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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import { util } from "../helpers/util.ts";import * as z from "../index.ts";
const promSchema = z.promise( z.object({ name: z.string(), age: z.number(), }));
test("promise inference", () => { type promSchemaType = z.infer<typeof promSchema>; const t1: util.AssertEqual< promSchemaType, Promise<{ name: string; age: number }> > = true; expect(t1).toBeTruthy();});
test("promise parsing success", async () => { const pr = promSchema.parse(Promise.resolve({ name: "Bobby", age: 10 })); expect(pr).toBeInstanceOf(Promise); const result = await pr; expect(typeof result).toBe("object"); expect(typeof result.age).toBe("number"); expect(typeof"string");});
test("promise parsing success 2", () => { const fakePromise = { then() { return this; }, catch() { return this; }, }; promSchema.parse(fakePromise);});
test("promise parsing fail", async () => { const bad = promSchema.parse(Promise.resolve({ name: "Bobby", age: "10" })); // return await expect(bad).resolves.toBe({ name: 'Bobby', age: '10' }); return await expect(bad).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodError); // done();});
test("promise parsing fail 2", async () => { const failPromise = promSchema.parse( Promise.resolve({ name: "Bobby", age: "10" }) ); await expect(failPromise).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodError); // done();/z});
test("promise parsing fail", () => { const bad = () => promSchema.parse({ then: () => {}, catch: {} }); expect(bad).toThrow();});
// test('sync promise parsing', () => {// expect(() => z.promise(z.string()).parse(Promise.resolve('asfd'))).toThrow();// });
const asyncFunction = z.function(z.tuple([]), promSchema);
test("async function pass", async () => { const validatedFunction = asyncFunction.implement(async () => { return { name: "jimmy", age: 14 }; }); await expect(validatedFunction()).resolves.toEqual({ name: "jimmy", age: 14, });});
test("async function fail", async () => { const validatedFunction = asyncFunction.implement(() => { return Promise.resolve("asdf" as any); }); await expect(validatedFunction()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(z.ZodError);});
test("async promise parsing", () => { const res = z.promise(z.number()).parseAsync(Promise.resolve(12)); expect(res).toBeInstanceOf(Promise);});