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yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.
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/* global Deno */
import { assertNotEquals, assertStrictEquals,} from '';import { basename, dirname, extname, posix,} from '';
import cliui from '';import escalade from '';import Parser from '';import y18n from '';import {YError} from '../../build/lib/yerror.js';
const REQUIRE_ERROR = 'require is not supported by ESM';const REQUIRE_DIRECTORY_ERROR = 'loading a directory of commands is not supported yet for ESM';
// Deno removes argv[0] and argv[1] from Deno.args:const argv = ['deno run', ...Deno.args];const __dirname = new URL('.', import.meta.url).pathname;
// Yargs supports environment variables with prefixes, e.g., MY_APP_FOO,// MY_APP_BAR. Environment variables are also used to detect locale.let cwd = '';let env: {[key: string]: string} = {};try { env = Deno.env.toObject(); cwd = Deno.cwd();} catch (err) { if ( !== 'PermissionDenied') { throw err; }}
const path = { basename: basename, dirname: dirname, extname: extname, relative: (p1: string, p2: string) => { try { return posix.relative(p1, p2); } catch (err) { // Some yargs featuers require read access to the file system, // e.g., support for multiple locales. if ( !== 'PermissionDenied') { throw err; } return p1; } }, resolve: posix.resolve,};
// TODO: replace with Deno.consoleSize(Deno.stdout.rid)// once this feature is stable:const columns = 80;
export default { assert: { notStrictEqual: assertNotEquals, strictEqual: assertStrictEquals, }, cliui: cliui, findUp: escalade, getEnv: (key: string) => { return env[key]; }, inspect: Deno.inspect, getCallerFile: () => undefined, getProcessArgvBin: () => { return 'deno'; }, mainFilename: cwd, Parser: Parser, path: path, process: { argv: () => argv, cwd: () => cwd, execPath: () => { try { return Deno.execPath(); } catch (_err) { return 'deno'; } }, exit: Deno.exit, nextTick: window.queueMicrotask, stdColumns: columns ?? null, }, readFileSync: Deno.readTextFileSync, require: () => { throw new YError(REQUIRE_ERROR); }, requireDirectory: () => { throw new YError(REQUIRE_DIRECTORY_ERROR); }, stringWidth: (str: string) => { return [...str].length; }, y18n: y18n({ directory: posix.resolve(__dirname, '../../locales'), updateFiles: false, }),};