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State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
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import { EventObject, StateValue } from './types';import { StateNode } from './StateNode';import { flatten } from './utils';
type Configuration<TC, TE extends EventObject> = Iterable< StateNode<TC, any, TE>>;
type AdjList<TC, TE extends EventObject> = Map< StateNode<TC, any, TE>, Array<StateNode<TC, any, TE>>>;
export const isLeafNode = ( stateNode: StateNode<any, any, any, any, any, any>) => stateNode.type === 'atomic' || stateNode.type === 'final';
export function getChildren<TC, TE extends EventObject>( stateNode: StateNode<TC, any, TE>): Array<StateNode<TC, any, TE>> { return Object.keys(stateNode.states) .map((key) => stateNode.states[key]) .filter((sn) => sn.type !== 'history');}
export function getAllStateNodes<TC, TE extends EventObject>( stateNode: StateNode<TC, any, TE, any, any, any>): Array<StateNode<TC, any, TE, any, any, any>> { const stateNodes = [stateNode];
if (isLeafNode(stateNode)) { return stateNodes; }
return stateNodes.concat( flatten(getChildren(stateNode).map(getAllStateNodes)) );}
export function getConfiguration<TC, TE extends EventObject>( prevStateNodes: Iterable<StateNode<TC, any, TE, any, any, any>>, stateNodes: Iterable<StateNode<TC, any, TE, any, any, any>>): Set<StateNode<TC, any, TE, any, any, any>> { const prevConfiguration = new Set(prevStateNodes); const prevAdjList = getAdjList(prevConfiguration);
const configuration = new Set(stateNodes);
// add all ancestors for (const s of configuration) { let m = s.parent;
while (m && !configuration.has(m)) { configuration.add(m); m = m.parent; } }
const adjList = getAdjList(configuration);
// add descendants for (const s of configuration) { // if previously active, add existing child nodes if (s.type === 'compound' && (!adjList.get(s) || !adjList.get(s)!.length)) { if (prevAdjList.get(s)) { prevAdjList.get(s)!.forEach((sn) => configuration.add(sn)); } else { s.initialStateNodes.forEach((sn) => configuration.add(sn)); } } else { if (s.type === 'parallel') { for (const child of getChildren(s)) { if (!configuration.has(child)) { configuration.add(child);
if (prevAdjList.get(child)) { prevAdjList.get(child)!.forEach((sn) => configuration.add(sn)); } else { child.initialStateNodes.forEach((sn) => configuration.add(sn)); } } } } } }
// add all ancestors for (const s of configuration) { let m = s.parent;
while (m && !configuration.has(m)) { configuration.add(m); m = m.parent; } }
return configuration;}
function getValueFromAdj<TC, TE extends EventObject>( baseNode: StateNode<TC, any, TE>, adjList: AdjList<TC, TE>): StateValue { const childStateNodes = adjList.get(baseNode);
if (!childStateNodes) { return {}; // todo: fix? }
if (baseNode.type === 'compound') { const childStateNode = childStateNodes[0]; if (childStateNode) { if (isLeafNode(childStateNode)) { return childStateNode.key; } } else { return {}; } }
const stateValue = {}; childStateNodes.forEach((csn) => { stateValue[csn.key] = getValueFromAdj(csn, adjList); });
return stateValue;}
export function getAdjList<TC, TE extends EventObject>( configuration: Configuration<TC, TE>): AdjList<TC, TE> { const adjList: AdjList<TC, TE> = new Map();
for (const s of configuration) { if (!adjList.has(s)) { adjList.set(s, []); }
if (s.parent) { if (!adjList.has(s.parent)) { adjList.set(s.parent, []); }
adjList.get(s.parent)!.push(s); } }
return adjList;}
export function getValue<TC, TE extends EventObject>( rootNode: StateNode<TC, any, TE, any>, configuration: Configuration<TC, TE>): StateValue { const config = getConfiguration([rootNode], configuration);
return getValueFromAdj(rootNode, getAdjList(config));}
export function has<T>(iterable: Iterable<T>, item: T): boolean { if (Array.isArray(iterable)) { return iterable.some((member) => member === item); }
if (iterable instanceof Set) { return iterable.has(item); }
return false; // TODO: fix}
export function nextEvents<TC, TE extends EventObject>( configuration: Array<StateNode<TC, any, TE>>): Array<TE['type']> { return [ Set(flatten([ => sn.ownEvents)]))];}
export function isInFinalState<TC, TE extends EventObject>( configuration: Array<StateNode<TC, any, TE, any, any, any>>, stateNode: StateNode<TC, any, TE, any, any, any>): boolean { if (stateNode.type === 'compound') { return getChildren(stateNode).some( (s) => s.type === 'final' && has(configuration, s) ); } if (stateNode.type === 'parallel') { return getChildren(stateNode).every((sn) => isInFinalState(configuration, sn) ); }
return false;}
export function getMeta(configuration: StateNode[] = []): Record<string, any> { return configuration.reduce((acc, stateNode) => { if (stateNode.meta !== undefined) { acc[] = stateNode.meta; } return acc; }, {} as Record<string, any>);}
export function getTagsFromConfiguration( configuration: StateNode<any, any, any, any>[]) { return new Set(flatten( => sn.tags)));}