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TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
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// @ts-ignore TS6133import { expect } from "";const test = Deno.test;
import * as z from "../index.ts";
test("parse strict object with unknown keys", () => { expect(() => z .object({ name: z.string() }) .strict() .parse({ name: "bill", unknownKey: 12 } as any) ).toThrow();});
test("parse nonstrict object with unknown keys", () => { z.object({ name: z.string() }) .nonstrict() .parse({ name: "bill", unknownKey: 12 });});
test("invalid left side of intersection", () => { expect(() => z.intersection(z.string(), z.number()).parse(12 as any) ).toThrow();});
test("invalid right side of intersection", () => { expect(() => z.intersection(z.string(), z.number()).parse("12" as any) ).toThrow();});
test("parsing non-array in tuple schema", () => { expect(() => z.tuple([]).parse("12" as any)).toThrow();});
test("incorrect num elements in tuple", () => { expect(() => z.tuple([]).parse(["asdf"] as any)).toThrow();});
test("invalid enum value", () => { expect(() => z.enum(["Blue"]).parse("Red" as any)).toThrow();});
test("parsing unknown", () => { z.string().parse("Red" as unknown);});