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interface ChromeManifest
import { type ChromeManifest } from "";

Index Signatures

[k: string]: unknown


manifest_version: 2 | 3

One integer specifying the version of the manifest file format your package requires.

name: string

The name of the extension

version: string

One to four dot-separated integers identifying the version of this extension.

default_locale: string

Specifies the subdirectory of _locales that contains the default strings for this extension.

description: string

A plain text description of the extension

icons: { [k: string]: unknown; 16?: string; 48?: string; 128?: string; 256?: string; }

One or more icons that represent the extension, app, or theme. Recommended format: PNG; also BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG.

chrome_url_overrides: { bookmarks?: string; history?: string; newtab?: string; }

Override pages are a way to substitute an HTML file from your extension for a page that Google Chrome normally provides.

commands: { [k: string]: unknown; }

Use the commands API to add keyboard shortcuts that trigger actions in your extension, for example, an action to open the browser action or send a command to the extension.

content_scripts: [{ matches: [MatchPattern, ...MatchPattern[]]; exclude_matches?: MatchPattern[]; css?: Icon[]; js?: Scripts; run_at?: "document_start" | "document_end" | "document_idle"; all_frames?: boolean; include_globs?: GlobPattern[]; exclude_globs?: GlobPattern[]; match_about_blank?: boolean; }, ...{ matches: [MatchPattern, ...MatchPattern[]]; exclude_matches?: MatchPattern[]; css?: Icon[]; js?: Scripts; run_at?: "document_start" | "document_end" | "document_idle"; all_frames?: boolean; include_globs?: GlobPattern[]; exclude_globs?: GlobPattern[]; match_about_blank?: boolean; }[]]

Content scripts are JavaScript files that run in the context of web pages.

devtools_page: string

A DevTools extension adds functionality to the Chrome DevTools. It can add new UI panels and sidebars, interact with the inspected page, get information about network requests, and more.

externally_connectable: { ids?: string[]; matches?: string[]; accepts_tls_channel_id?: boolean; }

Declares which extensions, apps, and web pages can connect to your extension via runtime.connect and runtime.sendMessage.

file_browser_handlers: [{ id: string; default_title: string; file_filters: [string, ...string[]]; }, ...{ id: string; default_title: string; file_filters: [string, ...string[]]; }[]]

You can use this API to enable users to upload files to your website.

homepage_url: string

The URL of the homepage for this extension.

incognito: "spanning" | "split" | "not_allowed"

Specify how this extension will behave if allowed to run in incognito mode.

input_components: { name: string; type: string; id: string; description: string; language: string; layouts: unknown[]; }[]

Allows your extension to handle keystrokes, set the composition, and manage the candidate window.

key: string

This value can be used to control the unique ID of an extension, app, or theme when it is loaded during development.

minimum_chrome_version: string

The version of Chrome that your extension, app, or theme requires, if any.

nacl_modules: [{ path: string; mime_type: string; }, ...{ path: string; mime_type: string; }[]]

One or more mappings from MIME types to the Native Client module that handles each type.

oauth2: { client_id: string; scopes: [string, ...string[]]; }

Use the Chrome Identity API to authenticate users: the getAuthToken for users logged into their Google Account and the launchWebAuthFlow for users logged into a non-Google account.

offline_enabled: boolean

Whether the app or extension is expected to work offline. When Chrome detects that it is offline, apps with this field set to true will be highlighted on the New Tab page.

omnibox: { keyword: string; }

The omnibox API allows you to register a keyword with Google Chrome's address bar, which is also known as the omnibox.

optional_permissions: Permissions
options_page: string

To allow users to customize the behavior of your extension, you may wish to provide an options page. If you do, a link to it will be provided from the extensions management page at chrome://extensions. Clicking the Options link opens a new tab pointing at your options page.

options_ui: { [k: string]: unknown; page: string; chrome_style?: boolean; open_in_tab?: boolean; }

To allow users to customize the behavior of your extension, you may wish to provide an options page. If you do, an Options link will be shown on the extensions management page at chrome://extensions which opens a dialogue containing your options page.

permissions: Permissions1
requirements: { 3D?: { features: ["webgl", ..."webgl"[]]; }; plugins?: { npapi: boolean; }; }

Technologies required by the app or extension. Hosting sites such as the Chrome Web Store may use this list to dissuade users from installing apps or extensions that will not work on their computer.

sandbox: { pages: [Icon, ...Icon[]]; content_security_policy?: string; }

Defines an collection of app or extension pages that are to be served in a sandboxed unique origin, and optionally a Content Security Policy to use with them.

short_name: string

The short name is typically used where there is insufficient space to display the full name.

update_url: string

If you publish using the Chrome Developer Dashboard, ignore this field. If you host your own extension or app: URL to an update manifest XML file.

tts_engine: { voices: [{ voice_name: string; lang?: string; gender?: string; event_types: [
| "start"
| "word"
| "sentence"
| "marker"
| "end"
| "error"
, ...(
| "start"
| "word"
| "sentence"
| "marker"
| "end"
| "error"
; }, ...{ voice_name: string; lang?: string; gender?: string; event_types: [
| "start"
| "word"
| "sentence"
| "marker"
| "end"
| "error"
, ...(
| "start"
| "word"
| "sentence"
| "marker"
| "end"
| "error"
; }[]]
; }

Register itself as a speech engine.

version_name: string

In addition to the version field, which is used for update purposes, version_name can be set to a descriptive version string and will be used for display purposes if present.

chrome_settings_overrides: unknown
content_pack: unknown
current_locale: unknown
import: unknown
platforms: unknown
signature: unknown
spellcheck: unknown
storage: unknown
system_indicator: unknown