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State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
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import { Event, StateValue, ActionType, Action, EventObject, PropertyMapper, Mapper, EventType, HistoryValue, AssignAction, Condition, Subscribable, ConditionPredicate, SCXML, StateLike, EventData, TransitionConfig, TransitionConfigTarget, NullEvent, SingleOrArray, Guard, GuardMeta, InvokeSourceDefinition, Observer, Behavior} from './types';import { STATE_DELIMITER, DEFAULT_GUARD_TYPE, TARGETLESS_KEY} from './constants';import { IS_PRODUCTION } from './environment';import { StateNode } from './StateNode';import { State } from './State';import { Actor } from './Actor';import { AnyStateMachine } from '.';
export function keys<T extends object>(value: T): Array<keyof T & string> { return Object.keys(value) as Array<keyof T & string>;}
export function matchesState( parentStateId: StateValue, childStateId: StateValue, delimiter: string = STATE_DELIMITER): boolean { const parentStateValue = toStateValue(parentStateId, delimiter); const childStateValue = toStateValue(childStateId, delimiter);
if (isString(childStateValue)) { if (isString(parentStateValue)) { return childStateValue === parentStateValue; }
// Parent more specific than child return false; }
if (isString(parentStateValue)) { return parentStateValue in childStateValue; }
return Object.keys(parentStateValue).every((key) => { if (!(key in childStateValue)) { return false; }
return matchesState(parentStateValue[key], childStateValue[key]); });}
export function getEventType<TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject>( event: Event<TEvent>): TEvent['type'] { try { return isString(event) || typeof event === 'number' ? `${event}` : (event as TEvent).type; } catch (e) { throw new Error( 'Events must be strings or objects with a string event.type property.' ); }}export function getActionType(action: Action<any, any>): ActionType { try { return isString(action) || typeof action === 'number' ? `${action}` : isFunction(action) ? : action.type; } catch (e) { throw new Error( 'Actions must be strings or objects with a string action.type property.' ); }}
export function toStatePath( stateId: string | string[], delimiter: string): string[] { try { if (isArray(stateId)) { return stateId; }
return stateId.toString().split(delimiter); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`'${stateId}' is not a valid state path.`); }}
export function isStateLike(state: any): state is StateLike<any> { return ( typeof state === 'object' && 'value' in state && 'context' in state && 'event' in state && '_event' in state );}
export function toStateValue( stateValue: StateLike<any> | StateValue | string[], delimiter: string): StateValue { if (isStateLike(stateValue)) { return stateValue.value; }
if (isArray(stateValue)) { return pathToStateValue(stateValue); }
if (typeof stateValue !== 'string') { return stateValue as StateValue; }
const statePath = toStatePath(stateValue as string, delimiter);
return pathToStateValue(statePath);}
export function pathToStateValue(statePath: string[]): StateValue { if (statePath.length === 1) { return statePath[0]; }
const value = {}; let marker = value;
for (let i = 0; i < statePath.length - 1; i++) { if (i === statePath.length - 2) { marker[statePath[i]] = statePath[i + 1]; } else { marker[statePath[i]] = {}; marker = marker[statePath[i]]; } }
return value;}
export function mapValues<P, O extends Record<string, unknown>>( collection: O, iteratee: (item: O[keyof O], key: keyof O, collection: O, i: number) => P): { [key in keyof O]: P };export function mapValues( collection: Record<string, unknown>, iteratee: ( item: unknown, key: string, collection: Record<string, unknown>, i: number ) => unknown) { const result: Record<string, unknown> = {};
const collectionKeys = Object.keys(collection); for (let i = 0; i < collectionKeys.length; i++) { const key = collectionKeys[i]; result[key] = iteratee(collection[key], key, collection, i); }
return result;}
export function mapFilterValues<T, P>( collection: { [key: string]: T }, iteratee: (item: T, key: string, collection: { [key: string]: T }) => P, predicate: (item: T) => boolean): { [key: string]: P } { const result: { [key: string]: P } = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(collection)) { const item = collection[key];
if (!predicate(item)) { continue; }
result[key] = iteratee(item, key, collection); }
return result;}
/** * Retrieves a value at the given path. * @param props The deep path to the prop of the desired value */export const path = <T extends Record<string, any>>(props: string[]): any => ( object: T): any => { let result: T = object;
for (const prop of props) { result = result[prop as keyof typeof result]; }
return result;};
/** * Retrieves a value at the given path via the nested accessor prop. * @param props The deep path to the prop of the desired value */export function nestedPath<T extends Record<string, any>>( props: string[], accessorProp: keyof T): (object: T) => T { return (object) => { let result: T = object;
for (const prop of props) { result = result[accessorProp][prop]; }
return result; };}
export function toStatePaths(stateValue: StateValue | undefined): string[][] { if (!stateValue) { return [[]]; }
if (isString(stateValue)) { return [[stateValue]]; }
const result = flatten( Object.keys(stateValue).map((key) => { const subStateValue = stateValue[key];
if ( typeof subStateValue !== 'string' && (!subStateValue || !Object.keys(subStateValue).length) ) { return [[key]]; }
return toStatePaths(stateValue[key]).map((subPath) => { return [key].concat(subPath); }); }) );
return result;}
export function pathsToStateValue(paths: string[][]): StateValue { const result: StateValue = {};
if (paths && paths.length === 1 && paths[0].length === 1) { return paths[0][0]; }
for (const currentPath of paths) { let marker = result; // tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of for (let i = 0; i < currentPath.length; i++) { const subPath = currentPath[i];
if (i === currentPath.length - 2) { marker[subPath] = currentPath[i + 1]; break; } marker[subPath] = marker[subPath] || {}; marker = marker[subPath] as {}; } }
return result;}
export function flatten<T>(array: Array<T | T[]>): T[] { return ([] as T[]).concat(...array);}
export function toArrayStrict<T>(value: T[] | T): T[] { if (isArray(value)) { return value; } return [value];}
export function toArray<T>(value: T[] | T | undefined): T[] { if (value === undefined) { return []; } return toArrayStrict(value);}
export function mapContext<TContext, TEvent extends EventObject>( mapper: Mapper<TContext, TEvent, any> | PropertyMapper<TContext, TEvent, any>, context: TContext, _event: SCXML.Event<TEvent>): any { if (isFunction(mapper)) { return mapper(context,; }
const result = {} as any;
for (const key of Object.keys(mapper)) { const subMapper = mapper[key];
if (isFunction(subMapper)) { result[key] = subMapper(context,; } else { result[key] = subMapper; } }
return result;}
export function isBuiltInEvent(eventType: EventType): boolean { return /^(done|error)\./.test(eventType);}
export function isPromiseLike(value: any): value is PromiseLike<any> { if (value instanceof Promise) { return true; } // Check if shape matches the Promise/A+ specification for a "thenable". if ( value !== null && (isFunction(value) || typeof value === 'object') && isFunction(value.then) ) { return true; } return false;}
export function isBehavior(value: any): value is Behavior<any, any> { return ( value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && 'transition' in value && typeof value.transition === 'function' );}
export function partition<T, A extends T, B extends T>( items: T[], predicate: (item: T) => item is A): [A[], B[]] { const [truthy, falsy] = [[], []] as [A[], B[]];
for (const item of items) { if (predicate(item)) { truthy.push(item); } else { falsy.push(item as B); } }
return [truthy, falsy];}
export function updateHistoryStates( hist: HistoryValue, stateValue: StateValue): Record<string, HistoryValue | undefined> { return mapValues(hist.states, (subHist, key) => { if (!subHist) { return undefined; } const subStateValue = (isString(stateValue) ? undefined : stateValue[key]) || (subHist ? subHist.current : undefined);
if (!subStateValue) { return undefined; }
return { current: subStateValue, states: updateHistoryStates(subHist, subStateValue) }; });}
export function updateHistoryValue( hist: HistoryValue, stateValue: StateValue): HistoryValue { return { current: stateValue, states: updateHistoryStates(hist, stateValue) };}
export function updateContext<TContext, TEvent extends EventObject>( context: TContext, _event: SCXML.Event<TEvent>, assignActions: Array<AssignAction<TContext, TEvent>>, state?: State<TContext, TEvent>): TContext { if (!IS_PRODUCTION) { warn(!!context, 'Attempting to update undefined context'); } const updatedContext = context ? assignActions.reduce((acc, assignAction) => { const { assignment } = assignAction as AssignAction<TContext, TEvent>;
const meta = { state, action: assignAction, _event };
let partialUpdate: Partial<TContext> = {};
if (isFunction(assignment)) { partialUpdate = assignment(acc,, meta); } else { for (const key of Object.keys(assignment)) { const propAssignment = assignment[key];
partialUpdate[key] = isFunction(propAssignment) ? propAssignment(acc,, meta) : propAssignment; } }
return Object.assign({}, acc, partialUpdate); }, context) : context; return updatedContext;}
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-emptylet warn: (condition: boolean | Error, message: string) => void = () => {};
if (!IS_PRODUCTION) { warn = (condition: boolean | Error, message: string) => { const error = condition instanceof Error ? condition : undefined; if (!error && condition) { return; }
if (console !== undefined) { const args: [string, ...any[]] = [`Warning: ${message}`]; if (error) { args.push(error); } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.warn.apply(console, args); } };}
export { warn };
export function isArray(value: any): value is any[] { return Array.isArray(value);}
// tslint:disable-next-line:ban-typesexport function isFunction(value: any): value is Function { return typeof value === 'function';}
export function isString(value: any): value is string { return typeof value === 'string';}
export function toGuard<TContext, TEvent extends EventObject>( condition?: Condition<TContext, TEvent>, guardMap?: Record<string, ConditionPredicate<TContext, TEvent>>): Guard<TContext, TEvent> | undefined { if (!condition) { return undefined; }
if (isString(condition)) { return { type: DEFAULT_GUARD_TYPE, name: condition, predicate: guardMap ? guardMap[condition] : undefined }; }
if (isFunction(condition)) { return { type: DEFAULT_GUARD_TYPE, name:, predicate: condition }; }
return condition;}
export function isObservable<T>(value: any): value is Subscribable<T> { try { return 'subscribe' in value && isFunction(value.subscribe); } catch (e) { return false; }}
export const symbolObservable: typeof Symbol.observable = (() => (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.observable) || '@@observable')() as any;
// TODO: to be removed in v5, left it out just to minimize the scope of the change and maintain compatibility with older versions of integration paackagesexport const interopSymbols = { [symbolObservable]: function () { return this; }, [Symbol.observable]: function () { return this; }};
export function isMachine(value: any): value is AnyStateMachine { return !!value && '__xstatenode' in value;}
export function isActor(value: any): value is Actor { return !!value && typeof value.send === 'function';}
export const uniqueId = (() => { let currentId = 0;
return () => { currentId++; return currentId.toString(16); };})();
export function toEventObject<TEvent extends EventObject>( event: Event<TEvent>, payload?: EventData // id?: TEvent['type']): TEvent { if (isString(event) || typeof event === 'number') { return { type: event, ...payload } as TEvent; }
return event;}
export function toSCXMLEvent<TEvent extends EventObject>( event: Event<TEvent> | SCXML.Event<TEvent>, scxmlEvent?: Partial<SCXML.Event<TEvent>>): SCXML.Event<TEvent> { if (!isString(event) && '$$type' in event && event.$$type === 'scxml') { return event as SCXML.Event<TEvent>; }
const eventObject = toEventObject(event as Event<TEvent>);
return { name: eventObject.type, data: eventObject, $$type: 'scxml', type: 'external', ...scxmlEvent };}
export function toTransitionConfigArray<TContext, TEvent extends EventObject>( event: TEvent['type'] | NullEvent['type'] | '*', configLike: SingleOrArray< | TransitionConfig<TContext, TEvent> | TransitionConfigTarget<TContext, TEvent> >): Array< TransitionConfig<TContext, TEvent> & { event: TEvent['type'] | NullEvent['type'] | '*'; }> { const transitions = toArrayStrict(configLike).map((transitionLike) => { if ( typeof transitionLike === 'undefined' || typeof transitionLike === 'string' || isMachine(transitionLike) ) { return { target: transitionLike, event }; }
return { ...transitionLike, event }; }) as Array< TransitionConfig<TContext, TEvent> & { event: TEvent['type'] | NullEvent['type'] | '*'; } // TODO: fix 'as' (remove) >;
return transitions;}
export function normalizeTarget<TContext, TEvent extends EventObject>( target: SingleOrArray<string | StateNode<TContext, any, TEvent>> | undefined): Array<string | StateNode<TContext, any, TEvent>> | undefined { if (target === undefined || target === TARGETLESS_KEY) { return undefined; } return toArray(target);}
export function reportUnhandledExceptionOnInvocation( originalError: any, currentError: any, id: string) { if (!IS_PRODUCTION) { const originalStackTrace = originalError.stack ? ` Stacktrace was '${originalError.stack}'` : ''; if (originalError === currentError) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.error( `Missing onError handler for invocation '${id}', error was '${originalError}'.${originalStackTrace}` ); } else { const stackTrace = currentError.stack ? ` Stacktrace was '${currentError.stack}'` : ''; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.error( `Missing onError handler and/or unhandled exception/promise rejection for invocation '${id}'. ` + `Original error: '${originalError}'. ${originalStackTrace} Current error is '${currentError}'.${stackTrace}` ); } }}
export function evaluateGuard<TContext, TEvent extends EventObject>( machine: StateNode<TContext, any, TEvent, any, any>, guard: Guard<TContext, TEvent>, context: TContext, _event: SCXML.Event<TEvent>, state: State<TContext, TEvent>): boolean { const { guards } = machine.options; const guardMeta: GuardMeta<TContext, TEvent> = { state, cond: guard, _event };
// TODO: do not hardcode! if (guard.type === DEFAULT_GUARD_TYPE) { return (guards?.[] || guard.predicate)( context,, guardMeta ); }
const condFn = guards?.[guard.type];
if (!condFn) { throw new Error( `Guard '${guard.type}' is not implemented on machine '${}'.` ); }
return (condFn as any)(context,, guardMeta);}
export function toInvokeSource( src: string | InvokeSourceDefinition): InvokeSourceDefinition { if (typeof src === 'string') { return { type: src }; }
return src;}
export function toObserver<T>( nextHandler: Observer<T> | ((value: T) => void), errorHandler?: (error: any) => void, completionHandler?: () => void): Observer<T> { if (typeof nextHandler === 'object') { return nextHandler; }
const noop = () => void 0;
return { next: nextHandler, error: errorHandler || noop, complete: completionHandler || noop };}
export function createInvokeId(stateNodeId: string, index: number): string { return `${stateNodeId}:invocation[${index}]`;}