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State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
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import { createMachine, assign } from '../src/index';import * as machineSchema from '../src/machine.schema.json';
import * as Ajv from 'ajv';
const ajv = new Ajv();const validate = ajv.compile(machineSchema);
describe('json', () => { it('should serialize the machine', () => { const machine = createMachine<{ [key: string]: any }>({ initial: 'foo', version: '1.0.0', context: { number: 0, string: 'hello' }, invoke: [{ id: 'invokeId', src: 'invokeSrc', autoForward: true }], states: { testActions: { invoke: [{ id: 'invokeId', src: 'invokeSrc', autoForward: true }], entry: [ 'stringActionType', { type: 'objectActionType' }, { type: 'objectActionTypeWithExec', exec: () => { return true; }, other: 'any' }, function actionFunction() { return true; }, assign({ number: 10, string: 'test', evalNumber: () => 42 }), assign((ctx) => ({ ...ctx })) ], on: { TO_FOO: { target: ['foo', 'bar'], cond: (ctx) => !!ctx.string } }, after: { 1000: 'bar' } }, foo: {}, bar: {}, testHistory: { type: 'history', history: 'deep' }, testFinal: { type: 'final', data: { something: 'else' } }, testParallel: { type: 'parallel', states: { one: { initial: 'inactive', states: { inactive: {} } }, two: { initial: 'inactive', states: { inactive: {} } } } } } });
const json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(machine.definition));
try { validate(json); } catch (err: any) { throw new Error(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(err.message), null, 2)); }
expect(validate.errors).toBeNull(); });
it('should detect an invalid machine', () => { const invalidMachineConfig = { id: 'something', key: 'something', type: 'invalid type', states: {} };
validate(invalidMachineConfig); expect(validate.errors).not.toBeNull(); });
it('should not double-serialize invoke transitions', () => { const machine = createMachine({ initial: 'active', states: { active: { invoke: { src: 'someSrc', onDone: 'foo', onError: 'bar' }, on: { EVENT: 'foo' } }, foo: {}, bar: {} } });
const machineJSON = JSON.stringify(machine);
const machineObject = JSON.parse(machineJSON);
const revivedMachine = createMachine(machineObject);
expect(` Array [ Object { "actions": Array [], "cond": undefined, "event": "done.invoke.(machine).active:invocation[0]", "eventType": "done.invoke.(machine).active:invocation[0]", "internal": false, "source": "#(machine).active", "target": Array [ "#(machine).foo", ], "toJSON": [Function], }, Object { "actions": Array [], "cond": undefined, "event": "error.platform.(machine).active:invocation[0]", "eventType": "error.platform.(machine).active:invocation[0]", "internal": false, "source": "#(machine).active", "target": Array [ "#(machine).bar", ], "toJSON": [Function], }, Object { "actions": Array [], "cond": undefined, "event": "EVENT", "eventType": "EVENT", "internal": false, "source": "#(machine).active", "target": Array [ "#(machine).foo", ], "toJSON": [Function], }, ] `);
// 1. onDone // 2. onError // 3. EVENT expect(; });});