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JavaScript parser and stringifier for YAML
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import { Document, isSeq, parseDocument, Scalar, visit, visitAsync } from 'yaml'
const coll = { items: {} }
for (const [visit_, title] of [ [visit, 'visit()'], [visitAsync, 'visitAsync()']] as const) { describe(title, () => { test('Map', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('{ one: 1, two }') const fn = jest.fn() await visit_(doc, { Map: fn, Pair: fn, Seq: fn, Alias: fn, Scalar: fn }) expect(fn.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [null, coll, [{}]], [0, { key: {}, value: {} }, [{}, {}]], ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}, {}]], ['value', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 1 }, [{}, {}, {}]], [1, { key: {}, value: {} }, [{}, {}]], ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'two' }, [{}, {}, {}]] ]) })
test('Seq', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('- 1\n- two\n') const fn = jest.fn() await visit_(doc, { Map: fn, Pair: fn, Seq: fn, Alias: fn, Scalar: fn }) expect(fn.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [null, coll, [{ contents: {} }]], [0, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 1 }, [{ contents: {} }, coll]], [1, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'two' }, [{ contents: {} }, coll]] ]) })
test('Alias', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('- &a 1\n- *a\n') const fn = jest.fn() await visit_(doc, { Map: fn, Pair: fn, Seq: fn, Alias: fn, Scalar: fn }) expect(fn.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [null, coll, [{}]], [0, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 1, anchor: 'a' }, [{}, {}]], [1, { source: 'a' }, [{}, {}]] ]) })
test('Seq in Map', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('foo:\n - "one"\n - \'two\'\n') const fn = jest.fn() await visit_(doc, { Map: fn, Pair: fn, Seq: fn, Alias: fn, Scalar: fn }) expect(fn.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [null, coll, [{}]], [0, { key: {}, value: {} }, [{}, {}]], ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'foo' }, [{}, {}, {}]], ['value', coll, [{}, {}, {}]], [0, { type: 'QUOTE_DOUBLE', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}, {}, {}]], [1, { type: 'QUOTE_SINGLE', value: 'two' }, [{}, {}, {}, {}]] ]) })
test('Visit called with non-Document root', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('foo:\n - "one"\n - \'two\'\n') const fn = jest.fn() await visit_(doc.get('foo') as Scalar, fn) expect(fn.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [null, coll, []], [0, { type: 'QUOTE_DOUBLE', value: 'one' }, [coll]], [1, { type: 'QUOTE_SINGLE', value: 'two' }, [coll]] ]) })
test('Visiting a constructed document', async () => { const doc = new Document([1, 'two']) const fn = jest.fn() await visit_(doc, { Map: fn, Pair: fn, Seq: fn, Alias: fn, Scalar: fn }) expect(fn.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [null, { items: [{}, {}] }, [{}]], [0, { value: 1 }, [{}, {}]], [1, { value: 'two' }, [{}, {}]] ]) expect(String(doc)).toBe('- 1\n- two\n') })
test('Only Scalar defined', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('foo:\n - "one"\n - \'two\'\n') const Scalar = jest.fn() await visit_(doc, { Scalar }) expect(Scalar.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'foo' }, [{}, {}, {}]], [0, { type: 'QUOTE_DOUBLE', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}, {}, {}]], [1, { type: 'QUOTE_SINGLE', value: 'two' }, [{}, {}, {}, {}]] ]) })
test('Function as visitor', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('{ one: 1, two }') const fn = jest.fn() await visit_(doc, fn) expect(fn.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [null, coll, [{}]], [0, { key: {}, value: {} }, [{}, {}]], ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}, {}]], ['value', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 1 }, [{}, {}, {}]], [1, { key: {}, value: {} }, [{}, {}]], ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'two' }, [{}, {}, {}]], ['value', null, [{}, {}, {}]] ]) })
test('Change key value within Pair', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('foo:\n - "one"\n - \'two\'\n') await visit_(doc, { Pair(_, pair) { const sc = pair.key as Scalar if (sc.value === 'foo') sc.value = 'bar' } }) expect(String(doc)).toBe('bar:\n - "one"\n - \'two\'\n') })
test('Change key value within Scalar', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('foo:\n - "one"\n - \'two\'\n') await visit_(doc, { Scalar(key, node) { if (key === 'key' && node.value === 'foo') node.value = 'bar' } }) expect(String(doc)).toBe('bar:\n - "one"\n - \'two\'\n') })
test('Add item to Seq', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('- one\n- two\n') const Scalar = jest.fn() await visit_(doc, { Seq(_, seq) { seq.items.push(doc.createNode('three')) }, Scalar }) expect(Scalar.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [0, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}]], [1, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'two' }, [{}, {}]], [2, { value: 'three' }, [{}, {}]] ]) expect(String(doc)).toBe('- one\n- two\n- three\n') })
test('Do not visit block seq items', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('foo:\n - one\n - two\nbar:\n') const fn = jest.fn((_, node) => (isSeq(node) ? visit_.SKIP : undefined)) await visit_(doc, { Map: fn, Pair: fn, Seq: fn, Scalar: fn }) expect(fn.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [null, coll, [{}]], [0, { key: {}, value: {} }, [{}, {}]], ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'foo' }, [{}, {}, {}]], ['value', coll, [{}, {}, {}]], [1, { key: {}, value: {} }, [{}, {}]], ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'bar' }, [{}, {}, {}]], ['value', { type: 'PLAIN', value: null }, [{}, {}, {}]] ]) })
test('Break visit on command', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('- one\n- two\n- three\n') const Scalar = jest.fn((_, node) => node.value === 'two' ? visit_.BREAK : undefined ) await visit_(doc, { Scalar }) expect(Scalar.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [0, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}]], [1, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'two' }, [{}, {}]] ]) })
test('Modify seq item', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('- one\n- two\n- three\n') const Scalar = jest.fn((_, node) => node.value === 'two' ? doc.createNode(42) : undefined ) await visit_(doc, { Scalar }) expect(Scalar.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [0, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}]], [1, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'two' }, [{}, {}]], [1, { value: 42 }, [{}, {}]], [2, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'three' }, [{}, {}]] ]) expect(String(doc)).toBe('- one\n- 42\n- three\n') })
test('Skip seq item', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('- one\n- two\n- three\n') const Scalar = jest.fn(key => (key === 0 ? 2 : undefined)) await visit_(doc, { Scalar }) expect(Scalar.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [0, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}]], [2, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'three' }, [{}, {}]] ]) })
test('Remove seq item', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('- one\n- two\n- three\n') const Scalar = jest.fn((_, node) => node.value === 'two' ? visit_.REMOVE : undefined ) await visit_(doc, { Scalar }) expect(Scalar.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [0, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}]], [1, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'two' }, [{}, {}]], [1, { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'three' }, [{}, {}]] ]) expect(String(doc)).toBe('- one\n- three\n') })
test('Remove map value', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('one: 1\ntwo: 2\n') const Scalar = jest.fn((key, node) => key === 'value' && node.value === 2 ? visit_.REMOVE : undefined ) await visit_(doc, { Scalar }) expect(Scalar.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'one' }, [{}, {}, {}]], ['value', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 1 }, [{}, {}, {}]], ['key', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 'two' }, [{}, {}, {}]], ['value', { type: 'PLAIN', value: 2 }, [{}, {}, {}]] ]) expect(String(doc)).toBe('one: 1\ntwo: null\n') })
test('Fail to replace root node', async () => { const doc = parseDocument('- one\n- two\n- three\n') const Seq = jest.fn(() => doc.createNode(42)) if (visit_ === visit) { expect(() => visit_(doc.contents, { Seq })).toThrow( 'Cannot replace node with scalar parent' ) } else { await expect(visit_(doc.contents, { Seq })).rejects.toMatchObject({ message: 'Cannot replace node with scalar parent' }) } }) })}