.origin); base.hash = ''; = ''; destination.hash = ''; = ''; const pathname = destination.href.replace(base.href, '/'); const options = navigators.get(pathname) ?? navigators.get('/*'); if (!options) return; = ?? document.querySelector(options.query); if (! throw new Error('XElement - navigation target not found'); if (options.instance === return event?.preventDefault(); return event ? event?.intercept({ handler: () => transition(options) }) : transition(options);};function navigation(path, file, options) { if (!path) throw new Error('XElement - navigation path required'); if (!file) throw new Error('XElement - navigation file required'); const base = new URL(document.querySelector('base')?.href ?? location.origin); base.hash = ''; = ''; options = options ?? {}; options.path = path; options.cache = options.cache ?? true; options.query = options.query ?? 'main'; options.file = new URL(file, base.href).href; navigators.set(path, options); navigate(); window.navigation.addEventListener('navigate', navigate);}
async function Poly() { if ('shadowRoot' in HTMLTemplateElement.prototype === false) { (function attachShadowRoots(root) { const templates = root.querySelectorAll('template[shadowroot]'); for (const template of templates) { const mode = (template.getAttribute('shadowroot') || 'closed'); const shadowRoot = template.parentNode.attachShadow({ mode }); shadowRoot.appendChild(template.content); template.remove(); attachShadowRoots(shadowRoot); } })(document); } if ('navigation' in window === false) { window.navigation = new (await import('')).Navigation; }}
const referenceMatch = new RegExp([ '(".*?[^\\\\]*"|\'.*?[^\\\\]*\'|`.*?[^\\\\]*`)', '((?:^|}}).*?{{)', '(}}.*?(?:{{|$))', `( (?:\\$context|\\$instance|\\$assign|\\$event|\\$value|\\$checked|\\$form|\\$e|\\$v|\\$c|\\$f|event| this|window|document|console|location| globalThis|Infinity|NaN|undefined| isFinite|isNaN|parseFloat|parseInt|decodeURI|decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|encodeURIComponent| Error|EvalError|RangeError|ReferenceError|SyntaxError|TypeError|URIError|AggregateError| Object|Function|Boolean|Symbole|Array| Number|Math|Date|BigInt| String|RegExp| Array|Int8Array|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Int16Array|Uint16Array| Int32Array|Uint32Array|BigInt64Array|BigUint64Array|Float32Array|Float64Array| Map|Set|WeakMap|WeakSet| ArrayBuffer|SharedArrayBuffer|DataView|Atomics|JSON| Promise|GeneratorFunction|AsyncGeneratorFunction|Generator|AsyncGenerator|AsyncFunction| Reflect|Proxy| true|false|null|undefined|NaN|of|in|do|if|for|new|try|case|else|with|await|break|catch|class|super|throw|while| yield|delete|export|import|return|switch|default|extends|finally|continue|debugger|function|arguments|typeof|instanceof|void) (?:(?:[.][a-zA-Z0-9$_.? ]*)?\\b) )`, '(\\b[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_.? ]*\\b)'].join('|').replace(/\s|\t|\n/g, ''), 'g');const splitPattern = /\s*{{\s*|\s*}}\s*/;const bracketPattern = /({{)|(}})/;const stringPattern = /(".*?[^\\]*"|'.*?[^\\]*'|`.*?[^\\]*`)/;const assignmentPattern = /({{(.*?)([_$a-zA-Z0-9.?\[\]]+)([-+?^*%|\\ ]*=[-+?^*%|\\ ]*)([^<>=].*?)}})/;const codePattern = new RegExp(`${stringPattern.source}|${assignmentPattern.source}|${bracketPattern.source}`, 'g');class Binder { static handlers = [ 'on', 'text', 'html', 'each', 'value', 'checked', 'inherit', 'standard' ]; static referenceCache = new Map(); static computeCache = new Map(); type; name; value; rewrites; context; instance; code; owner; node; container; references = new Set(); compute; meta; release; register; constructor(node, container, context, instance, rewrites) { this.meta = {}; this.node = node; this.context = context; this.container = container; this.value = node.nodeValue ?? ''; this.rewrites = rewrites ? [...rewrites] : []; this.instance = instance ? { ...instance } : {}; = node.nodeName.startsWith('#') ? node.nodeName.slice(1) : node.nodeName; this.owner = node.ownerElement ?? undefined; this.release = this.container.release.bind(this.container); this.register = this.container.register.bind(this.container); this.type ='on') ? 'on' : this.constructor.handlers.includes( ? : 'standard'; this.node.nodeValue = ''; if (!this.constructor.referenceCache.has(this.value)) { this.constructor.referenceCache.set(this.value, new Set()); } const referenceCache = this.constructor.referenceCache.get(this.value); if (referenceCache.size) { if (rewrites) { for (const reference of referenceCache) { for (const [name, value] of rewrites) { if (reference === name) { this.references.add(value); } else if (reference.startsWith(name + '.')) { this.references.add(value + reference.slice(name.length)); } else { this.references.add(reference); } } } } else { this.references = referenceCache; } } else { const data = this.value; let match = referenceMatch.exec(data); while (match) { const reference = match[5]; if (reference) { referenceCache.add(reference); if (rewrites) { for (const [name, value] of rewrites) { if (reference === name) { this.references.add(value); } else if (reference.startsWith(name + '.')) { this.references.add(value + reference.slice(name.length)); } else { this.references.add(reference); } } } else { this.references.add(reference); } } match = referenceMatch.exec(data); } } const compute = this.constructor.computeCache.get(this.value); if (compute) { this.compute = compute.bind(this.owner ?? this.node, this.context, this.instance); } else { let reference = ''; let assignment = ''; this.code = this.value; const isValue = === 'value'; const isChecked = === 'checked'; const convert = this.code.split(splitPattern).filter((part) => part).length > 1; this.code = this.code.replace(codePattern, (_match, str, assignee, assigneeLeft, r, assigneeMiddle, assigneeRight, bracketLeft, bracketRight) => { if (str) return str; if (bracketLeft) return convert ? `' + (` : '('; if (bracketRight) return convert ? `) + '` : ')'; if (assignee) { if (isValue || isChecked) { reference = r; assignment = assigneeLeft + assigneeRight; } return (convert ? `' + (` : '(') + assigneeLeft + r + assigneeMiddle + assigneeRight + (convert ? `) + '` : ')'); } console.warn('possible compute issue'); return ''; }) ?? ''; this.code = convert ? `'${this.code}'` : this.code; this.code = (reference && isValue ? `$value = $assign ? $value : ${reference};\n` : '') + (reference && isChecked ? `$checked = $assign ? $checked : ${reference};\n` : '') + `return ${assignment ? `$assign ? ${this.code} : ${assignment}` : `${this.code}`};`; this.code = ` try { with ($context) { with ($instance) { ${this.code} } } } catch (error){ console.error(error); } `; const compute = new Function('$context', '$instance', this.code); this.constructor.computeCache.set(this.value, compute); this.compute = compute.bind(this.owner ?? this.node, this.context, this.instance); } }}
function format(data) { return data === undefined ? '' : typeof data === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(data) : data;}
var booleans = [ 'allowfullscreen', 'async', 'autofocus', 'autoplay', 'checked', 'compact', 'controls', 'declare', 'default', 'defaultchecked', 'defaultmuted', 'defaultselected', 'defer', 'disabled', 'draggable', 'enabled', 'formnovalidate', 'indeterminate', 'inert', 'ismap', 'itemscope', 'loop', 'multiple', 'muted', 'nohref', 'noresize', 'noshade', 'hidden', 'novalidate', 'nowrap', 'open', 'pauseonexit', 'readonly', 'required', 'reversed', 'scoped', 'seamless', 'selected', 'sortable', 'spellcheck', 'translate', 'truespeed', 'typemustmatch', 'visible'];
class Standard extends Binder { render() { const boolean = booleans.includes(; const node = this.node; node.value = ''; if (boolean) { const data = this.compute() ? true : false; if (data) this.owner?.setAttributeNode(node); else this.owner?.removeAttribute(; } else { const data = format(this.compute()); this.owner[] = data; this.owner?.setAttribute(, data); } } reset() { const boolean = booleans.includes(; if (boolean) { this.owner?.removeAttribute(; } else { this.owner[] = undefined; this.owner?.setAttribute(, ''); } }}
class Checked extends Binder { static xRadioInputHandlerEvent = new CustomEvent('xRadioInputHandler'); render() { if (!this.meta.setup) { this.meta.setup = true; this.node.nodeValue = ''; if (this.owner.type === 'radio') { this.owner?.addEventListener('xRadioInputHandler', (event) => this.#handler(event)); this.owner?.addEventListener('input', (event) => { const parent = this.owner.form || this.owner?.getRootNode(); const radios = parent.querySelectorAll(`[type="radio"][name="${}"]`); this.#handler(event); for (const radio of radios) { if (radio === continue; radio.checked = false; radio.dispatchEvent(Checked.xRadioInputHandlerEvent); } }); } else { this.owner?.addEventListener('input', event => this.#handler(event)); } } this.#handler(); } reset() { this.owner?.removeAttribute('checked'); } #handler(event) { const owner = this.owner; const checked = owner.checked; this.instance.event = event; this.instance.$event = event; this.instance.$assign = !!event; this.instance.$checked = checked; const computed = this.compute(); if (computed) { owner.setAttributeNode(this.node); } else { owner.removeAttribute('checked'); } }}
class Inherit extends Binder { render() { const owner = this.owner; const node = this.node; if (!this.meta.setup) { this.meta.setup = true; node.value = ''; } if (!owner.inherited) { return console.warn(`inherited not implemented ${owner.localName}`); } const inherited = this.compute(); owner.inherited?.(inherited); } reset() { const owner = this.owner; if (!owner.inherited) { return console.warn(`inherited not implemented ${owner.localName}`); } owner.inherited?.(); }}
var date = ['date', 'datetime-local', 'month', 'time', 'week'];
const defaultInputEvent = new Event('input');const parseable = function (value) { return !isNaN(value) && value !== undefined && typeof value !== 'string';};const input = function (binder, event) { const { owner } = binder; const { type } = owner; binder.instance.$event = event; binder.instance.$assign = true; if (type === 'select-one') { const [option] = owner.selectedOptions; binder.instance.$value = option ? '$value' in option ? option.$value : option.value : undefined; owner.$value = binder.compute(); } else if (type === 'select-multiple') { binder.instance.$value =, o => '$value' in o ? o.$value : o.value); owner.$value = binder.compute(); } else if (type === 'number' || type === 'range' || date.includes(type)) { binder.instance.$value = '$value' in owner && typeof owner.$value === 'number' ? owner.valueAsNumber : owner.value; owner.$value = binder.compute(); } else { binder.instance.$value = '$value' in owner && parseable(owner.$value) ? JSON.parse(owner.value) : owner.value; binder.instance.$checked = '$value' in owner && parseable(owner.$value) ? JSON.parse(owner.checked) : owner.checked; owner.$value = binder.compute(); }};class Value$1 extends Binder { render() { const { meta } = this; const { type } = this.owner; if (!meta.setup) { meta.setup = true; this.owner?.addEventListener('input', event => input(this, event)); } this.instance.$assign = false; this.instance.$event = undefined; this.instance.$value = undefined; this.instance.$checked = undefined; const computed = this.compute(); let display; if (type === 'select-one') { const owner = this.owner; owner.value = '';, o => '$value' in o ? o.$value : o.value === computed); if (computed === undefined && owner.options.length && !owner.selectedOptions.length) { owner.options[0].selected = true; return owner.dispatchEvent(defaultInputEvent); } display = format(computed); owner.value = display; } else if (type === 'select-multiple') { const owner = this.owner;, o => o.selected = computed?.includes('$value' in o ? o.$value : o.value)); display = format(computed); } else if (type === 'number' || type === 'range' || date.includes(type)) { const owner = this.owner; if (typeof computed === 'string') owner.value = computed; else if (typeof computed === 'number' && !isNaN(computed)) owner.valueAsNumber = computed; else owner.value = ''; display = owner.value; } else { const owner = this.owner; display = format(computed); owner.value = display; } this.owner.$value = computed; this.owner?.setAttribute('value', display); } reset() { const { type } = this.owner; if (type === 'select-one' || type === 'select-multiple') { const owner = this.owner;, option => option.selected = false); } this.owner.value = ''; this.owner.$value = undefined; this.owner?.setAttribute('value', ''); }}
const whitespace = /\s+/;class Each extends Binder { reset() { const owner = this.node.ownerElement; this.meta.targetLength = 0; this.meta.currentLength = 0; while (owner && owner.lastChild) this.release(owner.removeChild(owner.lastChild)); while (this.meta.queueElement.content.lastChild) this.meta.queueElement.content.removeChild(this.meta.queueElement.content.lastChild); } render() { const [data, variable, key, index] = this.compute(); const [reference] = this.references; const owner = this.node.ownerElement; = data; this.meta.keyName = key; this.meta.indexName = index; this.meta.variable = variable; this.meta.reference = reference; if (!this.meta.setup) { this.node.nodeValue = ''; this.meta.keys = []; this.meta.setup = true; this.meta.targetLength = 0; this.meta.currentLength = 0; this.meta.templateLength = 0; this.meta.queueElement = document.createElement('template'); this.meta.templateElement = document.createElement('template'); let node = owner.firstChild; while (node) { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && whitespace.test(node.nodeValue)) { owner.removeChild(node); } else { this.meta.templateLength++; this.meta.templateElement.content.appendChild(node); } node = owner.firstChild; } } if (data?.constructor === Array) { this.meta.targetLength = data.length; } else { this.meta.keys = Object.keys(data || {}); this.meta.targetLength = this.meta.keys.length; } if (this.meta.currentLength > this.meta.targetLength) { while (this.meta.currentLength > this.meta.targetLength) { let count = this.meta.templateLength, node; while (count--) { node = owner.lastChild; if (node) { owner.removeChild(node); this.release(node); } } this.meta.currentLength--; } } else if (this.meta.currentLength < this.meta.targetLength) { while (this.meta.currentLength < this.meta.targetLength) { const keyValue = this.meta.keys[this.meta.currentLength] ?? this.meta.currentLength; const indexValue = this.meta.currentLength++; const rewrites = [ ...this.rewrites, [this.meta.variable, `${this.meta.reference}.${keyValue}`] ]; const instance = { ...this.instance, get [this.meta.variable]() { return data[keyValue]; } }; if (this.meta.keyName) instance[this.meta.keyName] = keyValue; if (this.meta.indexName) instance[this.meta.indexName] = indexValue; let node = this.meta.templateElement.content.firstChild; while (node) { this.register(this.meta.queueElement.content.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)), this.context, instance, rewrites); node = node.nextSibling; } } } if (this.meta.currentLength === this.meta.targetLength) { owner.appendChild(this.meta.queueElement.content); } }}
class Html extends Binder { render() { if (!this.meta.setup) { this.meta.setup = true; this.node.nodeValue = ''; } let data = this.compute(); if (typeof data !== 'string') { data = ''; console.warn('html binder requires a string'); } let removeChild = this.owner?.lastChild; while (removeChild) { this.owner?.removeChild(removeChild); this.release(removeChild); removeChild = this.owner?.lastChild; } const template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = data; let addChild = template.content.firstChild; while (addChild) { this.register(addChild, this.context); addChild = addChild.nextSibling; } this.owner?.appendChild(template.content); } reset() { let node = this.owner?.lastChild; while (node) { this.release(node); this.owner?.removeChild(node); node = this.owner?.lastChild; } }}
class Text extends Binder { render() { const data = this.compute(); this.node.nodeValue = format(data); } reset() { this.node.nodeValue = ''; }}
const Value = function (element) { if (!element) return undefined; if ('$value' in element) return element.$value ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(element.$value)) : element.$value; if (element.type === 'number' || element.type === 'range') return element.valueAsNumber; return element.value;};const submit = async function (event, binder) { event.preventDefault(); const form = {}; const target = ||; const elements = target?.querySelectorAll('[name]'); for (const element of elements) { const { type, name, checked } = element; if (!name) continue; if (type === 'radio' && !checked) continue; if (type === 'submit' || type === 'button') continue; let value; if (type === 'select-multiple') { value = []; for (const option of element.selectedOptions) { value.push(Value(option)); } } else if (type === 'select-one') { const [option] = element.selectedOptions; value = Value(option); } else { value = Value(element); } let data = form; const parts = name.split(/\s*\.\s*/); for (let index = 0; index < parts.length; index++) { const part = parts[index]; const next = parts[index + 1]; if (next) { if (!data[part]) { data[part] = /[0-9]+/.test(next) ? [] : {}; } data = data[part]; } else { data[part] = value; } } } binder.instance.event = event; binder.instance.$event = event; binder.instance.$form = form; await binder.compute(); if (target.hasAttribute('reset')) { for (const element of elements) { const { type, name } = element; if (!name) continue; else if (type === 'submit' || type === 'button') continue; else if (type === 'select-one') element.selectedIndex = 0; else if (type === 'select-multiple') element.selectedIndex = -1; else if (type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox') element.checked = false; else element.value = ''; element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); } } return false;};const reset = async function (event, binder) { event.preventDefault(); const target = ||; const elements = target?.querySelectorAll('[name]'); for (const element of elements) { const { type, name } = element; if (!name) continue; else if (type === 'submit' || type === 'button') continue; else if (type === 'select-one') element.selectedIndex = 0; else if (type === 'select-multiple') element.selectedIndex = -1; else if (type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox') element.checked = false; else element.value = ''; element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); } binder.instance.event = event; binder.instance.$event = event; await binder.compute(); return false;};class On extends Binder { render() { this.owner[] = undefined; const name =; if (this.meta.method) { this.owner?.removeEventListener(name, this.meta.method); } this.meta.method = (event) => { if (name === 'reset') { return reset(event, this); } else if (name === 'submit') { return submit(event, this); } else { this.instance.event = event; this.instance.$event = event; return this.compute(); } }; this.owner?.addEventListener(name, this.meta.method); } reset() { this.owner[] = null; const name =; if (this.meta.method) { this.owner?.removeEventListener(name, this.meta.method); } }}
class XElement extends HTMLElement { static poly = Poly; static navigation = navigation; static observedProperties; static define(name, constructor) { constructor = constructor ?? this; name = name ?? dash(; customElements.define(name, constructor); } static defined(name) { name = name ?? dash(; return customElements.whenDefined(name); } get isPrepared() { return this.#prepared; } #data = {}; #syntaxEnd = '}}'; #syntaxStart = '{{'; #syntaxLength = 2; #prepared = false; #preparing = false; #syntaxMatch = new RegExp('{{.*?}}'); #mutator = new MutationObserver(this.#mutation.bind(this)); #binders = new Map(); #adoptedEvent = new Event('adopted'); #adoptingEvent = new Event('adopting'); #preparedEvent = new Event('prepared'); #preparingEvent = new Event('preparing'); #connectedEvent = new Event('connected'); #connectingEvent = new Event('connecting'); #attributedEvent = new Event('attributed'); #attributingEvent = new Event('attributing'); #disconnectedEvent = new Event('disconnected'); #disconnectingEvent = new Event('disconnecting'); constructor() { super(); if (!this.shadowRoot) this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); this.#mutator.observe(this, { childList: true }); this.#mutator.observe(this.shadowRoot, { childList: true }); } prepare() { if (this.#prepared || this.#preparing) return; this.#preparing = true; this.dispatchEvent(this.#preparingEvent); const data = {}; const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(this); const properties = this.constructor.observedProperties; const descriptors = { ...Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(this), ...Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(prototype) }; for (const property in descriptors) { if (properties && !properties?.includes(property) || 'attributeChangedCallback' === property || 'disconnectedCallback' === property || 'connectedCallback' === property || 'adoptedCallback' === property || 'constructor' === property) continue; const descriptor = descriptors[property]; const { enumerable, configurable } = descriptor; if (!configurable) continue; if ('set' in descriptor) descriptor.set = descriptor.set?.bind(this); if ('get' in descriptor) descriptor.get = descriptor.get?.bind(this); if (typeof descriptor.value === 'function') descriptor.value = descriptor.value?.bind?.(this); const get = () => this.#data[property]; const set = (value) => this.#data[property] = value; Object.defineProperty(data, property, descriptor); Object.defineProperty(this, property, { get, set, enumerable, configurable: false }); } this.#data = new Proxy(data, { has: dataHas.bind(null), get: dataGet.bind(null, dataEvent.bind(null, this.#binders), ''), set: dataSet.bind(null, dataEvent.bind(null, this.#binders), ''), deleteProperty: dataDelete.bind(null, dataEvent.bind(null, this.#binders), '') }); let shadowNode = this.shadowRoot?.firstChild; while (shadowNode) { const node = shadowNode; shadowNode = node.nextSibling; this.register(node, this.#data); } let innerNode = this.firstChild; while (innerNode) { const node = innerNode; innerNode = node.nextSibling; this.register(node, this.#data); } this.#prepared = true; this.dispatchEvent(this.#preparedEvent); } #mutation(mutations) { if (!this.#prepared) return this.prepare(); for (const mutation of mutations) { for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) { this.register(node, this.#data); } for (const node of mutation.removedNodes) { this.release(node); } } } #remove(node) { const binders = this.#binders.get(node); if (!binders) return; for (const binder of binders) { for (const reference of binder.references) { if (this.#binders.has(reference)) { this.#binders.get(reference)?.delete(binder); if (!this.#binders.get(reference)?.size) this.#binders.delete(reference); } } } this.#binders.delete(node); } #add(node, context, instance, rewrites) { let binder; if (node.nodeName === '#text') binder = new Text(node, this, context, instance, rewrites); else if (node.nodeName === 'html') binder = new Html(node, this, context, instance, rewrites); else if (node.nodeName === 'each') binder = new Each(node, this, context, instance, rewrites); else if (node.nodeName === 'value') binder = new Value$1(node, this, context, instance, rewrites); else if (node.nodeName === 'inherit') binder = new Inherit(node, this, context, instance, rewrites); else if (node.nodeName === 'checked') binder = new Checked(node, this, context, instance, rewrites); else if (node.nodeName.startsWith('on')) binder = new On(node, this, context, instance, rewrites); else binder = new Standard(node, this, context, instance, rewrites); for (let reference of binder.references) { if (this.#binders.has(reference)) { this.#binders.get(reference)?.add(binder); } else { this.#binders.set(reference, new Set([binder])); } } if (this.#binders.has(binder.owner ?? binder.node)) { this.#binders.get(binder.owner ?? binder.node)?.add(binder); } else { this.#binders.set(binder.owner ?? binder.node, new Set([binder])); } binder.render(); } release(node) { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { this.#remove(node); } else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { this.#remove(node); const attributes = node.attributes; for (const attribute of attributes) { this.#remove(attribute); } let child = node.firstChild; while (child) { this.release(child); child = child.nextSibling; } } } register(node, context, instance, rewrites) { if (node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { let child = node.firstChild, register; while (child) { register = child; child = node.nextSibling; this.register(register, context, instance, rewrites); } } else if (node.nodeType === node.TEXT_NODE) { const start = node.nodeValue?.indexOf(this.#syntaxStart) ?? -1; if (start === -1) return; if (start !== 0) node = node.splitText(start); const end = node.nodeValue?.indexOf(this.#syntaxEnd) ?? -1; if (end === -1) return; if (end + this.#syntaxLength !== node.nodeValue?.length) { this.register(node.splitText(end + this.#syntaxLength), context, instance, rewrites); this.#add(node, context, instance, rewrites); } else { this.#add(node, context, instance, rewrites); } } else if (node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE) { const inherit = node.attributes.getNamedItem('inherit'); if (inherit) this.#add(inherit, context, instance, rewrites); const each = node.attributes.getNamedItem('each'); if (each) this.#add(each, context, instance, rewrites); if (!each && !inherit) { let child = node.firstChild, register; while (child) { register = child; child = child.nextSibling; this.register(register, context, instance, rewrites); } } const attributes = [...node.attributes]; for (const attribute of attributes) { if ( !== 'each' && !== 'inherit' && this.#syntaxMatch.test(attribute.value)) { this.#add(attribute, context, instance, rewrites); } } } } adoptedCallback() { this.dispatchEvent(this.#adoptingEvent); this.adopted?.(); this.dispatchEvent(this.#adoptedEvent); } connectedCallback() { this.dispatchEvent(this.#connectingEvent); this.connected?.(); this.dispatchEvent(this.#connectedEvent); } disconnectedCallback() { this.dispatchEvent(this.#disconnectingEvent); this.disconnected?.(); this.dispatchEvent(this.#disconnectedEvent); } attributeChangedCallback(name, from, to) { this.dispatchEvent(this.#attributingEvent); this.attributed?.(name, from, to); this.dispatchEvent(this.#attributedEvent); }}
export { XElement as default };