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JavaScript library to zip and unzip files in the browser and Deno
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/* global document, location, addEventListener */
// Open `index.html` in a browser to run this file
import tests from "./tests-data.js";
const table = document.createElement("table");tests.forEach(test => { const row = document.createElement("tr"); const cellTest = document.createElement("td"); const cellLink = document.createElement("td"); const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); const link = document.createElement("a"); link.textContent = test.title; = test.script; row.dataset.script = test.script; link.href = iframe.src = (test.env || "all") + "/loader.html#" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ script: test.script })); cellTest.appendChild(iframe); cellLink.appendChild(link); row.appendChild(cellLink); row.appendChild(cellTest); table.appendChild(row);});document.body.appendChild(table);if (!"?keepTests")) { addEventListener("message", event => { const result = JSON.parse(; if (!result.error) { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("tr")).find(row => row.dataset.script == result.script).remove(); } if (!document.querySelectorAll("tr").length) { document.body.innerHTML = "ok"; } }, false);}