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naive xml parser for deno
import { matchAttrs, MatchedFragment, matchFragments } from './regexp.ts'import { reflectValue, removeNamespace } from './utils.ts'import { Node } from './xml.ts'
export interface Options { // skip parsing some tags, default to false (comparison of tag names is after removing namespace if ignoreNamespace) ignoreTags: false | string[] // skip parsing some attributes, default to false (true means skip all attributes) ignoreAttrs: boolean | string[] // skip namespace in tag names and attributes ignoreNamespace: boolean
// parse node value to string | number | boolean reflectValues: boolean // parse node attributes to string | number | boolean reflectAttrs: boolean
// trim string values of tags trimValues: boolean // trim string values of attributes trimAttrs: boolean}
const defaultOptions: Options = { ignoreTags: false, ignoreAttrs: false, ignoreNamespace: true,
reflectValues: true, reflectAttrs: true,
trimValues: true, trimAttrs: true,}
export class Parser { public options: Options
constructor(options: Partial<Options>) { this.options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options, } }
parse(raw: string): Node { const ctx: ParseContext = new ParseContext(this.options) const matched = matchFragments(raw) for (const item of matched) { const fragment = item.groups as MatchedFragment if (fragment.tagStart) { // ignore namespace? const tag = ctx.options.ignoreNamespace ? removeNamespace(fragment.tagStart) : fragment.tagStart
if (ctx.options.ignoreTags) { // is ignored tag? if (ctx.options.ignoreTagsSet.has(tag)) { if (fragment.selfEnd) continue ctx.pushIgnoringTag(tag) } // is inside a ignored tag? if (ctx.isIgnoring) continue }
ctx.newNode(tag) const rawAttrs = fragment.attrs?.trim() || '' if (rawAttrs) parseAttrs(rawAttrs, ctx) if (fragment.selfEnd) ctx.doneNode() if (fragment.content) setNodeValue(fragment.content, ctx) } else if (fragment.tagEnd) { // ignore namespace? const tag = ctx.options.ignoreNamespace ? removeNamespace(fragment.tagEnd) : fragment.tagEnd
if (ctx.options.ignoreTags) { // is ignored tag? if (ctx.isIgnoring) { if (ctx.options.ignoreTagsSet.has(tag)) ctx.popIgnoringTag(tag) continue } }
// try match tag if (ctx.node.tag !== tag) { throw new Error( `unmatched close-tag near '${raw.substr(item.index!, 8)}'`, ) }
ctx.doneNode() } else if (fragment.cdata) { if (ctx.options.ignoreTags && ctx.isIgnoring) continue setNodeValue(fragment.cdata, ctx) } else if (fragment.prolog) { parseAttrs(fragment.prolog, ctx, true) } else { // won't implement for other fragments } } if (ctx.node !== ctx.root) throw new Error('XML format error') return ctx.root }}
export class ParseContext { #node: Node readonly #root: Node
#ignoringStack: string[] = []
options: Options & { ignoreAttrsSet: Set<string> ignoreTagsSet: Set<string> }
constructor(options: Options, root: Node = new Node('ROOT')) { this.#node = root this.#root = root this.options = { ...options, ignoreAttrsSet: new Set( options.ignoreAttrs === true ? [] : (options.ignoreAttrs || []), ), ignoreTagsSet: new Set(options.ignoreTags || []), } }
get root() { return this.#root }
get node() { return this.#node }
get isIgnoring() { return this.#ignoringStack.length > 0 }
pushIgnoringTag(tag: string) { return this.#ignoringStack.push(tag) }
popIgnoringTag(tag: string) { if (this.#ignoringStack.pop() !== tag) throw new Error('XML format error') }
doneNode() { this.#node = this.node.parent || this.#root }
newNode(tag: string): Node { const node = new Node(tag) node.parent = this.#node this.#node.addChildren(node) return this.#node = node }}
export function parseAttrs( rawAttrs: string, ctx: ParseContext, useRoot: boolean = false,) { if (ctx.options.ignoreAttrs === true) return const node = useRoot ? ctx.root : ctx.node const matched = matchAttrs(rawAttrs.trim()) // [1] key [2] ?value for (const item of matched) { // is ignored if (ctx.options.ignoreAttrsSet.has(item[1])) return
const key = ctx.options.ignoreNamespace ? removeNamespace(item[1]) : item[1]
if (!key) return // only when key is `xmlns:`
if (!item[2]) { // value is empty => a boolean attr node.setAttr(key, true) return } const value = ctx.options.reflectAttrs ? reflectValue(item[2]) : ctx.options.trimAttrs ? item[2].trim() : item[2] node.setAttr(key, value) }}
export function setNodeValue(value: string, ctx: ParseContext) { ctx.node.value = ctx.options.reflectValues ? reflectValue(value) : ctx.options.trimValues ? value.trim() : value}