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State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
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import { Machine, sendParent, interpret, assign } from '../src';import { respond, send } from '../src/actions';
describe('SCXML events', () => { it('should have the origin (id) from the sending machine service', (done) => { const childMachine = Machine({ initial: 'active', states: { active: { entry: sendParent('EVENT') } } });
const parentMachine = Machine({ initial: 'active', states: { active: { invoke: { id: 'child', src: childMachine }, on: { EVENT: { target: 'success', cond: (_: any, __: any, { _event }: any) => { return !!(_event.origin && _event.origin.length > 0); } } } }, success: { type: 'final' } } });
interpret(parentMachine) .onDone(() => done()) .start(); });
it('should have the origin (id) from the sending callback service', () => { const machine = Machine<{ childOrigin?: string }>({ initial: 'active', context: {}, states: { active: { invoke: { id: 'callback_child', src: () => (send) => send({ type: 'EVENT' }) }, on: { EVENT: { target: 'success', actions: assign({ childOrigin: (_, __, { _event }) => _event.origin }) } } }, success: { type: 'final' } } });
const service = interpret(machine).start();
expect(service.state.context.childOrigin).toBe('callback_child'); });
it('respond() should be able to respond to sender', (done) => { const authServerMachine = Machine({ initial: 'waitingForCode', states: { waitingForCode: { on: { CODE: { actions: respond('TOKEN', { delay: 10 }) } } } } });
const authClientMachine = Machine({ initial: 'idle', states: { idle: { on: { AUTH: 'authorizing' } }, authorizing: { invoke: { id: 'auth-server', src: authServerMachine }, entry: send('CODE', { to: 'auth-server' }), on: { TOKEN: 'authorized' } }, authorized: { type: 'final' } } });
const service = interpret(authClientMachine) .onDone(() => done()) .start();
service.send('AUTH'); });});
interface SignInContext { email: string; password: string;}
interface ChangePassword { type: 'changePassword'; password: string;}
const authMachine = Machine<SignInContext, ChangePassword>( { context: { email: '', password: '' }, initial: 'passwordField', states: { passwordField: { initial: 'hidden', states: { hidden: { on: { // We want to assign the new password but remain in the hidden // state changePassword: { actions: 'assignPassword' } } }, valid: {}, invalid: {} }, on: { changePassword: [ { cond: (_, event) => event.password.length >= 10, target: '.invalid', actions: ['assignPassword'] }, { target: '.valid', actions: ['assignPassword'] } ] } } } }, { actions: { assignPassword: assign<SignInContext, ChangePassword>({ password: (_, event) => event.password }) } });
describe('nested transitions', () => { it('only take the transition of the most inner matching event', () => { const password = 'xstate123'; const state = authMachine.transition(authMachine.initialState, { type: 'changePassword', password });
expect(state.value).toEqual({ passwordField: 'hidden' }); expect(state.context).toEqual({ password, email: '' }); });});