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JavaScript library to zip and unzip files in the browser and Deno
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import { babel } from "@rollup/plugin-babel";import resolve from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";import commonjs from "@rollup/plugin-commonjs";import replace from "@rollup/plugin-replace";import { terser } from "rollup-plugin-terser";import fs from "fs";
const bundledTerserOptions = { compress: { unsafe: true, unsafe_comps: true, unsafe_symbols: true, unsafe_proto: true, keep_fargs: false, passes: 3, ecma: "5" }};
const inlineTerserOptions = { compress: { unsafe: true, unsafe_comps: true, unsafe_math: true, unsafe_symbols: true, unsafe_proto: true, keep_fargs: false, passes: 3, ecma: "5" }, mangle: { properties: { reserved: ["codecType", "config", "salt", "iterations", "keys", "password", "encryptionStrength", "encrypted", "signed", "compressed", "level", "zipCrypto", "passwordVerification"] } }};
const babelPresets = [ [ "@babel/preset-env", { corejs: 3, modules: false, useBuiltIns: "usage", targets: { ie: "11", safari: "10" } } ]];
const bundledPlugins = [ commonjs(), resolve(), babel({ babelHelpers: "bundled", babelrc: false, exclude: "node_modules/**", presets: babelPresets, compact: false, plugins: [["babel-plugin-transform-async-to-promises", { externalHelpers: true }]] })];
const inlinePlugins = [ commonjs(), resolve(), babel({ babelHelpers: "inline", babelrc: false, exclude: "node_modules/**", presets: babelPresets, compact: false })];
export default [{ input: "lib/z-worker.js", output: [{ file: "lib/z-worker-inline.js", format: "es", plugins: [terser(inlineTerserOptions)] }], plugins: inlinePlugins}, { input: "lib/z-worker-inline-template-base64.js", output: [{ file: "lib/z-worker-inline.js", format: "es" }], plugins: [ replace({ preventAssignment: true, "__workerCode__": () => JSON.stringify(fs.readFileSync("lib/z-worker-inline.js", { encoding: "base64" })) }), terser(bundledTerserOptions) ]}, { input: ["lib/zip.js"], output: [{ file: "dist/zip-es5.min.js", format: "umd", name: "zip", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }, { file: "dist/zip-es5.js", format: "umd", name: "zip" }], plugins: bundledPlugins}, { input: ["lib/zip-full.js"], output: [{ file: "dist/zip-full-es5.min.js", format: "umd", name: "zip", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }, { file: "dist/zip-full-es5.js", format: "umd", name: "zip" }], plugins: bundledPlugins}, { input: "lib/zip-no-worker.js", output: [{ file: "dist/zip-no-worker-es5.min.js", format: "umd", name: "zip", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }], plugins: bundledPlugins}, { input: "lib/zip-no-worker-deflate.js", output: [{ file: "dist/zip-no-worker-deflate-es5.min.js", format: "umd", name: "zip", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }], plugins: bundledPlugins}, { input: "lib/zip-no-worker-inflate.js", output: [{ file: "dist/zip-no-worker-inflate-es5.min.js", format: "umd", name: "zip", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }], plugins: bundledPlugins}, { input: "lib/zip-fs.js", output: [{ file: "dist/zip-fs-es5.min.js", format: "umd", name: "zip", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }, { file: "dist/zip-fs-es5.js", format: "umd", name: "zip" }], plugins: bundledPlugins}, { input: "index.js", output: [{ file: "dist/zip-fs-full-es5.min.js", format: "umd", name: "zip", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }, { file: "dist/zip-fs-full-es5.js", format: "umd", name: "zip" }], plugins: bundledPlugins}, { input: "lib/z-worker-bootstrap-pako.js", output: [{ file: "dist/z-worker-pako-es5.js", format: "iife", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }], plugins: inlinePlugins}, { input: "lib/z-worker-bootstrap-fflate.js", output: [{ file: "dist/z-worker-fflate-es5.js", format: "iife", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }], plugins: inlinePlugins}, { input: "lib/z-worker.js", output: [{ file: "dist/z-worker-es5.js", format: "iife", plugins: [terser(bundledTerserOptions)] }], plugins: inlinePlugins}];