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Yolk CLI - An Oak-based, batteries included CLI tool for the Oak framework, used to quickly create, structure, and run Oak applications.
import { createproject } from "./functions/createproject.js";import { createapplet } from "./functions/createapplet.js";import { migrate } from "./functions/migrate.js";import { rundenon } from "./functions/denon.js";
function red(str) { const run = (str, code) => { return `${}${str.replace(code.regexp,}${code.close}` }
const code = (open, close) => { return { open: `\x1b[${open.join(";")}m`, close: `\x1b[${close}m`, regexp: new RegExp(`\\x1b\\[${close}m`, "g"), }; }
return run(str, code([31], 39));}
let command = Deno.args[0];
switch (command) { case "createproject": await createproject(Deno.args[1]); console.log("Yolk project created sucessfully."); break; case "createapplet": if (Deno.args[1] === undefined) { console.log("No applet created. Please provide a name for the applet."); } else { await createapplet(Deno.args[1]); console.log("Applet {" + Deno.args[1] + "} created sucessfully."); } break;
case "migrate": if (Deno.args[1] === "drop") { await migrate(true); } else { await migrate(false); } console.log("All models created sucessfully."); break;
case "run": if (Deno.args[1] === undefined) { await rundenon("deno run -A --unstable server.js"); } else { await rundenon("deno run -A --unstable server.js " + Deno.args[1]); } break;
default: let helpText;
if (command === undefined || command === "--help" || command === "help") { helpText = ""; } else { helpText = `\n\n--> Command {${command}} is not a valid command\n`; }
console.log(`Yolk CLI - Oak-Based, Batteries-IncludedCopyright 2020 - Anthony ManciniLicensed under an MIT license
Available Commands:-------------------
createproject [<dynamic>] | Creates a new project. By default dependencies for a new project | are linked to specific version numbers of that dependency. You can | optionally include the dynamic flag to make all dependencies use | the master branch of their respective repositories.

createapplet <applet_name> | Creates an new applet with a specified name.
migrate [drop] | Migrates all of the models in all of the applets. Add the drop | parameter to drop the existing models in the database in the case | where those models already exist.

run [<port_number>] | Runs the server using denon, restarting the server whenever a file | in the project is updated. You can change the port number by | specifying a port number, with the default set to 55555 if no port | number is chosen.

help | Displays this help information.`.trim() + "\n" + red(helpText)); break;}