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JavaScript parser and stringifier for YAML
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import { parseDocument, Scalar } from 'yaml'import { source } from './_utils'
describe('%TAG', () => { test('parse', () => { const doc = parseDocument(source` %TAG ! !foo: %TAG !bar! !bar: --- - !bar v1 - !bar!foo v2 `) expect(doc.errors).toHaveLength(0) expect(doc.directives.tags).toMatchObject({ '!!': ',2002:', '!': '!foo:', '!bar!': '!bar:' }) expect(doc.contents).toMatchObject({ items: [ { value: 'v1', tag: '!foo:bar' }, { value: 'v2', tag: '!bar:foo' } ] }) })
test('create & stringify', () => { const doc = parseDocument('[ v1, v2 ]\n') ;(doc.get(0, true) as Scalar).tag = '!foo:foo' ;(doc.get(1, true) as Scalar).tag = '!bar:bar' doc.directives.tags['!'] = '!foo:' doc.directives.tags['!bar!'] = '!bar:' expect(String(doc)).toBe(source` %TAG ! !foo: %TAG !bar! !bar: --- [ !foo v1, !bar!bar v2 ] `) })})
describe('broken directives', () => { for (const tag of ['%TAG', '%YAML']) test(`incomplete ${tag} directive`, () => { const doc = parseDocument(`${tag}\n---\n`) expect(doc.errors).toMatchObject([{ pos: [0, tag.length] }]) })
test('missing separator at end of stream', () => { const doc = parseDocument(`%YAML 1.2\n`) expect(doc.errors).toMatchObject([{ pos: [10, 11] }]) })
test('missing separator before doc contents', () => { const doc = parseDocument(`%YAML 1.2\nfoo\n`) expect(doc.errors).toMatchObject([{ pos: [10, 11] }]) })
test('lone %', () => { const doc = parseDocument(`%`) expect(doc).toMatchObject({ errors: [{ code: 'MISSING_CHAR', pos: [1, 2] }], warnings: [{ code: 'BAD_DIRECTIVE', pos: [0, 1] }] }) })})