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State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
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import { ContextFrom, createMachine, EventFrom } from '../src';import { assign, cancel, choose, log, send, sendParent, sendUpdate, stop} from '../src/actions';import { createModel } from '../src/model';
describe('createModel', () => { it('model.assign updates context and is typed correctly', () => { type UserEvent = | { type: 'updateName'; value: string; } | { type: 'updateAge'; value: number } | { type: 'anotherEvent' };
interface UserContext { name: string; age: number; }
const userModel = createModel<UserContext, UserEvent>({ name: 'David', age: 30 });
// Example of an externally-defined assign action const assignName = userModel.assign( { name: (_, event) => { return event.value; } }, 'updateName' );
const machine = createMachine<UserContext, UserEvent>({ context: userModel.initialContext, initial: 'active', states: { active: { on: { updateName: { // pre-defined assign action actions: assignName }, updateAge: { // inline assign action actions: userModel.assign((_, e) => { return { age: e.value }; }) } } } } });
const updatedState = machine.transition(undefined, { type: 'updateName', value: 'Anyone' });
expect('Anyone'); });
it('model.reset resets the context to its initial value', () => { type UserEvent = | { type: 'updateName'; value: string; } | { type: 'updateAge'; value: number } | { type: 'reset' };
interface UserContext { name: string; age: number; }
const userModel = createModel<UserContext, UserEvent>({ name: 'David', age: 30 });
// Example of an externally-defined assign action const assignName = userModel.assign( { name: (_, event) => { return event.value; } }, 'updateName' );
const machine = createMachine<UserContext, UserEvent>({ context: userModel.initialContext, initial: 'active', states: { active: { on: { updateName: { // pre-defined assign action actions: assignName }, updateAge: { // inline assign action actions: userModel.assign((_, e) => { return { age: e.value }; }) }, reset: { actions: userModel.reset() } } } } });
const updatedState = machine.transition(undefined, { type: 'updateName', value: 'Anyone' });
const resetState = machine.transition(undefined, { type: 'reset' });
expect(resetState.context).toEqual(userModel.initialContext); });
it('can model events', () => { const userModel = createModel( { name: 'David', age: 30 }, { events: { updateName: (value: string) => ({ value }), updateAge: (value: number) => { const payload = { value }; (payload as any).type = 'this should be overwritten'; return payload; }, anotherEvent: () => ({}) } } );
// Example of an externally-defined assign action const assignName = userModel.assign( { name: (_, event) => { return event.value; } }, 'updateName' );
const machine = userModel.createMachine({ initial: 'active', states: { active: { on: { updateName: { // pre-defined assign action actions: [assignName] }, updateAge: { // inline assign action actions: userModel.assign((_, e) => { return { age: e.value }; }) } } } } });
let updatedState = machine.transition( undefined,'Anyone') );
updatedState = machine.transition( updatedState, );
expect(updatedState.context.age).toEqual(42); });
it('can model actions', () => { const userModel = createModel( { name: 'David', age: 30 }, { actions: { greet: (message: string) => ({ message }) } } );
userModel.createMachine({ context: userModel.initialContext, initial: 'active', entry: { type: 'greet', message: 'hello' }, exit: { type: 'greet', message: 'goodbye' }, states: { active: { entry: [userModel.actions.greet('hello')] } } });
userModel.createMachine({ context: userModel.initialContext, // @ts-expect-error entry: { type: 'greet' } // missing message });
userModel.createMachine({ context: userModel.initialContext, // @ts-expect-error entry: { type: 'fake' } // wrong message }); });
it('works with built-in actions', () => { const model = createModel( {}, { events: { SAMPLE: () => ({}) }, actions: { custom: () => ({}) } } );
model.createMachine({ context: model.initialContext, entry: [ model.actions.custom(), // raise('SAMPLE'), send('SAMPLE'), sendParent('SOMETHING'), sendUpdate(), // respond('SOMETHING'), log('something'), cancel('something'), stop('something'), model.assign({}), choose([]) ], exit: [ model.actions.custom(), // raise('SAMPLE'), send('SAMPLE'), sendParent('SOMETHING'), sendUpdate(), // respond('SOMETHING'), log('something'), cancel('something'), stop('something'), model.assign({}), choose([]) ], on: { SAMPLE: { actions: [ model.actions.custom(), // raise('SAMPLE'), send('SAMPLE'), sendParent('SOMETHING'), sendUpdate(), // respond('SOMETHING'), log('something'), cancel('something'), stop('something'), model.assign({}), choose([]) ] } }, initial: 'someState', states: { someState: { entry: [ model.actions.custom(), // raise('SAMPLE'), send('SAMPLE'), sendParent('SOMETHING'), sendUpdate(), // respond('SOMETHING'), log('something'), cancel('something'), stop('something'), model.assign({}), choose([]) ], exit: [ model.actions.custom(), // raise('SAMPLE'), send('SAMPLE'), sendParent('SOMETHING'), sendUpdate(), // respond('SOMETHING'), log('something'), cancel('something'), stop('something'), model.assign({}), choose([]) ] } } }); });
it('should strongly type action implementations', () => { const model = createModel( {}, { events: { SAMPLE: () => ({}) }, actions: { custom: (param: string) => ({ param }) } } );
model.createMachine( { context: {} }, { actions: { custom: (_ctx, _e, { action }) => { action.param.toUpperCase();
// @ts-expect-error action.param.whatever();
// @ts-expect-error action.unknown; } } } ); });
it('should strongly type action implementations with model.createMachine(...)', () => { const model = createModel( {}, { events: { SAMPLE: () => ({}) }, actions: { custom: (param: string) => ({ param }) } } );
model.createMachine( { context: {} }, { actions: { custom: (_ctx, _e, { action }) => { action.param.toUpperCase();
// @ts-expect-error action.param.whatever();
// @ts-expect-error action.unknown; } } } ); });
it('should disallow string actions for non-simple actions', () => { const model = createModel( {}, { events: { SAMPLE: () => ({}) }, actions: { simple: () => ({}), custom: (param: string) => ({ param }) } } );
model.createMachine({ entry: ['simple', { type: 'custom', param: 'something' }],
// @ts-expect-error exit: ['custom'], initial: 'test', states: { test: { entry: ['simple', { type: 'custom', param: 'something' }],
// @ts-expect-error exit: ['custom'] } } }); });
it('should typecheck `createMachine` for model without creators', () => { const toggleModel = createModel( { count: 0 }, { events: { TOGGLE: () => ({}) } } );
toggleModel.createMachine({ id: 'machine', initial: 'inactive', states: { inactive: { on: { TOGGLE: 'active' } }, active: { on: { TOGGLE: 'inactive' } } } }); });
it('model.createMachine(...) should provide the initial context', () => { const toggleModel = createModel({ count: 0 });
const machine = toggleModel.createMachine({});
expect(machine.initialState.context.count).toBe(0); });
it('should not allow using events if creators have not been configured', () => { const model = createModel({ count: 0 });
// this is a type test for something that is not available at runtime so we suppress runtime error with try/catch try { // this should not end up being `any` // @ts-expect-error; } catch (err) {} });
it('should not allow using actions if creators have not been configured', () => { const model = createModel({ count: 0 });
// this is a type test for something that is not available at runtime so we suppress runtime error with try/catch try { // this should not end up being `any` // @ts-expect-error model.actions.test(); } catch (err) {} });
it('should allow for the action type to be explicitly given when creators have not been configured', () => { const model = createModel< { count: number }, { type: 'EV' }, { type: 'fooAction' } >({ count: 0 });
model.createMachine({ context: model.initialContext, initial: 'a', states: { a: { entry: 'fooAction' }, b: { // @ts-expect-error entry: 'barAction' } } }); });
it('should allow any action if actions are not specified', () => { const model = createModel( {}, { events: {} } );
model.createMachine({ entry: 'someAction', exit: { type: 'someObjectAction' }, on: { // @ts-expect-error UNEXPECTED_EVENT: {} } }); });
it('should infer context correctly when actions are not specified', () => { const model = createModel( { foo: 100 }, { events: { BAR: () => ({}) } } );
model.createMachine({ entry: (ctx) => { // @ts-expect-error assert indirectly that `ctx` is not `any` or `unknown` ctx.other; }, exit: assign({ foo: (ctx) => { // @ts-expect-error assert indirectly that `ctx` is not `any` or `unknown` ctx.other; return; } }) }); });
it('should keep the context type on the state after using `state.matches`', () => { const model = createModel<{ count: number }, { type: 'INC' }>({ count: 0 });
const machine = model.createMachine({ context: model.initialContext, states: { a: {} } });
if (machine.initialState.matches('a')) { machine.initialState.context.count; // @ts-expect-error machine.initialState.context.unknown; } });
it('ContextFrom accepts a model type', () => { const model = createModel( { count: 3 }, { events: {} } );
const val = ({} as unknown) as ContextFrom<typeof model>;
// expect no type error here // with previous ContextFrom behavior, this will not compile val.count;
// @ts-expect-error (sanity check) val.unknown; });
it('EventFrom accepts a model type', () => { const model = createModel( { count: 3 }, { events: { INC: () => ({}) } } );
const val = ({} as unknown) as EventFrom<typeof model>;
// expect no type error here // with previous EventFrom behavior, this will not compile val.type;
// @ts-expect-error (sanity check) val.count; });});