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An XMLHttpRequest polyfill for Deno CLI and Deploy 🦕
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// Copyright 2021-2024 Kitson P. Kelly. All rights reserved. MIT License.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
/** * Provides a polyfill for Deno CLI and Deploy for * [`XMLHttpRequest`]( * (_XHR_). * * When loaded, it will inject `XMLHttpRequest` into the global namespace along * with a couple other key objects. * * While the module exports `XMLHttpRequest`, most use cases it should just be * imported _before_ any other dependencies that require XHR to be present: * * ```ts * import "jsr:/@kitsonk/xhr"; * import * as lib from "https://other/dependency/that/needs/xhr/lib.js"; * ``` * * This polyfill has several known/intentional limitations from a browser * standard `XMLHttpRequest`: * * - It does not handle XML, though the name implies it, nor does it handle HTML * being treated as a response type `"document"`. This uses the browser's * built in parser to parse the XML and HTML into a DOM object. * - Sync is not supported (passing `false` to the `async` argument). Most * browsers have deprecated it in the main thread. Since this polyfill works * by calling Deno's `fetch()` it is nearly impossible to generate a sync * version, plus it is a really bad idea to block a thread while waiting for a * server response. **Don't do it, don't use software that requires it.** * * @module */
import { contentType } from "jsr:/@std/media-types@0.220/content_type";import { getCharset } from "jsr:/@std/media-types@0.220/get_charset";
type XMLHttpRequestResponseType = | "" | "arraybuffer" | "blob" | "document" | "json" | "text";
function assert(cond: unknown, msg = "assertion failed"): asserts cond { if (!cond) { const err = new Error(msg); = "AssertionError"; throw err; }}
function extractLength(response: Response) { const values = response.headers.get("content-length")?.split(/\s*,\s*/) ?? []; let candidateValue: string | null = null; for (const value of values) { if (candidateValue == null) { candidateValue = value; } else if (value !== candidateValue) { throw new Error("invalid content-length"); } } if (candidateValue == "" || candidateValue == null) { return null; } const v = parseInt(candidateValue, 10); return Number.isNaN(v) ? null : v;}
function getEssence(value: string) { return value.split(/\s*;\s*/)[0];}
function extractMIMEType(headers: Headers) { let mimeType: string | null = null; const values = headers.get("content-type")?.split(/\s*,\s*/); if (!values) { throw new Error("missing content type"); } for (const value of values) { const temporaryMimeType = contentType(value); if (!temporaryMimeType || getEssence(temporaryMimeType) === "*/*") { continue; } mimeType = temporaryMimeType; } if (mimeType == null) { throw new Error("missing content type"); } return mimeType;}
function isHTMLMIMEType(value: string) { return getEssence(value) === "text/html";}
function isXMLMIMEType(value: string) { const essence = getEssence(value); return essence.endsWith("+xml") || essence === "text/xml" || essence === "application/xml";}
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
function parseJSONFromBytes(value: Uint8Array): any { const string = decoder.decode(value); return JSON.parse(string);}
function appendBytes(...bytes: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array { let length = 0; for (const b of bytes) { length += b.length; } const result = new Uint8Array(length); let offset = 0; for (const b of bytes) { result.set(b, offset); offset += b.length; } return result;}
/** * The interface for event handlers for {@linkcode XMLHttpRequest} and * {@lincode XMLHttpRequestUpload}. */export class XMLHttpRequestEventTarget extends EventTarget { onabort: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null = null; onerror: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null = null; onload: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null = null; onloadend: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null = null; onloadstart: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null = null; onprogress: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null = null; ontimeout: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null = null;
dispatchEvent(evt: Event): boolean { if (evt instanceof ProgressEvent) { const xhr: XMLHttpRequest = this as any; switch (evt.type) { case "abort": if (this.onabort) {, evt); } break; case "error": if (this.onerror) {, evt); } break; case "load": if (this.onload) {, evt); } break; case "loadend": if (this.onloadend) {, evt); } break; case "loadstart": if (this.onloadstart) {, evt); } break; case "progress": if (this.onprogress) {, evt); } break; case "timeout": if (this.ontimeout) {, evt); } } } if (evt.cancelable && evt.defaultPrevented) { return false; } else { return super.dispatchEvent(evt); } }}
/** * Represents the upload process for a specific {@linkcode XMLHttpRequest}. It * is an _opaque_ object that represents the underlying, runtime-dependent, * upload process. It is an {@linkcode XMLHttpRequestEventTarget} and can be * obtained by calling `XMLHttpRequest.upload`. */export class XMLHttpRequestUpload extends XMLHttpRequestEventTarget {}
enum State { UNSENT = 0, OPENED = 1, HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2, LOADING = 3, DONE = 4,}
function isForbidden(method: string): boolean { return FORBIDDEN_METHODS.includes(method.toUpperCase());}
function normalize(method: string): string { return NORMALIZED_METHODS.find((m) => m === method.toUpperCase()) ?? method;}
/** * XMLHttpRequest (XHR) objects are used to interact with servers. You can * retrieve data from a URL without having to do a full page refresh. This * enables a Web page to update just part of a page without disrupting what the * user is doing. * * Despite its name, XMLHttpRequest can be used to retrieve any type of data, * not just XML. */export class XMLHttpRequest extends XMLHttpRequestEventTarget { #abortedFlag = false; #abortController?: AbortController; #crossOriginCredentials = false; #headers = new Headers(); #mime?: string; #receivedBytes = new Uint8Array(); #requestMethod?: string; #response?: Response; #responseObject: any = null; #responseType: XMLHttpRequestResponseType = ""; #sendFlag = false; #state = State.UNSENT; #timedoutFlag = false; #timeout = 0; #upload = new XMLHttpRequestUpload(); #uploadCompleteFlag = false; #uploadListener = false; #url?: URL;
#getResponseMIMEType() { try { assert(this.#response); const mimeType = extractMIMEType(this.#response.headers); return mimeType; } catch { return "text/xml"; } }
#getFinalMIMEType() { if (!this.#mime) { return this.#getResponseMIMEType(); } else { return this.#mime; } }
#getFinalEncoding() { return getCharset(this.#getFinalMIMEType())?.toLocaleLowerCase() ?? null; }
#getTextResponse() { if (this.#response?.body == null) { return ""; } let charset = this.#getFinalEncoding(); if ( this.#responseType === "" && charset == null && isXMLMIMEType(this.#getFinalMIMEType()) ) { charset = "utf-8"; } charset = charset ?? "utf8"; const decoder = new TextDecoder(charset); return decoder.decode(this.#receivedBytes); }
#handleResponseEndOfBody() { assert(this.#response); const loaded = this.#receivedBytes.length; const total = extractLength(this.#response) ?? 0; this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("progress", { loaded, total })); this.#state = State.DONE; this.#sendFlag = false; this.dispatchEvent(new Event("readystatechange")); this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load", { loaded, total })); this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("loadend", { loaded, total })); }
#handleErrors() { if (!this.#sendFlag) { return; } if (this.#timedoutFlag) { this.#requestErrorSteps("timeout"); } else if (this.#abortedFlag) { this.#requestErrorSteps("abort"); } else { this.#requestErrorSteps("error"); } }
#requestErrorSteps(event: string) { this.#state = State.DONE; this.#sendFlag = false; this.dispatchEvent(new Event("readystatechange")); if (!this.#uploadCompleteFlag) { this.#uploadCompleteFlag = true; if (this.#uploadListener) { this.#upload.dispatchEvent( new ProgressEvent(event, { loaded: 0, total: 0 }), ); this.#upload.dispatchEvent( new ProgressEvent("loadend", { loaded: 0, total: 0 }), ); } } this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent(event, { loaded: 0, total: 0 })); this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("loadend", { loaded: 0, total: 0 })); }
#setDocumentResponse() { assert(this.#response); if (this.#response.body == null) { return; } const finalMIME = this.#getFinalMIMEType(); if (!(isHTMLMIMEType(finalMIME) || isXMLMIMEType(finalMIME))) { return; } if (this.#responseType === "" && isHTMLMIMEType(finalMIME)) { return; } this.#responseObject = new DOMException( "Document bodies are not supported", "SyntaxError", ); }
#terminate() { if (this.#abortController) { try { this.#abortController.abort(); } catch { // just swallowing errors here } this.#abortController = undefined; } }
onreadystatechange: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: Event) => any) | null = null;
get readyState(): number { return this.#state; }
get response(): any { if (this.#responseType === "" || this.#responseType === "text") { if (!(this.#state === State.LOADING || this.#state === State.DONE)) { return ""; } return this.#getTextResponse(); } if (this.#state !== State.DONE) { return null; } if (this.#responseObject instanceof Error) { return null; } if (this.#responseObject != null) { return this.#responseObject; } if (this.#responseType === "arraybuffer") { try { this.#responseObject = this.#receivedBytes.buffer.slice( this.#receivedBytes.byteOffset, this.#receivedBytes.byteLength + this.#receivedBytes.byteOffset, ); } catch (e) { this.#responseObject = e; return null; } } else if (this.#responseType === "blob") { this.#responseObject = new Blob([this.#receivedBytes], { type: this.#getFinalMIMEType(), }); } else if (this.#responseType === "document") { this.#setDocumentResponse(); } else { assert(this.#responseType === "json"); if (this.#response?.body == null) { return null; } let jsonObject; try { jsonObject = parseJSONFromBytes(this.#receivedBytes); } catch { return null; } this.#responseObject = jsonObject; } return this.#responseObject instanceof Error ? null : this.#responseObject; }
get responseText(): string { if (!(this.#responseType === "" || this.#responseType === "text")) { throw new DOMException( "Response type is not set properly", "InvalidStateError", ); } if (!(this.#state === State.LOADING || this.#state === State.DONE)) { return ""; } return this.#getTextResponse(); }
get responseType(): XMLHttpRequestResponseType { return this.#responseType; }
set responseType(value: XMLHttpRequestResponseType) { if (value === "document") { return; } if (this.#state === State.LOADING || this.#state === State.DONE) { throw new DOMException( "The response type cannot be changed when loading or done", "InvalidStateError", ); } this.#responseType = value; }
get responseURL(): string { return this.#response?.url ?? ""; }
get responseXML(): null { if (!(this.#responseType === "" || this.#responseType === "document")) { throw new DOMException( "Response type is not properly set", "InvalidStateError", ); } if (this.#state !== State.DONE) { return null; } if (this.#setDocumentResponse instanceof Error) { return null; } this.#setDocumentResponse(); return null; }
get status(): number { return this.#response?.status ?? 0; }
get statusText(): string { return this.#response?.statusText ?? ""; }
get timeout(): number { return this.#timeout; }
set timeout(value: number) { this.#timeout = value; }
get upload(): XMLHttpRequestUpload { return this.#upload; }
get withCredentials(): boolean { return this.#crossOriginCredentials; }
set withCredentials(value: boolean) { if ( !(this.#state === State.UNSENT || this.#state === State.OPENED) ) { throw new DOMException( "The request is not unsent or opened", "InvalidStateError", ); } if (this.#sendFlag) { throw new DOMException("The request has been sent", "InvalidStateError"); } this.#crossOriginCredentials = value; }
abort(): void { this.#terminate(); if ( (this.#state === State.OPENED && this.#sendFlag) || this.#state === State.HEADERS_RECEIVED || this.#state === State.LOADING ) { this.#requestErrorSteps("abort"); } if (this.#state === State.DONE) { this.#state = State.UNSENT; this.#response = undefined; } }
dispatchEvent(evt: Event): boolean { switch (evt.type) { case "readystatechange": if (this.onreadystatechange) {, evt); } break; } if (evt.cancelable && evt.defaultPrevented) { return false; } else { return super.dispatchEvent(evt); } }
getAllResponseHeaders(): string | null { if (!this.#response) { return null; } const headers = [...this.#response.headers]; headers.sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b)); return[key, value]) => `${key}: ${value}`).join("\r\n"); }
getResponseHeader(name: string): string | null { return this.#response?.headers.get(name) ?? null; }
open( method: string, url: string, async = true, username: string | null = null, password: string | null = null, ): void { if (typeof method !== "string") { throw new DOMException("The method is invalid", "SyntaxError"); } if (isForbidden(method)) { throw new DOMException( `The method "${method}" is forbidden.`, "SecurityError", ); } method = normalize(method); let parsedUrl: URL; try { let base: string | undefined; try { base = window.location.toString(); } catch { // we just want to avoid the error about location in Deno } parsedUrl = new URL(url, base); } catch { throw new DOMException(`The url "${url}" is invalid.`, "SyntaxError"); } if (username != null) { parsedUrl.username = username; } if (password != null) { parsedUrl.password = password; } if (async === false) { throw new DOMException( "The polyfill does not support sync operation.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } this.#terminate(); this.#sendFlag = false; this.#uploadListener = false; this.#requestMethod = method; this.#url = parsedUrl; this.#headers = new Headers(); this.#response = undefined; this.#state = State.OPENED; this.dispatchEvent(new Event("readystatechange")); }
overrideMimeType(mime: string): void { if (this.#state === State.LOADING || this.#state === State.DONE) { throw new DOMException( "The request is in an invalid state", "InvalidStateError", ); } this.#mime = contentType(mime) ?? "application/octet-stream"; }
send(body: BodyInit | null = null): void { if (this.#state !== State.OPENED) { throw new DOMException("Invalid state", "InvalidStateError"); } if (this.#sendFlag) { throw new DOMException("Invalid state", "InvalidStateError"); } if (this.#requestMethod === "GET" || this.#requestMethod === "HEAD") { body = null; } const abortController = this.#abortController = new AbortController(); const req = new Request(this.#url!.toString(), { method: this.#requestMethod, headers: this.#headers, body, mode: "cors", credentials: this.#crossOriginCredentials ? "include" : "same-origin", signal: abortController.signal, }); this.#uploadCompleteFlag = false; this.#timedoutFlag = false; if (req.body == null) { this.#uploadCompleteFlag = true; } this.#sendFlag = true;
this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("loadstart", { loaded: 0, total: 0 })); this.#upload.dispatchEvent( new ProgressEvent("loadstart", { loaded: 0, total: 0 }), ); if (this.#state !== State.OPENED || !this.#sendFlag) { return; } const processRequestEndOfBody = () => { this.#uploadCompleteFlag = true; if (!this.#uploadListener) { return; } this.#upload.dispatchEvent( new ProgressEvent("progress", { loaded: 0, total: 0 }), ); this.#upload.dispatchEvent( new ProgressEvent("load", { loaded: 0, total: 0, }), ); this.#upload.dispatchEvent( new ProgressEvent("loadend", { loaded: 0, total: 0 }), ); }; const processResponse = async (response: Response) => { this.#response = response; this.#state = State.HEADERS_RECEIVED; this.dispatchEvent(new Event("readystatechange")); if (this.#state !== State.HEADERS_RECEIVED) { return; } if (response.body == null) { this.#handleResponseEndOfBody(); return; } const total = extractLength(this.#response) ?? 0; const processBodyChunk = (bytes: Uint8Array) => { this.#receivedBytes = appendBytes(this.#receivedBytes, bytes); // the specification indicates that this should return if last invoked // was <= 50ms ago, the problem is that often chunks arrive under that // and a client doesn't get a progress event, which then causes it to // "hang" when long polling if (this.#state === State.HEADERS_RECEIVED) { this.#state = State.LOADING; } this.dispatchEvent(new Event("readystatechange")); this.dispatchEvent( new ProgressEvent("progress", { loaded: this.#receivedBytes.length, total, }), ); }; const processEndOfBody = () => { this.#handleResponseEndOfBody(); }; const processBodyError = () => { this.#handleErrors(); }; try { for await (const bytes of response.body) { processBodyChunk(bytes); } processEndOfBody(); } catch { processBodyError(); } }; const processRejection = () => { this.#handleErrors(); }; const p = fetch(req).then((response) => { processRequestEndOfBody(); return processResponse(response); }).catch(processRejection); if (this.#timeout > 0) { let tid = -1; const t = new Promise<boolean>((res) => { tid = setTimeout(() => res(true), this.#timeout); }); Promise.race([p, t]).then((value) => { clearTimeout(tid); if (value) { this.#timedoutFlag = true; this.#terminate(); } }); } }
setRequestHeader(name: string, value: string): void { if (this.#state !== State.OPENED) { throw new DOMException("Invalid state", "InvalidStateError"); } if (this.#sendFlag) { throw new DOMException("Invalid state", "InvalidateStateError"); } this.#headers.append(name, value); }
get DONE(): State.DONE { return State.DONE; }
get LOADING(): State.LOADING { return State.LOADING; }
get OPENED(): State.OPENED { return State.OPENED; }
get UNSENT(): State.UNSENT { return State.UNSENT; }
static get DONE(): State.DONE { return State.DONE; }
static get LOADING(): State.LOADING { return State.LOADING; }
static get OPENED(): State.OPENED { return State.OPENED; }
static get UNSENT(): State.UNSENT { return State.UNSENT; }}
// deno-lint-ignore ban-typesfunction maybeDefine(value: Function, name: string, scope: object) { Object.defineProperty(value, "name", { value: name, writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true, }); if (!(name in globalThis)) { Object.defineProperty(scope, name, { value, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false, }); }}
maybeDefine(XMLHttpRequest, "XMLHttpRequest", globalThis);maybeDefine(XMLHttpRequestEventTarget, "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget", globalThis);maybeDefine(XMLHttpRequestUpload, "XMLHttpRequestUpload", globalThis);