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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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import { INVALID } from "./helpers/util.ts";import { ZodError } from "./ZodError.ts";
type Func = (arg: any, ctx: { async: boolean }) => any;type FuncItem = { type: "function"; function: Func };type Catcher = (error: Error, ctx: { async: boolean }) => any;type CatcherItem = { type: "catcher"; catcher: Catcher };type Items = (FuncItem | CatcherItem)[];
export const NOSET = Symbol("no_set");export class PseudoPromise<PayloadType = undefined> { readonly _return: PayloadType | undefined; items: Items; constructor(funcs: Items = []) { this.items = funcs; }
static all = <T extends [PseudoPromise<any>, ...PseudoPromise<any>[]]>( pps: T ) => { return new PseudoPromise().all(() => pps); };
all = <P extends PseudoPromise<any>, T extends [P, ...P[]]>( func: (arg: PayloadType, ctx: { async: boolean }) => T ): PseudoPromise< { [k in keyof T]: T[k] extends PseudoPromise<infer U> ? U : never; } > => { return this.then((arg, ctx) => { const pps = func(arg, ctx); if (ctx.async) { const allValues = Promise.all( (pp) => { try { return await pp.getValueAsync(); } catch (err) { return INVALID; } }) ).then((vals) => { return vals; }); return allValues; } else { return => pp.getValueSync()) as any; } }); };
static object = (pps: { [k: string]: PseudoPromise<any> }) => { return new PseudoPromise().then((_arg, ctx) => { const value: any = {};
const zerr = new ZodError([]); if (ctx.async) { const getAsyncObject = async () => { const items = await Promise.all( Object.keys(pps).map(async (k) => { try { const v = await pps[k].getValueAsync(); return [k, v] as [string, any]; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ZodError) { zerr.addIssues(err.issues); return [k, INVALID] as [string, any]; } throw err; } }) );
if (!zerr.isEmpty) throw zerr;
for (const item of items) { if (item[1] !== NOSET) value[item[0]] = item[1]; }
return value; }; return getAsyncObject(); } else { const items = Object.keys(pps).map((k) => { try { const v = pps[k].getValueSync(); return [k, v] as [string, any]; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ZodError) { zerr.addIssues(err.issues); return [k, INVALID] as [string, any]; } throw err; } }); if (!zerr.isEmpty) throw zerr; for (const item of items) { if (item[1] !== NOSET) value[item[0]] = item[1]; } return value; } }); };
static resolve = <T>(value: T): PseudoPromise<T> => { if (value instanceof PseudoPromise) { throw new Error("Do not pass PseudoPromise into PseudoPromise.resolve"); } return new PseudoPromise().then(() => value) as any; };
then = <NewPayload>( func: (arg: PayloadType, ctx: { async: boolean }) => NewPayload ): PseudoPromise<NewPayload extends Promise<infer U> ? U : NewPayload> => { return new PseudoPromise([ ...this.items, { type: "function", function: func }, ]); };
// parallel = < // NewFunc extends (arg: PayloadType, ctx: { async: boolean }) => any, // ParallelArgs extends [NewFunc, ...NewFunc[]] // >( // ...funcs: ParallelArgs // ): PseudoPromise< // { // [k in keyof ParallelArgs]: ParallelArgs[k] extends ( // ...args: any // ) => infer R // ? R extends Promise<infer U> // ? U // : R // : never; // } // > => { // return new PseudoPromise([ // ...this.items, // { type: "function", function: func }, // ]); // };
catch = (catcher: (err: Error, ctx: { async: boolean }) => unknown): this => { return new PseudoPromise([ ...this.items, { type: "catcher", catcher }, ]) as this; };
getValueSync = (): PayloadType => { let val: any = undefined;
for (let index = 0; index < this.items.length; index++) { try { const item = this.items[index];
if (item.type === "function") { val = item.function(val, { async: false }); } } catch (err) { const catcherIndex = this.items.findIndex( (x, i) => x.type === "catcher" && i > index );
const catcherItem = this.items[catcherIndex]; if (!catcherItem || catcherItem.type !== "catcher") { throw err; } else { index = catcherIndex; val = catcherItem.catcher(err, { async: false }); } } }
return val; };
getValueAsync = async (): Promise<PayloadType> => { let val: any = undefined;
for (let index = 0; index < this.items.length; index++) { const item = this.items[index]; try { if (item.type === "function") { val = await item.function(val, { async: true }); } } catch (err) { const catcherIndex = this.items.findIndex( (x, i) => x.type === "catcher" && i > index );
const catcherItem = this.items[catcherIndex];
if (!catcherItem || catcherItem.type !== "catcher") { throw err; } else { index = catcherIndex; val = await catcherItem.catcher(err, { async: true }); } }
if (val instanceof PseudoPromise) { throw new Error("ASYNC: DO NOT RETURN PSEUDOPROMISE FROM FUNCTIONS"); } if (val instanceof Promise) { throw new Error("ASYNC: DO NOT RETURN PROMISE FROM FUNCTIONS"); } } return val; };}