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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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API References -

$ npm i @yano3nora/ts-utils
import { objectByKeys } from '@yano3nora/ts-utils'

objectByKeys([1, 2, 3], (key) => Number(key) * 10)
// => { '1': 10, '2': 20, '3': 30 }


$ code libs/new-function.ts # add function
$ code libs/new-function.test.ts # add test
$ code main.ts # add export

$ deno task dev

build & test

# build
$ deno task build

# link on local
$ deno task link
$ cd ../another-project
$ npm link package-name


$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'update'

$ export NPM_VERSION_SUB_COMMAND=minor # major | minor | patch
$ export ONE_TIME_PASSWORD=xxxxxx

# dry run
$ deno task publish:dry ${NPM_VERSION_SUB_COMMAND} ${ONE_TIME_PASSWORD}

# run
$ deno task publish:run ${NPM_VERSION_SUB_COMMAND} ${ONE_TIME_PASSWORD}
$ git push --tags && git push