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yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.
interface PlatformShim
import { type PlatformShim } from "";


assert: { notStrictEqual: (
expected: any,
observed: any,
message?: string | Error,
) => void; strictEqual: (
expected: any,
observed: any,
message?: string | Error,
) => void; }
findUp: (startDir: string, fn: (dir: string[], names: string[]) => string | undefined) => string
getCallerFile: () => string
getEnv: (key: string) => string | undefined
getProcessArgvBin: () => string
inspect: (obj: object) => string
mainFilename: string
requireDirectory: Function
stringWidth: (str: string) => number
cliui: Function
Parser: Parser
path: { basename: (p1: string, p2?: string) => string; extname: (path: string) => string; dirname: (path: string) => string; relative: (p1: string, p2: string) => string; resolve: (p1: string, p2: string) => string; }
process: { argv: () => string[]; cwd: () => string; emitWarning: (warning: string | Error, type?: string) => void; execPath: () => string; exit: (code: number) => void; nextTick: (cb: Function) => void; stdColumns: number | null; }
readFileSync: (path: string, encoding: string) => string
require: RequireType
y18n: Y18N