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State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
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import { Machine, interpret } from '../src/index';
describe('event descriptors', () => { it('should fallback to using wildcard transition definition (if specified)', () => { const machine = Machine({ initial: 'A', states: { A: { on: { FOO: 'B', '*': 'C' } }, B: {}, C: {} } });
const service = interpret(machine).start(); service.send('BAR'); expect(service.state.value).toBe('C'); });
it('should not use wildcard transition over explicit one when using object `.on` config - even if wildcard comes first', () => { const machine = Machine({ initial: 'A', states: { A: { on: { '*': 'fail', NEXT: 'pass' } }, fail: {}, pass: {} } });
const service = interpret(machine).start(); service.send('NEXT'); expect(service.state.value).toBe('pass'); });
it('should select wildcard over explicit event type for array `.on` config (according to document order)', () => { const machine = Machine({ initial: 'A', states: { A: { on: [ { event: '*', target: 'pass' }, { event: 'NEXT', target: 'fail' } ] }, fail: {}, pass: {} } });
const service = interpret(machine).start(); service.send('NEXT'); expect(service.state.value).toBe('pass'); });});